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Integral University aims to develop and implement welfare measures to provide socio-psychological support to Integral family members. It creates a culture of belonging among the employees in the organization, ensuring higher commitment to teaching, research and patient care. The employees are made to feel that the Management is concerned and is taking care of their welfare. This results in sincerity, commitment and loyalty of the employees to the institution.
The University has in place a number of welfare schemes for Teaching and Non-teaching staff. Each welfare measure has specific eligibility criteria. All employees are therefore benefited by these schemes as described in this policy document.
Statutory Eligibility & Applicability: The scheme is applicable to all employees of Integral University. This Retirement benefit is paid as per the provisions of Employee Provident Fund Act 1952.
Statutory Eligibility & Applicability: The scheme is applicable to all the employees whose salary is less than Rs.21, 000/-pm. Under this scheme, apart from health care, cash benefits are also available.
Statutory Eligibility & Applicability: The scheme is applicable to all employees of the University who have completed five years of continuous service. Gratuity is paid as per the provisions made in Payment of Gratuity Act 1972.
Statutory Eligibility & Applicability: The scheme is applicable to all employees and students of Integral University, with the insurance coverage of Rs.1,00,000/- in case of fatal accident.
Statutory Eligibility & Applicability: The scheme is applicable to all employees of University who have completed one year of service. Under this scheme they are eligible for highly subsidized treatment in the Hospital of University. Additionally,10%. Concession is provided for the purchase of medicine from the Hospital Pharmacy.
Statutory Eligibility & Applicability: Accommodation is provided in Quarters / Hostel to the employees of University subject to availability. Senior Residents and Medical Officers are provided free accommodation inside the campus in order to render the 24 X 7 patient cares. Hostel accommodation is also provided to the Nurses along with concession on mess bills. The Employees involved in administrative/paramedical/technical, essential services are also provided accommodation at the campus at concessional rates on the campus.
Statutory Eligibility & Applicability: Staff members and their spouses and children taking admissions in various academic programmes are offered a waiver of 25% of Tuition Fees.
Statutory Eligibility & Applicability: The scheme is applicable to all Teaching and Non-Teaching employees of University. They are encouraged to attend the National Seminars / Conference. The Registration, and membership fees and DA & TA are reimbursed as per norms.
Statutory Eligibility & Applicability: The scheme is applicable to all Faculty members of University. Under this scheme the teachers are encouraged to publish research papers in accredited and indexed National / International Journals. The processing fee for publication is reimbursed by University.
Statutory Eligibility & Applicability: The scheme applies to all confirmed employees of University. who have completed five years of service. The Interest Free Loan equal to three months gross salary is paid and recovered in easy installments.
Statutory Eligibility & Applicability: The scheme is applicable to all employees of University. Under this scheme the Transportation Facility is provided on concessional rates.
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