
Music Concert, where melodies roar !

Integral Unversity Event

Well,who does not want to reverberate with a soulful music performance amidst hectic schedules of classes?
So yes we got it turn into reality through the performances by “High Music Note Society” orchestrated by the ‘Team Integralites”. This cohorts ensures exhilaration for the University students, who are wearied by their endless academic chores,which needs a refreshing breaks to relax and rejoice. The music concert was held on 6 Nov and 7 Dec 2023, respectively. It took place in the Verandah. Students from “High Musical Note Society”, manifested their artistic knack of music for the audience. It was a much-needed halt from boredom to entertainment. Audience cheered along and were given the chance to showcase their flair for singing too.In a nutshell, it was triumphant plunge by the Integral University in marking an elating moment for all.It swayed every person out there,evoking them to the imperativeness of music in our lives. Such performances brings out the best talent and our an aegis in honing up artistic penchant for music.