Kisan Pathshala was organized by the Department of Agriculture, Integral Institute of Agricultural Science & Technology (IIAST) in collaboration with IIMSR on 20 April 2023 to sensitize the natives of the Village Palka. Important information about method of soil sampling, preparation of vermicompost, its benefits and other important aspects related to organic farming and sustainable agriculture were successfully imparted to farmers by the experts of IIAST. Besides addressing the agricultural needs of farmers a free medical health camp was organized by IIMSR to provide free health benefits to rural people of Palka Village.
The Programme was observed under the guidance of Prof. Mohd Haris Siddiqui, Dean, Faculty of Agricultural Science and Technology and Prof. Saba Siddiqui, Head, Department of Agriculture, IIAST. The faculty coordinators Dr. Khalid Habib, Dr. Sunil Kumar, Dr. Akanksha Singh and Dr. Abhineet along with supporting staff Syed Faisal Kirmani and Suraj Awasthi accompanied students of B.Sc (Hons.) Agriculture, to Palka Village where the Pathshala was organized. The farmers of village Palka and other nearby villages attended the Pathshala. Dr. Khalid Habib successfully disseminated information about the importance of soil sampling, technique of collection of soil samples from soil profile, procedure and storage of soil samples and precautions to be taken while soil sampling. The information regarding benefits of vermicompost for sustainable organic farming was imparted by Dr. Abhineet. He demonstrated the process of vermicompost formation, types of worms used in vermicompost formation, nutrient content of vermicompost, time for its application and its required dosage for different Kharif and Rabi crops. The farmers were motivated to adopt vermicompost as it is an excellent source of water soluble nutrients, soil conditioner and nutrient rich organic fertilizer. Interaction and communication approach of experts of Kisan Pathshala were impressive and there was good interaction with experts for solution of farmers queries. The Pathshala was concluded after taking the Feedback of farmers for assessing their level of satisfaction, which revealed that the majority of farmers attending the Kisan Pathshala were highly satisfied with the way Pathshala was organized and the quality of contents which were delivered.