As a part of the Agriculture promotion, a rally was arranged to create awareness regarding alien invasive weed Parthenium on 03.09.2019 in Integral Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, Integral University, Lucknow. The programme was headed by Dr Sunil Kumar Assistant Professor, Department of Agriculture. Parthenium is considered as noxious and pasture weed and causes severe allergic dermatitis and respiratory problems in human and livestock. This herbicide tolerant noxious weed causes severe crop loses and becoming major threat to Agriculture. In this context this rally was organized with the participation of relevant stakeholders to create awareness and to make necessary steps to eradicate this poisonous weed completely. The first year and second year students of B.Sc. (Hons.) Ag (NSS volunteers) took an oath that they would continue to create awareness on the ill effects and strive for the eradication of the weed. They exhibited the placards and took a rally on the occasion and uprooted all the parthenium plants in the student farm.
Total Number of participants: 200