
Poster Competition

Integral Unversity Event

To spread the awareness of religious, cultural and ecological importance of River Ganges, a workshop was organized and Poster Competition held on 20th December 2021. The event was organized at Inter-University level and was an open competition. The posters were published in the university, on platform of social media and various connecting groups. Two jury members, Dr. Minaxi B. Lohani (Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry) and Mrs. Kavita Agarawal (Chairperson- Women’s Study Centre, Integral University and Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science) were invited to judge the posters. The students participated in the competition with great zeal. There was special mention award also.

The Result of Poster competition is as follows:

First Position: Ankita (Bachelors of forensic science)

Second Position: Medhavi Gupta (B-Design Fashion)

Special mention Award: Surbhi Kumari (Bachelors of Architecture)

The event was conducted by coordinators Dr. Meeta Tandon, Ms. Shweta Verma and Ms. Sonam who tried very hard and motivated the students to actively participate throughout the event.

“Celebrating the Rivers of India” under Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav on 20th December, 2021 by Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Design, Integral University, Lucknow. - sverma@iul.ac.in - IU Mail (google.com)