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Our Courses List
Java Fundamentals
Predictive Analytics Modeller
Spring Framework Course
Clean Coding
Spark & Scala Fundamentals
Node RED
Web Development using HTML
Agile Methodologies
Design Thinking
NoSQL - MongoDB
Text Analytics
Planning Analytics
Docker & Kubernetes
Sectoral Analytics Fundamentals - HR
Sectoral Analytics Fundamentals - Marketing
Sectoral Analytics Fundamentals - Finance
Data Visualization
Introduction to Big Data, Hadoop & Ecosystem
Cloud Industry Session
Sectoral Analytics Fundamentals - Operations
IBM Cloud Fundamentals
Web Services
Analytics Industry Session
Software Foundation Course - C
Database Fundamentals
Sectoral Analytics Advanced - HR
Sectoral Analytics Advanced - Marketing
Sectoral Analytics Advanced - Finance
Software Foundation Course - C++
Deep Analytics Edition - OneWEX
Cognos Analytics : Dashboard and Stories
Fundamentals of IoT
Cognitive Computing - Watson Studio
Rapid Development for AI - Watson Services
Software Foundation Course - Basic
Predictive Analytics (Statistics)
Big Data Architecture
Identity and Access Management
Introduction to Big Data - MBA Part 1
Advanced Introduction to Big Data - MBA Part 2
Micro Architecture and Implementation
AI Services
Machine Learning Services with Watson Studio
Deployment of Private Cloud
Build Swift Mobile Apps with Watson AI Services
Machine Learning with Python
Deep Learning Fundamentals
Introduction to Machine Learning with Sound
How to Build Watson AI & Swift APIs and Make Money
Deep Learning with TensorFlow
Machine Learning with R
Accelerating Deep Learning with GPU
Machine learning with Apache SystemML
Machine Learning – Dimensionality Reduction
Big Data 101
Hadoop 101
Spark Fundamentals I
Spark Mllib
Exploring Spark’s GraphX
Predictive Modeling Fundamentals I
Analyzing Big Data in R using Apache Spark
Spark Fundamentals II
SQL Access for Hadoop
Using HBase for Real-time Access to your Big Data
Accessing Hadoop Data Using Hive
Controlling Hadoop Jobs Using Oozie
Moving Data into Hadoop
Solr 101
Blockchain Essentials v2
Build an IoT Blockchain Network for a Supply Chain
Docker Essentials: A Developer Introduction
IBM Blockchain Foundation Developer
Bitcoin 101
Introduction to Cloud (Beta)
Build Your Own Chatbot
IBM Cloud Essentials
Apply end to end security to a cloud application (Beta)
Scalable web applications on Kubernetes (Beta)
Beyond the Basics: Istio and IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service
Container & Kubernetes Essentials with IBM Cloud
Getting started with Microservices with Istio and IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service
Python for Data Science
Introduction to Data Science
R 101
Data Visualization with Python
Data Analysis with Python
Data Visualization with R
Data Science Methodology
Statistics 101
Scala 101
Spark Overview for Scala Analytics
Data Science for Scala
Data Privacy Fundamentals
Digital Analytics & Regression
Data Science with Open Data
Data science tools
Data journalism: first steps, skills and tools
Robots are coming! Build IoT apps with Watson AI, Swift, and Node-RED
Building Robots with TJBot
Node-RED: Basics to Bots
PHP web application on a LAMP Stack (Beta)
SQL and Relational Databases 101
Using R with Databases
NoSQL and DBaaS 101
Reactive Architecture: Introduction to Reactive Systems
Reactive Architecture: Domain Driven Design
Reactive Architecture: Reactive Microservices
Reactive Architecture: Building Scalable Systems
Reactive Architecture: Distributed Messaging Patterns
Reactive Architecture: CQRS and Event Sourcing
Game-playing AI with Swift for TensorFlow (S4TF)
MapReduce and YARN
Apache Pig 101
Simplifying Data Pipelines with Apache Kafka
Mathematical Optimization for Business Problems
Text Analytics 101
Developing Distributed Applications Using ZooKeeper
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