Social Services & Extension Activities

Kisan Gosthi

Integral Unversity Event

The Department of Agriculture, Integral Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology (IIAST) organized Kisan Gosthi on the occasion of World Meteorological Day i.e. on 23/03/2023 at Khwaja ka Purwa village, Lucknow. The main aim of this program was to raise awareness about the various issues that our planet confronts across the globe. The theme of World Meteorological Day 2023 was “The Future of Weather, Climate and Water across Generations”.

The Programme was observed under the guidance of Prof. (Dr.) Mohd Haris Siddiqui, Dean, Faculty of Agricultural Science and Technology and Dr. Saba Siddiqui, Head, Department of Agriculture, IIAST. The faculty coordinators were Dr. Nitish Kumar, Dr. Md. Abu Nayyer, Dr. Rahil Akhtar Usmani and Dr. Garima Singh along with the supporting staff Md. Said, Mr. Suraj Awasthi and Mr. Syed Faisal Kirmani accompanied the expert and students of B.Sc (Hons.) Agriculture. The farmers of Village Khwaja ka Purwa and nearby villages attended the program. Dr. Nitish Kumar expressed his views upon “badalte jalwayu ke parivesh me mausam purvanuman aadharit kheti ewam prabhaav” . He briefly described that Weather, climate and water extremes are becoming more frequent and intense in many parts of the world as a result of climate change. The exposure has become more recurrent than ever before to multiple related hazards, which are themselves evolving as a result of population growth, urbanization and environmental degradation. Forecasts of weather conditions are no longer enough and reliable. Greater coordination between national meteorological and hydrological services, disaster management authorities and development agencies is fundamental to better prevention, preparedness and response. An ultimate goal of agricultural meteorology is to extend and fully deploy knowledge of atmospheric and related processes to optimize agricultural production, and hence to increase profitability, decrease risk, and feed an expanding global population.. Dr. Md. Abu Nayyer discussed about the future perspectives of horticultural plants in relation to climate change.

In this program, 57 farmers participated and their perceptions about climate change, climate variability and impacts, and adaptation strategies adopted were discussed at length. The vote of thanks was given by Dr. Garima Singh. The Programme was concluded after taking the Feedback of farmers and students for assessing their level of satisfaction, which revealed that the majority of people attending the Programme were enlightened with the knowledge imparted in Kisan Gosthi.