For advertisement of the course, IUCAT created an HTML Emailer comprising the details of the course along with the registration link and circulate the Emailer to the students through Communication Cell. Total 113 students from various branches registered in this repeated course. One batch was created to start the training and we have followed M-W-F plan in the timetable to deliver the training sessions. The training period was 1 hour per day with weekend assignments.
The entire training sessions of the batch were successfully delivered by Mr. Farooq Ahmad (Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Application and Coordinator, IUCAT).
Learning skills of 1st Year students were excellent. They attended the training with full of dedication and submitted weekend assignments as per the given deadline. At the end of the training, we have conducted an online exam to test the students' knowledge for the topics covered during the training.
Total 54 students successfully completed the course and received an e-Certificate. The distribution of e-Certificate was based on student’s attendance, submitted assignments and their performance in the online test, conducted at the end of the course.
Key Highlights of the training
The training course was open for 1st Year students of University from all the branches.
It was an online interactive training under the skill development programs of IUCAT.
Total 113 students from various branches registered in the course.
Zero fees for the entire period of the training with e-Certification.
54 students successfully completed the course and received an e-Certificate.
Below is the students count program wise who received e-Certificate:
B.Tech (CSE) = 24 |
B.Tech (ECE) = 1 |
BCA = 18 |
BBA = 1 |
B.Tech (Biomedical Engineering) = 2 |
B.Sc. = 1 |
MCA = 7
Objective of the Course
Students will be able to understand the principles of creating an effective web page, including an in-depth consideration of information architecture and become familiar with graphic design principles that relate to web design and learn how to implement theories into practice. This will help students to learn the HTML, CSS, W3.CSS, JavaScript etc.
At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to
Use specified markup languages to develop basic Web pages
Define the principle of Web page design
Define the basics in web design
Visualize the basic concept of HTML.
Recognize the elements of HTML.
Introduce basic concept of CSS.
Develop basic programming skills using Javascript
Learn techniques of responsive web design
Develop the concept of web publishing