The Deparment of Nursing has organized Swach Bharat Abhiyan and the 100th birth anniversary of Mata Gandhi in 1969 as a Youth Services Program in India. On 1st October 2021, Swach Bharat Abhiyan Awareness Programme celebrated in Community area and guidance of departmental premises by the Dean IIAHS&R Dr. Farid Mohammad, Director IIAHSR, Dr. Ashfaque Khan, Principal IINSR&R Mr. Farzand Ali Vice Principal, Ms. Sony Verma and all facility members. The students of all B.Sc nursing 1st , 2nd , 3rd , 4th year, GNM 1st , 2nd ,3rd Year and PBBSc 1st year participated in this event. On the occasions nursing department organized various poster competitions and green practices for Swach Bharat and green & clean campus.150 students participated in Poster competitions on Swach Bharat and 150 students participated in green practices for clean and green Campus. The Program was celebrated in community are along in Deparment nursing they have given awareness through cleaning and education on Swach Bharat. All B.Sc. Nursing GNM, PBBSc students made posters and winners I,II & III got certificates. The programme was successfully well coordianted by the Deparment of Nursing, Integral University. The response from the audience was quite overwhelming.