For the successful roll out of 75 seminars/workshops PAN India, MoHUA, developed an 'Awas Par Samvad' module in the PMAY (U). While broad themes were suggested by MoHUA, institutions will had the leverage to identify topics for panel discussions. However, it was mandated that every workshop should include a session on PMAY (U) mission, life transformation journey - experience sharing, showcasing videos and short films on PMAY(U).
Faculty of Architecture Planning and Design, Integral University, Lucknow, had the honor to host online workshop/seminar AWAS PAR SAMVAD on the special theme of Social Mobilization in collaboration with the State Urban Development Authority (SUDA), UP, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MOHUA), India and UN HABITAT.
Keynote address was delivered by Prof. Indrani Chakraborty, Dean, FOAPD, Integral University Lucknow, on behalf of Prof. Aquil Ahmad, Hon'ble PVC, Integral University Lucknow. The webinar was graced by dignitaries Mr. Ravi Kr. Gautam, Director, PMAY, MOHUA, Mr. Ravish Kumar Singh, Nodal Officer, SUDA, Dr. Subhrajit Banerjee, Associate Professor, FOAP, AKTU, Lucknow, Prof. Biplab Kanti Sengupta, Ex Professor, IIT Kharagpur, Prof. Subodh Sankar, Ex Chief Architect Planner UP Housing Board., UP, Ar. KK Asthana, Head, Architecture and Planning, Department of UP Expressways Industrial Development Authority (UPEIDA), Dr Indrani Chakraborty, Professor and Dean, Faculty of Architecture Planning and Design Integral University, Lucknow.
The expert talk was delivered by Prof Zeba Nisar, Ar Khurram Ashraf, FOAPD, Integral University, Lucknow, Pl Arundhuti Mishra and Ar Kushal Dubey, Housing Expert, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Architecture Planning AKTU, Lucknow.