Mr. Anand Muthukrishnan, Deputy Executive Director, IGBC & Vice Chair, WorldGBC’s Asia Pacific Regional Network (APN), launched the IGBC Students’ Chapter at Integral University, Lucknow in the august presence of Dr. Syed Nadeem Akhtar, Hon’ble Pro Chancellor, Integral University; Prof. Javed Musarrat, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Integral University; Professor Dr. Mohammed Haris Siddiqui, Registrar, Integral University; Mr. Amit Srivastava, Co-Chairman, IGBC Uttar Pradesh Chapter; Professor Zeba Nisar, Dean, Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Design, Integral University; Dr. Safiullah Khan, Head, Department of Architecture, Integral University; faculty members and students on 31st March 2023 at the campus of Integral University.
The purpose of the IGBC Students' Chapter is to disseminate information and give aspiring technologists a platform, particularly in the fields of sustainable design and green construction. The council provides a wide range of services, including the creation of new green building rating systems, certification services, and training courses in green construction. By founding the IGBC Students' Chapter, Integral University joins a group of experts who are paving the way for green construction in India, which will aid in raising student knowledge of environmental sustainability. The chapter outlines numerous exercises for students to learn about green building rating systems, sustainable construction materials, and technologies while taking into account both national and international challenges related to climate change.
The session began with the welcome address followed by introduction of the experts Mr. Anand Muthukrishnan, Deputy Executive Director, IGBC & Vice Chair, WorldGBC’s Asia Pacific Regional Network (APN) and Mr. Amit Srivastava, Co-Chairman, IGBC Uttar Pradesh Chapter. The experts gave the students a briefing on the IGBC's rating systems and outlined the goals of the Students' Chapter with a focus on how this connection will support the students' skill development and facilitate their placement on a global scale. To allay the concerns raised, they engaged in an interactive question- and-answer session with the staff and students. The guests were honoured with a token of appreciation to facilitate the launch of the student chapter at campus. The session ended with great enthusiasm amongst the students and a huge round of applause for the guests for sharing their valuable insights. The Student Chapter will not only be limited to the students of architecture, but also to the students from other faculties of Integral University.
The program was well coordinated by the students of B.Arch Second year –Ms. Sara Abbas, Nabeel Fariuzzaman, Parnitai Rai and Fatima Zehra under the guidance of faculty members Ar. Khurram Ashraf, Ar. Safa Seraj and Ar. Fahad Aslam.