On the occasion of World TB month, the Department of Microbiology in collaboration with the Department of Pulmonary Medicine organized a CME on 29th March 2023.
The session began with a welcome address by Dr. Areena Hoda Siddiqui, Professor & HOD Department of Microbiology IIMSR.
The theme of World TB Day this year was “Yes! We can end TB”. Focusing on this theme the guest speaker Dr. Surya Kant Tripathi, HOD Pulmonary Medicine, KGMU, Lucknow, highlighted the updates of National TB Elimination program and the efforts being made by our Government to achieve the goal of TB free India by 2025.
He informed the audience about the newly launched Pradhan Mantri TB Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan and various other government schemes operating to make India TB free.
A second session was taken by Prof. Dr. Abha Chandra, Dean, IIMSR. On the topic “Surgical Management for Pulmonary TB & Its Sequelae” where she talked about the complication and sequelae of TB and how they can be managed surgically to benefit the patients.
The program concluded with a vote of thanks by Prof Dr. Rahul Srivastava, Head Department of Pulmonary Medicine.