Academics & Research

Guest lecture on Precision Manufacturing

Integral Unversity Event

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Integral University, Lucknow, organized a Guest lecture on the topic " Precision Manufacturing" on April 3 2023, Monday at 2:00 pm. The expert was Er. Amitava Banerjee, former Additional General Manager, HAL, Lucknow Division. Mr Banerjee has a vast professional experience of 36 years in the field of Precision Manufacturing.Er. Amitava Banerjee was provided a warm reception in the office of the head of the department. The expert lecture commenced with the welcome address by Prof.(Dr.) P.K.Bharti ,Head ,Department of Mechanical Engineering. Er. Amitava Banerjee started his talk with a small introduction of Precision Manufacturing and Industry 4.0. Er Banerjee explained how the manufacturing industry has witnessed the different phases of revolution in the past 10 decades. His emphasis was on the development of Precision Manufacturing hardware and the recent advancements. Er. Amitava Banerjee also explained in detail about the importance of advanced manufacturing tools and techniques like CAD/CAM, Additive Manufacturing / 3D Printing, Laser Beam Machining, Electric Discharge Machining etc. The session concluded with an interactive question-and-answer session. The lecture concluded with the Vote of Thanks by Dr. S.A.H Jafri and Memento presentation to the guest.