To realize the dream of transforming the education system and making it truly relevant for the challenges of 21st century, National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 was approved by the Govt. of India on 29th July 2020.
In accordance with the Government’s directives, the Task Force for Implementation of NEP-2020 & Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC), Integral University had organized a National Webinar on “NEP-2020: Restructuring Higher Education” on 7th June 2021 wherein total 240 participants from 21 Universities and Institutes participated.
Webinar started under the patronage of Prof. Syed Waseem Akhtar, Honorable Founder & Chancellor and Dr. Syed Nadeem Akhtar, Pro-Chancellor of Integral University, Lucknow. Event observed the gracious presence of Prof. Javed Musarrat, Vice Chancellor, Integral University, Lucknow as Chairman of the event with Dr. Anil Kumar, State Project Administrator, SPIU-UP as the speaker.
The webinar started with welcome by Prof. Syed Aqeel Ahmad, Director HRDC, Integral University, Lucknow. In his address, he emphasized that the education system should be capable of meeting the demands of 21st century along with the needs of the people, thus NEP-2020 is the right step towards realizing this dream. Prof. Aqeel acknowledged the pivotal role of UP higher education council in spreading awareness of higher educational reforms and taking on-board a large number of students, parents and academicians in the transformational journey of NEP-2020. Dr. Anil Kumar enlightened the august gathering with great clarity and in-depth knowledge of various intricacies of NEP-2020. Dr. Kumar highlighted the need for reforms in the present education system by implementing the policy in its true sense and spirit.
Dr. Anil Kumar enlightened the august gathering with great clarity and in-depth knowledge of various intricacies of NEP-2020. Dr. Kumar highlighted the need for reforms in the present education system by implementing the policy in its true sense and spirit.

Dr. Kumar informed that the NEP-2020 reflects the journey of education in India since independence to the Kothari Commission in 1966 to Krishnaswamy Kasturirangan committee report submitted in 31st May 2019. After 1year 2 months of review of the report, in July 2020 the government came forward with a New Education Policy. During the finalization of NEP-2020, extensive consultation was carried out with 2.5 Lakh Gram Panchayat, 6600 Blocks, 6000 Urban Local Bodies and 676 Districts in order to form a policy inclusive and addressing the needs of everybody in the country. By successfully implementing the NEP-2020, the true potential of our huge human resource can be effectively utilized, not only to address the needs of the Nation but for the whole world. In the words of the Honorable Prime Minister of India, the NEP-2020 aims to provide “Equitable” opportunity in education, which means that access to quality education is available to all, especially to the less privileged category. Dr. Kumar also emphasized the need for accreditation of Universities and Institutes in order to ensure the quality of education. He also meticulously discussed the establishment purpose, role and benefits of Higher Education Grants Council (HEGC), National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) under NEP-2020.
Prof. Javed Musarrat, Honorable Vice Chancellor, Integral University, Lucknow, acknowledged the support of the Chief Patron and Patron for the webinar. He also appreciated the efforts of the Task Force on implementation of NEP-2020 in Integral University and Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC) in jointly organizing the webinar on the very important topic of “NEP-2020: Restructuring Higher Education”.
Prof. Javed Musarrat expressed his satisfaction in restarting the webinar series, special lectures and other academic activities which seriously suffered due to COVID-19 trauma everybody faced for nearly two months. Now everyone is committed to resume the activities with even greater zeal along with following COVID protocols. He highlighted the purpose of online webinar on NEP-2020, to understand its dimensions and formulate the Universities’ road-map for timely implementations of the facets of the policy.

The Vice Chancellor acknowledged the contribution of Honorable Prime Minister of India for implementing three Cardinal Principles of Education i.e. Quality, Access and Equity through NEP-2020 and especially appreciated to add another dimension of ‘Affordability’ which proves to be revolutionary in Indian scenario.
Prof. Musarrat highlighted the lack of flexibility and linkage between our school & college education and actual industrial & community requirements in the current education system. He believes that NEP-2020 will provide foundation on which Indian education system will grow in such a manner that it not only possess the four essential attributes i.e. Quality, Access, Equity and Affordability but makes India a centre for research and innovation. Prof. Musarrat appreciated the ‘Bold Step’, a much needed step of the Government of India for its commitment of increasing spending on education & research from 0.7% to 6.0% of the GDP. He was confident that with the help of the National Research Foundation, the whole landscape of ‘Research’ in India will be transformed. He highlighted the recent and very important step of constitution of ‘National Mission for Monitoring’ consisting of senior or retired outstanding researchers and educationists to be engaged. He also talked about the ‘National Technology Forum’ to integrate technology in all levels of education.
The webinar successfully completed with vote of thanks to all by Prof. Monowar A. Khalid, Dean Students’ Welfare, Integral University, Lucknow.