Prof. Dr. Abdul Azeez

(Dean Engineering IT)



I extend my warm welcome to all the students, staff, industry partners and collaborators to the Faculty of Engineering and IT at Integral University. The students, academic and administrative staff are the pillars of the faculty who hold the success of the academic and research prominence and excellence. Without the sheer commitments, true dedications, continuous perseverance and strong determination of both staff and students, the faculty cannot move forward to accomplish its Vision. The Vision of the faculty is

to become a renowned, recognized, and reputable (3Rs) faculty in the field of engineering and technology driven by inventions, interactions and innovations (3Is) in fulfilling the needs of the students, industries and society.

In short, Vision is acronym as 3R3I. To guide in fulfilling this Vision, three missions were formulated. The three missions are

1) to proliferate academic and research profiles that are well-known both nationally and internationally; 2) to produce quality graduates, internationally acclaimed research and publications that are highly recognized by the industries and societies and 3) to fulfill international standards in the achievement of academic and research excellence.

This faculty offers both undergraduate and postgraduate programs in seven departments namely Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Bioengineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering and Computer Applications. These programs are well-structured, highly competitive and meet international standards in equipping students with updated knowledge and skills to fulfill the needs of industries and organizations. This faculty has excellent and dedicated academic staff, well-trained lab assistants and administrative staff, modern laboratories and facilities, latest and updated equipment, smart classrooms fitted with required equipment, that are essentially required for teaching and learning, research development and publications in the field of engineering and technology. The curriculum of each program that are offered by each department in the faculty is regularly reviewed, revised and updated following the views of the experts from accreditation board, professional bodies and industries to produce quality graduates who would stay updated and relevant to meet the current needs of the industries and professional organizations.

This faculty is striving hard in producing quality graduates, internationally acclaimed research and publications, marketable consultancy projects in engineering and technology with the cooperation from the dedicated academic staff of the faculty to propel the faculty in realizing its Vision. The faculty will never feel complacent in its journey to accomplish academic and research excellence where continuous improvement is always required as the faculty moves forward to attain its Vision. The faculty is intended to serve the students, industries and society continuously in fulfilling the aspirations and expectations of these stakeholders.

Enjoy your stay on campus but at the same time strive hard, stay competitive and confident in your academic path to acquire updated knowledge and skills in your respective programs. I wish all the students a smooth and successful travel in their academic journey to attain academic excellence.

16 +

Research Projects


Research Grants

138 +


62 +

Other Publications

70 +


16 +



Explore Engineering Department


Mankind have engineered several inventions but most of the inventions were not based on biology. The current platform of knowledge in bioengineering has reached to a remarkable point now and the time has arrived to convert this knowledge into fruitful and commercializable technologies. Biological engineering or bioengineering is the application of concepts and methods of biology to solve real-world problems related to the life sciences and/or the application thereof, using analytical and synthetic methodologies and also its traditional sensitivity to the cost and practicality of the solution(s) arrived at. With the availability of such vast knowledgebase developed in these several decades in the field of bioengineering have lead to the realization of its potential worldwide throughout the scientific and engineering community, hence people around the globe are starting bio-ventures based on the technologies developed till date. But still there is a long way to go on this newly laid path.

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Imparting skill, knowledge, education and training are the focal elements of the Department of Civil Engineering, Integral University, Lucknow. The Department is actively working in various spheres towards the overall development of students enrolled in B. Tech., M. Tech., and PhD Programs. The Department collaborated with L&T EduTech and started an industry-led B.Tech program in Civil Engineering. This program strikes the right blend of industry-academia to make students abreast with concepts of engineering from the academic experts of Integral University, on the other hand, got familiar with industry practices through application-oriented courses developed by the industry experts of L&T EduTech. The program aims to prepare the student for the industry by providing an immersive learning experience and opportunities for site visits, internships and projects.

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The Department currently offers 01 UG, 02 PG and 01 PhD programs. The Computer labs in the department are well equipped with state-of-the art hardware and software. All laboratories, staff Rooms and offices are fully networked and connected to the Internet.
The teaching staffs are actively involved in Research and Development activities in the emerging areas of Computer Science & Engineering. Faculty members of the Department of Computer Science & Engineering are highly qualified, educated from reputed institutes, dedicated and dynamic. Currently research is being carried out in the areas of Software Engineering and Cloud Computing, Computer Networks and security, Digital Image Processing, Soft Computing, Big data and AI.

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The Department was established in 2003 and is one of the most reputed academic departments in the field of Computer Application. The curriculum of this department is addressed to the students who wish to be distinguished as Software Developer, Computer System Analyst, Software Engineer, Software Application Architect, Hardware Engineer, Software Consultant, Database Administrator in the private and public sector. You can become part of this highly competitive and futuristic environment by enrolling for one of our exciting programs. The Department offers a 6 semester Bachelor program in Computer Application (BCA), 4 semester Master program in Computer Application. The combination of a dynamic and innovative curriculum that takes advantage of the latest technologies, with the experienced faculties of the Department, creates a fertile ground for the effective dissemination of knowledge and the development of the necessary skills for future professional recognition of the Department's students.

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Welcome to the Department of Electrical Engineering at Integral University, Lucknow. Established as one of the major departments of the Institute, since its inception in 2011, the Department of Electrical Engineering has been actively engaged in teaching and research in diverse fields of Electrical Engineering. With excellent faculty, the Department of Electrical Engineering offers undergraduate (B.Tech), Postgraduate (M.Tech) and Research (Ph.D.) programmes. The Department has fully equipped laboratories such as Electrical Machines laboratory, Power Systems Laboratory, Control Systems laboratory, Electrical Measurements laboratory, Power Electronics & Drives Laboratory, Electrical workshop Laboratory & Electrical circuit simulation laboratory with well qualified faculty members having post graduate & doctoral degrees in Engineering. The Department is also actively engaged in research, consultancy and testing in the area of Power Systems and Power Electronics. The department is regularly producing research publications in international/national journals and conferences. Many research scholars are pursuing Doctoral research in various emerging fields of Electrical Engineering.

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The Department of Electronics & Communication is an integral part of the Integral University. It produces graduates, post-graduates and researchers of excellent calibre. The well-equipped laboratories form the backbone of the department there by contributing significantly to the practical adeptness of the students. The department offers courses, which are industrial in focus as well as research oriented.
The Department of Electronics Technology is one of the oldest departments of this University, Established in 1998. The department secured NBA accreditation in 2007.The department has distinguished itself with its alumni spread all over the world. Equipped with the most advanced labs, this department nurtures young minds & provides them the appropriate launch pads to grow and excel in the technical world. The department offers Bachelor of Technology, Master of Technology and Doctoral Degree. The selection procedure is based on Combined Entrance Test IUET. Apart from academics, the department outshines other departments in inter-departmental cultural and sports competitions.

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The Department of Mechanical Engineering was established in the year 1999. It offers degrees related to B.Tech, M.Tech. and. Ph.D. programmes. The department is NBA accredited as “B” in the year 2009.
The department has a committed and highly experienced team of faculty members, well established laboratories and state of the art workshop. The laboratories include Fluid Mechanics, Strength of Materials, Manufacturing Science, Engineering Drawing, CAD/CAM, Applied Thermodynamics, Dynamics of Machines, Materials Science, Metrology, Fluid Machinery, Refrigeration and Air conditioning, Heat and Mass Transfer and Automobile Engineering.

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