
The Department of Electronics & Communication is an integral part of the Integral University. It produces graduates, post-graduates and researchers of excellent calibre. The well-equipped laboratories form the backbone of the department there by contributing significantly to the practical adeptness of the students. The department offers courses, which are industrial in focus as well as research oriented.
The Department of Electronics Technology is one of the oldest departments of this University, Established in 1998. The department secured NBA accreditation in 2007.The department has distinguished itself with its alumni spread all over the world. Equipped with the most advanced labs, this department nurtures young minds & provides them the appropriate launch pads to grow and excel in the technical world. The department offers Bachelor of Technology, Master of Technology and Doctoral Degree. The selection procedure is based on Combined Entrance Test IUET. Apart from academics, the department outshines other departments in inter-departmental cultural and sports competitions.    Learn more →

News & Announcement

   Guest Lecture on Soft Skill
   Open Ph.D. Viva-Voce Examination of Mr. Mohammad Amir Ansari
   Open Ph.D. Viva-Voce of Ms. Nivedita Mishra
   Open Ph.D. Viva-Voce Examination of Mr. Vedvrat
   Open Ph.D. Viva-Voce Examination of Ms. Rupali Gupta
   II Continuous Assessment Schedule (Oct.15-18, 2024)
   Activity on "Wish Tree: Symbol of hope and kindness for celebrating DAAN UTSAV (Joy of Giving week) on October 7-8, 2024
   Guest Lecture on "How to Create a Balance between Personal and Professional Life on October 7, 2024
   Guest Lecture on,"The Changing Landscape of Education"
   List of Departmental Coordinators 2024_25
   Ph.D Notification for the Session-2024-2025
   National Seminar on Space System: Exploring New Dimensions
   Five-Week Equivalent Blended Internship Programme on the Application of MATLAB in Engineering, from 25 September to 28 October 2023.
   List of Departmental Coordinators (2023-24)
    Academic Calendar Odd. Sem. For Second Year and onward (2023-24)
    Academic Calendar Odd. Sem. For First Year 2023-24
   Guest Lecture on Mental Health Issues and Counselling Thursday, 2nd March 2023
   Two-Week Equivalent Blended Faculty Development Programme On “Recent Trends in Communication and Computational Technologies” Sep 12 -Oct 10, 2022
   Value added Course offered by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
    Academic Calendar 2021-2022(Even Semester)_Old Students


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