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A code of conduct is a set of rules and regulations that spell out what behavior is acceptable and expected and what is not. The code of conduct specifies the institution's VALUES and establishes boundaries for all its students, teachers, and staff in relation to their expected behavior, discipline & duties. A well-thought-out rule of conduct connects an organization's Mission, Values, and Principles to ethical behavior requirements.
Integral University has its Code of Conduct Handbook which is a public declaration of commitment of its employees & students to upholding the ethical, professional, and legal principles that guide them in performing their duties and workplace conduct. Integrity, honesty, and fairness are core principles that Integral University endeavors to incorporate into its teaching, research, and all sorts of academic affairs. It serves as a central guide and reference for university employees to use in performing day-to-day academic activities & affairs at the workplace.
Integral University has constituted a Monitoring Committee for adherence to the code of conduct. The committee is responsible for promoting the dissemination & knowledge of the code. The committee strives for ensuring effective compliance with the code and supervising its implementation among the teachers, students, and staff of the university. The Monitoring committee comprises of following members.
To inculcate a sense of accountability and transparency enhancing the trustworthiness and moral essence amongst the students and employees, Integral University emphasizes awareness programs that are conducted from time to time. These programs are meant for sensitizing the students and staff towards discipline, ethics, and moral conduct & behavior. The awareness programs primarily focus on professional ethics, Human Values, and Orientation Programs for students and employees of the university.
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