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The scope of this policy extends to the following areas:
The University will implement e-governance in all aspects of functioning like library, accounts, admissions, administration, teaching, etc. The policy is designed and framed to make each and every function transparent and accountable.
Website: The website will act as an information center which will reflect about the University, all its activities, important notices, courses offered, etc. For this purpose, a separate service provider/web designer will be appointed by the University. Training will be given to the administrative and teaching staff to make important updates on the website. The software development cell / team will look after the process of updating, maintaining and working of the website on a regular basis. The cell will also look for other changes that are required on the website. The University strives to showcase its vibrant self and activeness through its website. All the important notifications have to go live on the website as and when they are released.
An open and transparent strategy for the admission process is followed which is further strengthened by the ethical practices and regulations. The University brings out its Brochure which is displayed on the website that has guidelines for the admission process. An Admission Portal to be used to manage the admissions in the University. Number of students applying to each course, withdrawals, fee submission, all to be managed through this Portal only. Students are required to submit a separate Online Application Form for taking admission to the University and for this purpose an online module to be used by the Admission executives.
The office continues to maintain its account on In-house ERP(Employee Management System) and Tally. Advanced features of ERP help the staff to maintain financial records effectively and efficiently. Appropriate security measures should be taken for maintaining confidentiality of the transactions. Training to the existing staff and updation of the existing software must be done regularly. ERP- EMS automatically calculate the salary, generate salary slips, disperse the salary to the bank accounts. TDS, Provident Fund, Allowances, etc all are managed by this system. Reports can be generated for all Staff members. Payments are generally made and received through online mode such as NEFT, RTGS, Bank Transfers, etc.
The University has adopted an online system where students can view their total internal assessment marks at the end of each semester and can report discrepancies, if any. The Examination process is regulated by the University and thus e-governance policy of the University to be adopted in this regard.
In order to strengthen our alumni relationships, a separate alumni page to be created on the website providing facilities like registration, prominent alumni of the University, feedback and many other aspects. Alumni association to be consulted for regular updates and database management.
To the extent possible, users are expected to use only their official email addresses provided by Integral University for official communications with other members of the University. Any complaints/requests must be made using your authorized email id otherwise we will not be able to verify your identity. In case for some reason you are not able to access your IU email then you may write to us ( from your registered alternate mail id with us.
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