Faculty of Law | Integral University Lucknow | Legal Education and Programs

Faculty of Law

      Dr. Naseem Ahmed
(Ext. No.) 7027


To impart the rich heritage of legal thoughts and traditions of India in the globalised scenario along with the breadth and depth of academic instructions.


  • To become an Institution of Law of premier content, breeding students focusing on research and community work besides fulfilling their respective ambitions.
  • To impart knowledge of law and research with a view to ensure its proper role in national development.
  • To develop the skills in advocacy, judicial services and entrepreneurship in the legal scenario with an aim to serve the society.
  • To encourage employability local and global competence in a conducive legal environment.
  • To develop the spirit of 'Vasudev Kutumbakam' and to create the community feeling in the youth and sensitisation towards a healthy environment.


Success of law school and law colleges rests on their ability to bring out the excellence in their law students by nurturing their attitude to become smart, honest and committed lawyers. Law being a normative science learns more towards social science and hence it eludes scientific precision and objectivity. In this scenario competency in teaching is inevitable.

At present the main objective of the legal study is not only to enter the Bench and Bar. The option of career has been increased but quality of education is inevitable for them. So we are providing quality and career oriented education to young minds.

I welcome the budding lawyers to this great portal of excellence. Your enthusiasm and discipline would add much colour, vibrancy and skills in the department and the University as a whole.

The Faculty of Law in turn would dig deep into the souls of the budding law students, informing, shaping and moulding them into great legal professionals.
