
Debate & Essay Competition

Integral Unversity Event

The Department of Architecture and Department of Design, under the aegis of Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Design, organized Debate & Essay Writing competition on 29th October, 2021 at 10:00 am to 12:00 pm in the Seminar Hall, to celebrate Rashtriya Ekta Diwas on the birthday of Sardar Vallabh bhai Patel.

The Winners of the Debate Competition were: 1st Position: Sara Abbas, B.Arch. 1st Year, Department of Architecture, 2nd Position: Rishu, B.Arch.2 2nd Year, Department of Architecture, 3rd Position: Aman Siddiqui, B.Arch. 1st Year, Department of Architecture.

The Winners of the Essay Competition were: 1st Position: Sarthak Mishra, 2nd Year, BMLT, 2nd Position: Aleena Siddiqui, B.Des. (Fashion) 2nd Year, Department of Design and 3rd Position: Areesha Naseem, B.Des. (Fashion) 2nd Year, Department of Design.

The Whole Competition was successfully conducted by the Department of Architecture & Design of the Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Design. The program was successfully organized with the constant support of Prof. (Ar.) Zeba Nisar, Ar. Safa Seraj (Head, Department of Design) & Prof. Dr. Indrani Chakraborty (Dean, Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Design). Ar. Khurram Ashraf, and Dr. Meeta Tandon from the Department of Architecture were the Jury for the Debate Competition. While declaring the results, both the panelists highlighted the importance of the traditional education in modern era and motivated students to take part in these extracurricular activities on regular basis for overall personal development and skills. The event was conducted by coordinator Ms. Rani Kumari, Department of Design, who tried very hard and motivated the students to actively participate throughout the event. The vote of thanks was proposed by coordinator Ar. Zulnoorain Khairoowala, Department of Architecture. The program ended successfully with the active participation of the students, colleagues, Head & Dean.