
Essay Competition on Gender Equality

Integral Unversity Event

The Department of Computer Application, Integral University, organized an essay writing competition on Gender Equality on March 12, 2022, at 10:00 am in the smart class of the department. The title selected for the competition was “Effective ways to fight gender inequality in modern society”. A total of 38 students from various departments participated in the competition and wrote on the topic. Essay was limited to 500 words and duration of the competition was 60 minutes. The programme was conducted through offline mode. The essay was judged on the basis of the student’s vocabulary, presentation and creativity. The purpose of the competition was to encourage the students to enhance their thinking and writing skills. The essays were well written by the students.

We congratulate all the participants and the winners are as follows:

1st Position: Anam Nafis- IV Semester – B.A (Honors) Sociology

2nd Position: Aamna Khan - IV Semester – B.Tech (CSE)

3rd Position: Khan Zoya Sageer Ahmad – II Semester – MBA