Departmental Activities

  • Conference (Organized)

    Sr No Conference Name Level Collaborating Departments From Date To Date Report Upload/url
    1 National Conference on Leadership and Entrepreneurship Development (NCLED)" National Centre for Incubation and Entrepreneurship Development, Integral University 15/11/2019 16/11/2019 View
    2 National Conference on “ Economic Reforms and their impact on Indian Economy” National Human Resource Development Centre, Integral University 22/02/2018 23/02/2018 View
    3 National Conference on Business & Public Policy with focus on Uttar Pradesh National "Æquitas Consulting Pvt. Ltd., E&H Foundation, Digital Empowerment Foundation, OMC Power Ltd, Wadhwani foundation" 18/03/2016 19/03/2016 View
  • Conference (Participation)

    Sr No Conference Name Level Organized By/Held at From Date To Date Name of Participant With Bio
    1 Sustainability and Digitalization International Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi 28/09/2023 29/09/2023 Dr. Syed Shahid Mazhar
    2 Future Trends in Business: Knowledge, Skills, Sustainability, Innovation and Technology International IILM, ACADEMY OF HIGHER LEARNING, LUCKNOW 27/07/2023 29/07/2023 Dr. Syed Shahid Mazhar
    3 8th International Conference on Paradigm Shift Transformation Industry- 4.0 International KC Groups of Institutions, Management of Institute-Warsaw University of Life Sciences Warsaw, Poland Tradepreneure Global Research organization Southampton, UK 04/01/2023 05/01/2023 Dr. Syed Shahid Mazhar
    4 Recent Advances in Management & Technology(ICRAMT-2020) International Invertis University,Bareilly 08/01/2021 09/01/2021 Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    5 Current issues of Legal, Economical and Social Development of the state International Kharkiv National University of International Affairs, Kharkiv Ukraine 27/11/2020 27/11/2020 Amit Kumar Goel
    6 International Scientific-Practical Conference "Competitiveness and Innovation: Problems of Science and Practice International Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economic, Kharkiv, Ukraine 13/11/2020 13/11/2020 Amit Kumar Goel
    7 II Ukrainian scientific-practical Internet conference "MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION: COMPETITIVE CHALLENGES OF MODERNITY" International KNUCEA, Kharkiv Ukraine 15/10/2020 15/10/2020 Amit Kumar Goel
    8 Emerging and thrust areas in Technical Education International SCOPE College of Engineering, Bhopal 05/09/2020 05/09/2020 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    9 Online International Conference- Marketing 5.0: Relationships, Personalization and Data Herald on Change in consumer decision based on customer satisfaction in credence services: Implication for service International Chitkara Business School, Chitkara University, Punjab, India. 06/06/2020 07/06/2020 Dr. Gaurav Bisaria
    10 Languages for Specific Purposes and Innovative Ways of Instruction and Acquisition International NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LIFE AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES IN UKRAINE 20/05/2020 20/05/2020 Amit Kumar Goel
    11 International Interdisciplinary Conference called Language, Business & Law, Intercultural Communication: Today’s Challenges. International NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LIFE AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES IN UKRAINE 05/05/2020 05/05/2020 Amit Kumar Goel
    12 Emerging Trends Influencing Business and Management in the Current Era National International Business School, Sri Ram Murti Smarak ,Lucknow. 01/02/2020 01/02/2020 Syed Shahid Mazhar
    13 3rd International conference on emerging information, technology and engineering, International Symbiosis Institute of Management studies in collaboration with Centre for applied sciences Mainz, Germany 19/12/2019 20/12/2019 Dr. Rizwana Atiq
    14 Leadership and Entrepreneurship Development National Centre for Incubation, Leadership & Entrepreneurship Development & Department of Commerce and Business Management, Integral University, Lucknow 15/11/2019 16/11/2019 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL
    15 Centre for Incubation, Leadership & Entrepreneurship Development & Department of Commerce and Business Management, Integral University, Lucknow National DCBM, Integral University, Lucknow 15/11/2019 16/11/2019 Syed Shahid Mazhar, Farhina Sardar Khan, Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    16 National Conference on Leadership and Entrepreneurship Development (NCLED) National DCBM, Integral University 15/11/2019 16/11/2019 Dr.Syed Afzal Ahmad
    17 Leadership and entrepreneurship development National Integral University 15/11/2019 16/11/2019 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    18 International conference organized by AMU in collaboration with Royal University of Bhutan International AMU in collaboration with Royal University of Bhutan 07/04/2019 07/04/2019 Dr. Rizwana Atiq
    19 Start Up to Scale Up: Management & Policy Interventions International Department of Commerce, AMU, Aligarh 06/04/2019 07/04/2019 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL
    20 Start Up to Scale Up: Management & Policy Interventions International Department of Commerce, AMU, Aligarh 06/04/2019 07/04/2019 Dr. Aisha Badruddin
    21 “ Technology for Education , Training and Business” International School of Education, Noida International University 05/04/2019 06/04/2019 Dr. Rizwana Atiq
    22 5th International HR Summit “HumanOurce-2018 International GHS-IMR, Kanpur 08/09/2018 08/09/2018 Dr. Aisha Badruddin
    23 Economic Reforms & Their Impact on India Economy National Department of Commerce and Business Management, Integral University, Lucknow 22/02/2018 23/02/2018 Dr. Aisha Badruddin
    24 Economic Reforms and Their Impact on Indian Economy National DCBM, Integral University 22/02/2018 23/02/2018 Dr.Syed Afzal Ahmad
    25 “Economic Reforms & Their Impact on Indian Economy National Integral University 22/02/2018 23/02/2018 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    26 “ Economic Reforms & Their Impact on Indian Economy” National DCBM, IU 22/02/2018 23/02/2018 Dr. Rizwana Atiq
    27 Economic Reforms & Their Impact on India Economy National Department of Commerce and Business Management, Integral University, Lucknow 22/02/2018 23/02/2018 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL
    28 Economic Reforms & Their Impact on India Economy National Department of Commerce and Business Management, Integral University, Lucknow 22/02/2018 23/02/2018 Syed Shahid Mazhar, Farhina Sardar Khan, Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    29 “ Economic Reforms & Their Impact on Indian Economy” National DCBM, IU 22/02/2018 23/02/2018 Dr. Abdul Tayyab Khan
    30 Economic Reforms & Their Impact on India Economy National Department of Commerce and Business Management, Integral University, Lucknow 22/02/2018 23/02/2018 Dr. Firoz Husain
    31 Economic Reforms And Their Impact On Indian Economy National DCBM, Integral University 22/02/2018 23/02/2018 Mr. Shadab Ahmad
    32 National Conference-Economic Reforms and their Impact on Indian Economy on “Export led Growth and Sustainability in India” National Integral University 22/02/2018 23/02/2018 Dr. Gaurav Bisaria
    33 Economic Reforms & Their Impact on India Economy National DCBM,IU 22/02/2018 23/02/2018 Ms Orooj Siddiqui
    34 Alchemy of Leadership for Innovation and Sustainability International SMS, Varanasi 17/02/2018 18/02/2018 Shariq Nadeem
    35 Latest Advances in Technology Management & Media National IIMT Greater NOIDA 10/02/2018 11/02/2018 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL
    36 2nd Asia Pacific Conference on “Managing Business Sustainability” International Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow 15/12/2017 17/12/2017 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    37 Women on Board: Towards Exemplary Governance National Isabella Thoburn College,Lucknow 06/10/2017 06/10/2017 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    38 Managing Uncertainty: Prospects, Challenges & Strategies National SMS,Lucknow 25/02/2017 26/02/2017 Dr.Syed Afzal Ahmad
    39 International Conference- Innovation in Marketing, E-Commerce, Information Technology and Banking on A critical study of Educational Advertising as a course in private management colleges or universities International The Oxford College of Engineering, Bengaluru, India. 07/04/2016 07/04/2016 Dr. Gaurav Bisaria
    40 Business & Public Policy” National DCBM, IU 19/03/2016 19/03/2016 Dr. Rizwana Atiq
    41 Business & Public Policy Focus on Uttar Pradesh National Department of Commerce and Business Management, Integral University, Lucknow 18/03/2016 19/03/2016 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL
    42 Business and Public Policy with focus on Uttar Pradesh National Department of Commerce and Business Management, Integral University, Lucknow 18/03/2016 19/03/2016 Syed Shahid Mazhar, Farhina Sardar Khan, Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    43 Business and Public Policy with focus on Uttar Pradesh National DCBM, IU 18/03/2016 19/03/2016 Dr. Abdul Tayyab Khan
    44 Business & Public policy focus on Uttar Pradesh National DCBM, Integral University 18/03/2016 19/03/2016 Dr.Syed Afzal Ahmad
    45 Business and Public Policy with focus on Uttar Pradesh National Department of Commerce and Business Management, Integral University, Lucknow 18/03/2016 19/03/2016 Dr. Firoz Husain
    46 Business & Public Policy focus on Uttar Pradesh National Integral University 18/03/2016 19/03/2016 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    47 National Conference- Business and Public Policy with focus on Uttar Pradesh on “ An overview of social entrepreneurial in present perspective” National Integral University 18/03/2016 19/03/2016 Dr. Gaurav Bisaria
    48 Business & Public Policy focus on Uttar Pradesh National DCBM,IU 18/03/2016 19/03/2016 Ms Orooj Siddiqui
    49 Changing Paradigm of Management Practices for Sustainable Development International Baba Sahab Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow (A Central University) 05/03/2016 06/03/2016 Dr. Abdul Tayyab Khan
    50 Changing Paradigm of Management Practices for Sustainable Development International Babasahab Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow (A Central University) 05/03/2016 06/03/2016 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL
    51 Make in India - Campaign for Inclusive Growth: Initiative & Challenges International Department of Commerce, AMU, Aligarh 04/01/2016 05/01/2016 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL
  • Seminars / Workshops / FDPs/ Other (Organized)

    Sr No Activity Title of activity Collaborating Departments/ From Date To Date Report Upload/url
    1 Seminar Techniques for Improving Vocabulary and Language Skills Department of Commerce and Business Management 21/02/2023 21/02/2023 View
    2 Seminar HOW TO BE A PROLIFIC SCHOLAR Department Of Commerce and Business Management 23/09/2022 23/09/2022 View
    3 Seminar Case Study Pedagogy Department of Commerce and Business Management 09/09/2022 09/09/2022 View
    4 Seminar The Best Practices in Research and Research Article Writing Department Of Commerce and Business Management 16/06/2022 16/06/2022 View
    5 Seminar Skill Development program on" writing Dissertation/summer training projects" Department of Commerce and Business Management 19/05/2022 19/05/2022 View
    6 Workshop One Day Online Workshop on "Meta Analysis" Department Of Commerce and Business Management 28/04/2022 28/04/2022 View
    7 Seminar One Day Online Seminar on "Research Projects, Grants and Consultancy" Department Of Commerce and Business Management 23/04/2022 23/04/2022 View
    8 FDP One Week FDP on "Scholarly Writing and Publishing Research Papers" Faculty of Doctoral Studies 09/03/2022 16/03/2022 View
    9 Workshop Four Days Employability Training Workshop Association of Muslim Professionals 07/03/2022 10/03/2022 View
    10 Seminar E-Seminar on 'Job Prospects in Middle East' Allumni Welfare Association 01/10/2021 01/10/2021 View
    11 Seminar E-Seminar on Mission Shakti (Initiated by Government of India)) Women Study Centre 25/09/2021 25/09/2021 View
    12 Specify Guest Lecture on 'How to Write a Research Paper' Department Of Commerce and Business Management 04/09/2021 04/09/2021 View
    13 Seminar E-Seminar on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) & Social Enterprises Centre for Incubation & Entrepreneurship Development (CIED)) 21/08/2021 21/08/2021 View
    14 Specify Guest Lecture on Waste Management Degradable and Non-Degradable Importance Regulatory & Sustainability Aspects Department Of Commerce and Business Management 17/08/2021 17/08/2021 View
    15 Seminar E-Seminar on Skills for Emerging Opportunities in the Field of Accounting & Finance International Skill Development Corporation (ISDC), Bengaluru (ACCA, London, UK Professional Body in Charted Accountants) 10/08/2021 10/08/2021 View
    16 Workshop Two Week Online Quality Improvement Program on Research Methodology and data Analysis Faculty of Doctoral Studies & Research 26/07/2021 10/08/2021 View
    17 Seminar National Webinar “ACADEMIC LEADERSHIP AND INSTITUTION BUILDING: SOME REFLECTIONS Department Of Commerce and Business Management 12/07/2021 12/07/2021 View
    18 Seminar Webinar on "Career Opportunities in ACCA" International Skill Development Corporation (ISDC), Bengaluru (ACCA, London, UK Professional Body in Charted Accountants) 09/07/2021 09/07/2021 View
    19 Seminar National Webinar on the theme “TOURISM AND COVID 19: ROAD TO RECOVERY” Department Of Commerce and Business Management 03/07/2021 03/07/2021 View
    20 Seminar E-Seminar on Ethics in Research & Publications Department Of Commerce and Business Management 25/06/2021 25/06/2021 View
    21 Workshop Personality Development Soft Skills And Team Building Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP) 21/06/2021 21/06/2021 View
    22 Workshop Goods and Service Tax Departmnetal Quality Assurance Cell 19/06/2021 20/06/2021 View
    23 Seminar International World Environment Day - 05/06/2021 05/06/2021 View
    24 Seminar “Environmental Awareness" Centre for Environment Education-CEE 12/04/2021 12/04/2021 View
    25 Workshop Intellectual Property Rights - 12/03/2021 13/03/2021 View
    26 FDP RECENT PEDAGOGY IN TEACHING &RESEARCHH - 04/03/2021 12/03/2021 View
    27 Seminar “Central Excise Day” - 24/02/2021 24/02/2021 View
    28 Seminar “India’s Budget 2020: Economy vs Finance in Global Pandemic” - 06/02/2021 06/02/2021 View
    29 Seminar Webinar on Successful Career with ACCA Qualification International Skill Development Corporation (ISDC), Bengaluru (ACCA, London, UK Professional Body in Charted Accountants) 16/12/2020 16/12/2020 View
    30 FDP Introduction to Six Sigma Electronics & ICT Academy, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (An initiative of Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY), Ministry of Communications & IT, Govt. of India 07/12/2020 12/12/2020 View
    31 Seminar Equity Investing: Fundamental and Technical Analysis Awoke India 28/11/2020 28/11/2020 View
    32 FDP Advance Excel with Data Visualization Electronics & ICT Academy, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (An initiative of Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY), Ministry of Communications & IT, Govt. of India 04/11/2020 10/11/2020 View
    34 Seminar Employability Training - 14/09/2020 14/09/2020 View
    35 Seminar “Investor Awareness Program” - 10/09/2020 10/09/2020 View
    36 Seminar Webinar on "Career in Securities Market" Department Of Commerce and Business Management 05/09/2020 05/09/2020 View
    37 Seminar Webinar on "Association of Chartered Certified Accountants- ACCA" International Skill Development Corporation (ISDC), Bengaluru (ACCA, London, UK Professional Body in Charted Accountants) 29/08/2020 29/08/2020 View
    38 Seminar Webinar on “Opportunities in Higher Education and Career prospects in Australia.” IDP, New Delhi 24/08/2020 24/08/2020 View
    39 Seminar Entrepreneurship and MSME: Issues and Challenges” - 19/08/2020 16/08/2020 View
    40 Seminar Building a Successful Career - 08/08/2020 08/08/2020 View
    41 Seminar “Internship: First Step towards a Great Career” - 11/07/2020 11/07/2020 View
    42 Seminar “Impact of COVID-19 on Indian Financial Markets” CIED, Integral University 13/06/2020 13/06/2020 View
    43 Seminar Impact of Covid-19 on the economic growth of India and Ukraine Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding Kherson Branch Ukraine, HRDC & Commerce & Business Management Integral University 23/05/2020 23/05/2020 View
    44 FDP Research Projects: Submitting Proposal & Seeking Grants Department Of Commerce and Business Management 02/03/2020 03/03/2020 View
    45 Seminar Career Opportunities in Supply Chain Management & Logistic Safe Educate Learning Pvt. Lmt. 28/02/2020 28/02/2020 View
    46 Seminar “Application on Block chain Technology in Banking & Financial Services” - 25/02/2020 25/02/2020 View
    47 Seminar “Digital Marketing” Times Professional Learning, Times Group 20/02/2020 20/02/2020 View
    48 Specify Civil Services in 21st Century - Scope & Relevance - 20/02/2020 20/02/2020 View
    49 Workshop Entrepreneurial Learning: Key to Success SIDBI, Lucknow under SWAVALAMBAN CLUB-A STEP TOWARDS ENTREPRENEURSHIP 12/02/2020 12/02/2020 View
    50 Seminar Emerging Careers in Design - 11/02/2020 11/02/2020 View
    51 Workshop Workshop on Indian Financial Market Department Of Commerce and Business Management 25/11/2019 26/11/2019 View
    52 Seminar “Marketing of Financial Products and Services” - 06/11/2019 06/11/2019 View
    53 FDP Case Methods –Learning, Teaching and Writing Department Of Commerce and Business Management 16/08/2019 17/08/2019 View
    54 Seminar Role of Management in Promoting Work Life Balance” - 20/07/2019 20/07/2019 View
    55 Seminar “Challenges and Opportunities for Young Professionals” - 18/07/2019 18/07/2019 View
    56 Seminar Upgrading the Skills for Corporate Expectations - 17/07/2019 17/07/2019 View
    57 FDP Research Methodology & Quantitative Techniques (RMQT) Department Of Commerce and Business Management 06/07/2019 11/07/2019 View
    58 Workshop Industry Academia Innovative Practices on the topic “Financial Inclusion” SIDBI Centre for Innovations in Financial Inclusion, Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow (IIM, Lucknow-SCIFI) 10/04/2019 10/04/2019 View
    59 Seminar “Steps Towards Social Innovation” - 09/03/2019 09/03/2019 View
    60 Seminar Financial Planning and Awareness - 23/02/2019 23/02/2019 View
    61 Seminar Financial Planning and Awareness Department Of Commerce and Business Management 23/02/2019 23/02/2019 View
    62 Seminar “Financial Inclusion” - 28/01/2019 28/01/2019 View
    63 Seminar “ Effective Leadership and Time Management” - 20/10/2018 20/10/2018 View
    64 Seminar Dynamics of Motivation - 12/10/2018 12/10/2018 View
    65 Workshop Student centric Approach for Effective Learning Department Of Commerce and Business Management 13/07/2018 13/07/2018 View
    66 Seminar How to Write an Academic Research Paper Department Of Commerce and Business Management 20/04/2018 20/04/2018 View
    67 Seminar Business Sustainability - 23/03/2018 23/03/2018 View
    68 Seminar Business Sustainability - 23/03/2018 23/03/2018 View
    69 Seminar Lean Six Sigma - 17/03/2018 17/03/2018 View
    70 Seminar Career Counselling for Higher Education - 15/03/2018 15/03/2018 View
    71 Seminar Indian Equity Market - 14/03/2018 14/03/2018 View
    72 Seminar Industry Academia Innovative Practices on the topic “ Indian Equity Market ” Department Of Commerce and Business Management 14/03/2018 14/03/2018 View
    73 Workshop One day workshop on " Goods ad Services Tax (GST) and its impact on the society. Department of Law, Integral University 23/09/2017 23/09/2017 View
    74 Seminar Tmplementation of GST - What it brings with it for India HRDC, Integral Unversity 21/08/2017 21/08/2017 View
    75 Workshop Basics of Econometrics - 12/11/2016 12/11/2016 View
    76 Workshop Entrepreneurship Skill Development ad Personality Enhancement" CARPE DIEM EDC ,Integral University and IIT Kanpur 13/08/2016 13/08/2016 View
    77 Workshop Social Entrepreneurship Workshop EDC ,Integral University and IIT Kanpur 13/08/2016 13/08/2016 View
    78 Workshop EBSCO Business Source Elite Plus Database Training Program Department Of Commerce and Business Management 18/02/2016 18/02/2016 View
  • Seminars / Workshops / FDPs/ Other (Participation)

    Sr No Activity Title of activity Organized by held at From Date To Date Name of Participant with Bio
    1 FDP Cyber Security E&ICT Academy, IIT Kanpur 20/02/2023 24/02/2023 Dr. Aisha Badruddin
    2 Workshop Ten Days National Level Workshop on Data Analysis Using SPSS (Online) Bala's VV Academy, Chennai - 600026 18/01/2023 27/01/2023 Dr. Farhina Sardar Khan
    3 Workshop Basic Statistical Analysis and its Interpretation using SPSS Global Institute of Statistical Solutions (GISS) 02/07/2022 05/07/2022 Dr. Farhina Sardar Khan
    4 FDP Unlocking the Potential of Intellectual Property Rights Department of Management & Commerce, Lingaya's Lalita Devi Institute of Management & Sciences 24/06/2022 24/06/2022 Dr. Farhina Sardar Khan
    6 Workshop Two-weeks blended QIP workshop on Spreadsheet Applications - Intermediate level Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC), Integral University 26/06/2021 15/07/2021 Dr. Farhina Sardar Khan
    11 STC Comprehensive course on Human Resource Management UDEMY online platform 31/03/2021 31/03/2021 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    12 Workshop Two days workshop on Intellectual Property Rights DCBM, Integral University, Lucknow 12/03/2021 13/03/2021 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    13 Workshop National workshop On Intellectual Property Rights DCBM,Integral University 12/03/2021 13/03/2021 Nazia Akhlaq
    14 Workshop "Intellectual Property Rights” Department of Commerce and Business Management, Integral University, Lucknow 12/03/2021 13/03/2021 Syed Shahid Mazhar, Farhina Sardar Khan, Mohd Ariz Siddiqui, Habibuddin, Syed Afzal Ahmad
    15 FDP “ Recent Pedagogy on Teaching and Research” DCBM, IU 04/03/2021 12/03/2021 Dr. Rizwana Atiq, Dr. Firoz Husain
    16 FDP Eight Day Online Faculty Development Program on “ Recent Pedagogy on Teaching and Research” DCBM, Integral University, Lucknow 04/03/2021 12/03/2021 Syed Shahid Mazhar,Farhina Sardar Khan, Mohd Ariz Siddiqui,Habib Uddin,
    17 FDP 8-day online Faculty Development Program on RECENT PEDAGOGY IN TEACHING AND RESEARCH DCBM, Integral University, Lucknow 04/03/2021 12/03/2021 NEYHA MALIK, DCBM
    18 FDP Eight Day Oline FDP on “Recent pedagogy in Teaching & Research". DCBM,Integral University 04/03/2021 12/03/2021 Nazia Akhlaq
    19 FDP Recent Pedagogy in teaching and research DCBM, Integral University, Lucknow 04/03/2021 12/03/2021 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    20 FDP Recent Pedagogy in Teaching & Research FCM, Integral University 04/03/2021 12/03/2021 Mr. Shadab Ahmad
    21 FDP Recent Pedagogy in Teaching and Research Department of Commerce & Business Management, Integral University, Lucknow. 04/03/2021 12/03/2021 Mubasshara Hasan
    22 FDP “ Recent Pedagogy on Teaching and Research” DCBM,IU 04/03/2021 12/03/2021 Ms Orooj Siddiqui
    23 STC Seven-Day Refresher Course on National Education Policy (NEP)-2020 HRDC,IU 03/03/2021 24/03/2021 Ms Orooj Siddiqui
    24 STC Seven-Day Refresher Course on National Education Policy (NEP)-2020 HRDC, Integral University. 26/02/2021 03/03/2021 Nazia Akhlaq
    25 STC Seven-Day Refresher Course on National Education Policy (NEP)-2020 HRDC-DSW, Integral University, Lucknow 24/02/2021 03/03/2021 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    26 STC Seven-Day Refresher Course on National Education Policy (NEP)-2020 HRDC-DSW, Integral University, Lucknow 24/02/2021 03/03/2021 Mubasshara Hasan
    27 Other:please Seven-Day Refresher Course on National Education Policy (NEP)-2020 HRDC-DSW, Integral University, Lucknow 24/02/2021 03/03/2021 Dr. Aisha Badruddin
    28 Other:please Seven-Day Refresher Course on National Education Policy (NEP)-2020 HRDC-DSW, Integral University, Lucknow 24/02/2021 03/03/2021 NEYHA MALIK, DCBM,Habib Uddin, Dr. Firoz Husain
    29 STC Seven-Day Refresher Course on National Education Policy (NEP)-2020 HRDC-DSW, Integral University, Lucknow 24/02/2021 03/03/2021 Syed Shahid Mazhar,Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    30 STC Seven-Day Refresher Course on National Education Policy (NEP)-2020 HRDC-DSW, Integral University, Lucknow 24/02/2021 03/03/2021 Shariq Nadeem
    31 FDP National Education Policy DCBM, Integral University, Lucknow 24/02/2021 03/03/2021 Dr. Zain Mehdi, DCBM
    32 Training Seven-Day Refresher Course on National Education Policy (NEP)-2020 HRDC-DSW, Integral University, Lucknow 24/02/2021 03/03/2021 Dr. Abdul Tayyab Khan
    33 FDP Entrepreneurship and Development XISS, Ranchi 22/02/2021 06/03/2021 Dr. Zain Mehdi, DCBM
    34 FDP Two Week Faculty Development Programme on Entrepreneurship Xavier Institute of Social Service, Ranchi, Sponsored by NSTEDB Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi 22/02/2021 06/03/2021 Dr. Aisha Badruddin
    35 FDP Entrepreneurship XISS,Ranchi 22/02/2021 06/03/2021 Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    36 FDP Entrepreneurship and Development XISS , RANCHI 22/02/2021 06/03/2021 Ms Orooj Siddiqui
    37 Training Campus Sustainability HRDC,AMU. Integral University Lucknow 16/02/2021 22/02/2021 Dr.Syed Afzal Ahmad
    38 Webinar India’s Budget 2021: Economy vs Finance in Global Pandemic DCBM,Integral University 06/02/2021 06/02/2021 Nazia Akhlaq
    39 STC Research Methodology and data analytics using SPSS and R Shri Vidhyanikethan Institute of Management, Tirupati 01/02/2021 06/02/2021 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    40 Webinar Internet and Children IJMRT,Haryana 12/01/2021 12/01/2021 Dr.Syed Shahid Mazhar,Dr.Farhina Sardar Khan,Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    41 Webinar RESEARCH FUNDING AGENCIES & HOW TO WRITE ROBUST RESEARCH PROPOSAL Royal College of Arts,Science and Commerce,Mumbai 12/01/2021 12/01/2021 Dr.Syed Shahid Mazhar,Dr.Farhina Sardar Khan,Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    42 FDP International Training on Authorship, Research Methodology and Scopus Free Publication Process Eudoxia Research Centre, India 05/01/2021 02/02/2021 Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    43 FDP Advanced Excel with Data Visualization IIT-Kanpur 21/12/2020 27/12/2020 Shariq Nadeem, Syed Shahid Mazhar, Mohd Ariz Siddiqui,Habib uddin
    44 FDP Introduction to Six Sigma IIT-Kanpur 07/12/2020 14/12/2020 Shariq Nadeem,Habib uddin
    45 FDP Introduction to Six Sigma IIT, Kanpur 07/12/2020 14/12/2020 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL
    46 STC 4-Week Induction/Orientation Programme Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi under the aegis of Ministry of Human Resource Development 10/11/2020 09/12/2020 Shariq Nadeem
    47 FDP Advanced Excel with Data Visualization E & ICT Academy, IIT Kanpur 04/11/2020 09/11/2020 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL
    48 FDP Research Methodology DCBM, FDSR & IQAC, Integral University, Lucknow 26/09/2020 02/10/2020 Shariq Nadeem, Syed Shahid Mazhar, Mohd Ariz Siddiqui, Farhina Sardar Khan,Habib uddin
    49 FDP Research Methodology Department of Commerce & Business Management in association with Faculty of Doctoral Studies and Research & Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC). 26/09/2020 02/10/2020 Mubasshara Hasan
    50 FDP Research Methodology Department of Commerce and Businees Management, Integral University, Lucknow 26/09/2020 02/10/2020 Mr. Shadab Ahmad
    51 FDP National FDP on Research Methodology DCBM, Integral University, Lucknow 26/09/2020 02/10/2021 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    52 FDP one week faculty development program on Research Methodology and Quantitative Techniques DCBM,Integral University 26/09/2020 02/10/2020 Nazia Akhlaq
    53 FDP Advanced Excel with Data Visualization E & ICT Academy, IIT-Kanpur 04/09/2020 09/09/2020 Dr. Aisha Badruddin
    54 Webinar National Education Policy 2020 Goa Business School , Goa University 16/08/2020 16/08/2020 Dr.Syed Afzal Ahmad
    55 FDP Case methods-learning, teaching and writing DCBM, Integral University, Lucknow 16/08/2020 17/08/2020 Dr. Rizwana Atiq, Syed Shahid Mazhar, Mphd Ariz Siddiqui, Farhina Sardar Khan, Habibuddin, Syed Afzal Ahmad, Asma Farooque
    56 Webinar A tale of two Indias : Are the best leaving behind the rest University of Allahabad 30/07/2020 30/07/2020 Dr.Syed Shahid Mazhar,Dr.Farhina Sardar Khan,Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    57 FDP NAAC Accreditation Dnyansagar Institute of Management & Research, Pune in association with EduMentor 21/07/2020 27/07/2020 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL
    58 FDP Two Week FDP on Covid -19 New Age Teaching Pedagogy: Innovative Tools, Techniques And Research Methods For Efficient Business Management Teaching In Digital Era Atal Bihari Vajpayee School of Management and Entrepreneurship ,Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 20/07/2020 31/07/2020 Syed Shahid Mazhar,Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    59 FDP One Week Online FDP on “Open Source Tools for Online Teaching” Department of Commerce A.M.U., Aligarh 20/07/2020 24/07/2020 Syed Shahid Mazhar, Shahabuddin
    60 FDP One Week Online FDP on “Open Source Tools for Online Teaching” Department of Commerce A.M.U., Aligarh 20/07/2020 24/07/2020 Dr. Abdul Tayyab Khan
    61 FDP Covid-19- New age teaching pedagogy: Innovative tools, techniques and research methods for effective Business management teaching in Digital Era Jawaharlal Nehru University Delhi 20/07/2020 31/07/2020 Nazia Akhlaq
    62 STC Online Teachers' Training Program(TTP) on Application of ICT Tools for Enhancement of E-Learning & Teaching Pedagogy in Schools Integral Learning Initiative (ILI), Integral University, Lucknow 08/07/2020 14/07/2020 NEYHA MALIK, DCBM
    63 Symposium Paradigm Shift in Higher Education under Covid-19 Pandemic: Experience and Challenges Gulf University, Building 1964, Road 4363, Block 743, Sanad, Kingdom of Bahrain 05/07/2020 06/07/2020 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL
    64 Seminar E-Seminar on “Self-Reliance in Changing Global Environment: Imperatives For India” Department of Business Administration, University of Lucknow and Lucknow Management Association 04/07/2020 04/07/2020 Dr. Aisha Badruddin
    65 FDP Teaching Strategies for Virtual Classrooms Faculty Development Program Sumy State University Sumy, Ukraine 26/06/2020 10/07/2020 Amit Kumar Goel
    66 Webinar prior art searching with Google patents Turnip Innovations Pvt Ltd 26/06/2020 26/06/2020 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    67 FDP How to Publish Research Papers in Top Tier International Journal Institute of Management Studies (IMS) Ghaziabad 26/06/2020 30/06/2020 Syed Shahid Mazhar,Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    68 FDP Five Days Online International Level Faculty Development Programe on “GATEWAY TO INNOVATION” Shrimati Indira Mahadev Beharay College of Arts, Shriman Chandulal Sheth College of Commerce, Shrimati Shobhanatai Chandulal Sheth College of Science, Khed-Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, India, INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE CELL (IQAC) in association with Department of Information Technology, Computer Science & Bachelor of Management Studies 22/06/2020 26/06/2020 Dr. Abdul Tayyab Khan
    69 FDP Gateway to Innovation I.C.S. College of Arts, Commerce and Science Khed, Ratnagiri, Maharatshtra & IQAC in Association of Dept. of Information Technology Computer Science & Management Studies 22/06/2020 26/06/2020 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL
    70 FDP Five Days Online International Level Faculty Development Programme on “GATEWAY TO INNOVATION” Shrimati Indira Mahadev Beharay College of Arts, Shriman Chandulal Sheth College of Commerce, Shrimati Shobhanatai Chandulal Sheth College of Science, Khed-Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, India, INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE CELL (IQAC) in association with Department of Information Technology, Computer Science & Bachelor of Management Studies 22/06/2020 26/06/2020 NEYHA MALIK, DCBM
    71 Webinar Reopening the Economy : Challenges and Opportunities University of Allahabad 22/06/2020 22/06/2020 Dr.Syed Shahid Mazhar,Dr.Farhina Sardar Khan,Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    72 STC Gender Equality, Gender Bias, Women’s Equality and Stereotyping IIIT NAGPUR 22/06/2020 26/06/2020 Dr. Aisha Badruddin
    73 FDP GATEWAY TO INNOVATION ICS-KHED-MAHARASHTRA 22/06/2020 26/06/2020 Ms Orooj Siddiqui
    74 Webinar E-Business: Branding, Monetizing, and Security Organizing Team, IASMS 20/06/2020 20/06/2020 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL
    75 Training Exploring Career Opportunities Post Covid Ameya Agrawal, Zovy Studios, Bombay 19/06/2020 19/06/2020 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL
    76 Workshop The Bodhi Tree and SAFE Tools for Effective Online Teaching: A Hands-On Workshop Teaching Learning Centre (ICT) at IIT Bombay through IIT Bombay Bodhi Tree platform funded by PMMMNMTT, MHRD, Govt. of India 18/06/2020 21/06/2020 Dr. Abdul Tayyab Khan
    77 Webinar Intellectual Property Rights and Patents Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Mewar University, Chittorgarh 18/06/2020 18/06/2020 Dr. Aisha Badruddin
    78 FDP Contemporary issues, Assessment, Colaboration, Research and Publication Mohammad Ali Jauhar University, Rampur(UP), India in association with Swami Sukhdevanand P.G college, Shahjahnpur(UP), India. 15/06/2020 21/06/2020 Mr. Shadab Ahmad
    79 FDP Tips and Techniques for Writing International Quality Research Papers and Publishing in Top Tier International Journals eBizee Institute of IB and Entrepreneurship LLP, India 15/06/2020 19/06/2020 Mr. Shadab Ahmad
    80 Workshop Two days International Workshop on Ethics of writing research papers B.N.College of Engineering and technology 12/06/2020 13/06/2020 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    81 STC Online Teaching Certificate Program(Advanced) Institute of Tropical Epidemiology & Public Health(ITEPH) & Data Analytics Core Group(DACG),Lucknow 12/06/2020 18/06/2020 Dr.Syed Shahid Mazhar,Dr.Farhina Sardar Khan,Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    82 FDP Seven Days Online FDP on “Online Teaching Certificate Program (Academic)” ITEPH (DACG), Lucknow 12/06/2020 18/06/2020 Syed Shahid Mazhar, Farhina Sardar Khan, Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    83 STC "Technostress Involved In Work From Home Mode" Al-Barkaat Institute of Education, Agra 11/06/2020 14/06/2020 NEYHA MALIK, DCBM
    84 STC STC (4-days online programme) on "Technostress Involved In Work From Home Mode" organized by Al-Barkaat Institute of Education, Agra Al-Barkaat Institute of Education, Agra 11/06/2020 14/06/2020 DR. FIROZ HUSAIN
    85 FDP Seven days Faculty Development Programme on "Quality Assurance in Higher Education Institutions: Revised NAAC Framework" IQAC, School of Management Sciences, Varanasi 09/06/2020 15/06/2020 NEYHA MALIK, DCBM
    86 Webinar Careers in the Management arena in the post COVID scenario DME,Delhi 09/06/2020 09/06/2020 Dr.Syed Shahid Mazhar,Dr.Farhina Sardar Khan,Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    87 Webinar Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic Health and Education Department of Endocrine Surgery,KGMU and Department of Public Administration, Lucknow University,Lucknow 08/06/2020 08/06/2020 Mr. Shadab Ahmad
    89 Webinar Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Health & Education Department of Endocrine Surgery, KGMU, Lucknow, Department of Public Administration, University of Lucknow, Lucknow and Kamla Nehru Institute of Physical and Social Sciences, Sultanpur 08/06/2020 08/06/2020 Dr. Gaurav Bisaria
    90 FDP One-week FDP on "Open Source Tools for Research" Ramanujan College, DU, sponsered by PMMMNMTT, MHRD 08/06/2020 14/06/2020 NEYHA MALIK, DCBM
    91 Webinar Post Covid-19 Risk Return Dynamics of Share Market School of Management, Doon University 08/06/2020 08/06/2020 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL
    92 FDP One Week FDP on "Open Source Tools for Research" Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi under the aegis of Ministry of Human Resource Development 08/06/2020 14/06/2020 Dr. Abdul Tayyab Khan
    93 FDP Advance Research Methodology and Innovative Teaching Pedagogy Tulsiram Gaikwad – Patil College of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur, India 08/06/2020 13/06/2020 Mr. Shadab Ahmad
    94 Webinar Readiness of Universities & Institutions For the New Revolutionary Changes in Education System Ambika Ram Devi Degree College 08/06/2020 08/06/2020 Dr.Syed Shahid Mazhar,Dr.Farhina Sardar Khan,Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    95 Webinar "Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Health & Education" Department of Endocrine Surgery, KGMU, Lucknow H N B U Medical Education University, Dehradun Department of Public Administration, LU, Lucknow 08/06/2020 08/06/2020 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    96 Seminar Changing Paradigms in Marketing University of Lucknow 07/06/2020 07/06/2020 Dr. Syed Shahid Mazhar,Dr.Farhina Sardar Khan,Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    97 FDP Effective & Quality Research Writing Department of Commerce (Shift II) in association with IQAC, Patrician College of Arts and Science, Chennai 07/06/2020 13/06/2020 Mr. Shadab Ahmad
    98 Seminar Changing Paradigms in Marketing Deptt. of Business Management, Lucknow University, Lucknow. 07/06/2020 07/06/2020 Dr. Abdul Tayyab Khan
    99 Webinar The Road Ahead: The Future Of Indian Business(Impact of Covid-19 on Managerial Decisions) Bhavidya Institute of Management,Ayodhya(U.P) 07/06/2020 07/06/2020 Mr. Shadab Ahmad
    100 Webinar Global Webinar on the Job for Next Five years Integral University 06/06/2020 06/06/2020 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    101 Specify Jobs for the next five years Integral University,Lucknow 06/06/2020 06/06/2020 Dr.Syed Shahid Mazhar,Dr.Farhina Sardar Khan,Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    102 Webinar Jobs for the next five years CCG&D,Integral University 06/06/2020 06/06/2020 Nazia Akhlaq
    103 Webinar My Life and Survival Strategies at Antarctica Isabella Thoburn College,Lucknow 05/06/2020 05/06/2020 Dr. Syed Shahid Mazhar,Dr.Farhina Sardar Khan,Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    104 Webinar Consumer Social Responsibility St. Claret College - NAAC Accredited ffiliated to Banglore University 05/06/2020 05/06/2020 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL
    105 STC Faculty Orientation Program – Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi & MHRD 04/06/2020 01/07/2020 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL
    106 Other:please 4-Week Induction/Orientation Programme for "Faculty in Universities/Colleges/Institutions of Higher Education" Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi sponsered by MHRD, Govet of India and PMMMNMTT 04/06/2020 01/07/2020 NEYHA MALIK, DCBM
    107 Training 4-Week Induction/Orientation Programme for "Faculty in Universities/Colleges/Institutions of Higher Education" Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi sponsored by MHRD, Govt of India and PMMMNMTT 04/06/2020 01/07/2020 Dr. Abdul Tayyab Khan
    108 FDP Seven Days Online FDP on “Online Teaching Certificate Program (Academic)” ITEPH (DACG), Lucknow 04/06/2020 10/06/2020 Syed Shahid Mazhar,Farhina Sardar Khan, Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    109 STC Online Teaching Certificate Program(Professional) Institute of Tropical Epidemiology & Public Health(ITEPH) & Data Analytics Core Group(DACG),Lucknow 04/06/2020 10/06/2020 Dr. Syed Shahid Mazhar,Dr.Farhina Sardar Khan,Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    110 Webinar Cyber Media In New World Order Indraprastha University,Delhi 01/06/2020 01/06/2020 Dr.Syed Shahid Mazhar,Dr.Farhina Sardar Khan,Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    111 Workshop One day national workshop on "ICT based teaching learning tools" Inquiry Hub and Odd Partikle 31/05/2020 31/05/2020 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    112 Webinar Art of Conducting Effective e-Classes DME,Delhi 30/05/2020 30/05/2020 Dr.Syed Shahid Mazhar,Dr.Farhina Sardar Khan,Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    113 Webinar Business Model for post COVID Social Entrepreneurship Integral University 29/05/2020 29/05/2020 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    114 Webinar Socio-Psychological impact of COVID-19 in Academics and its Management Faculty of Pharmacy at Integral University, Lucknow 28/05/2020 28/05/2020 Dr. Gaurav Bisaria
    115 Webinar Impact Of Covid-19 On Emerging Markets Asim Siddiqui Memorial College,badaun(UP) in collaboration with in faculty of commerce & Research studies Swami Vivekanand Post Graduate College,Shahjahanpur(UP) 27/05/2020 27/05/2020 Mr. Shadab Ahmad
    116 STC Online Teaching Certificate Program(Academic) Institute of Tropical Epidemiology & Public Health(ITEPH) & Data Analytics Core Group(DACG),Lucknow 27/05/2020 02/06/2020 Dr.Syed Shahid Mazhar,Dr.Farhina Sardar Khan,Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    117 FDP Seven Days Online FDP on “Online Teaching Certificate Program (Academic)” ITEPH (DACG), Lucknow 27/05/2020 02/06/2020 Syed Shahid Mazhar,Farhina Sardar Khan, Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    118 FDP One Week Online Faculty Development Program on "MOODLE: Learning Management System" Deptt. of Electronics Engineering, AMU, Aligarh in association with Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay. 27/05/2020 31/05/2020 Dr. Abdul Tayyab Khan
    119 FDP Future of Learning R. V. Institute of Management, Bangalore 27/05/2020 29/05/2020 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL
    120 FDP International Faculty Development Program on the topic “ How to Publish Research Papers in Top tier International Journal IMS , Ghaziabad 26/05/2020 30/05/2020 Dr.Syed Afzal Ahmad
    121 FDP Outcome Based Education and Accreditation IILM College of Engineering & Technology 25/05/2020 29/05/2020 Mr. Shadab Ahmad
    122 Webinar Managing Supply Chain Risk and disruption Small Industries and Manufacturers Association 23/05/2020 23/05/2020 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    123 Webinar Covid-19 on Impact on Economic Growth of India and Ukraine Human Resource Development Center(HRDC), Integral University, India in association with Admiral Makarov National University Shipbuilding, Kherson branch, Ukraine 23/05/2020 23/05/2020 Mr. Shadab Ahmad
    124 FDP Emerging SMEs During Crisis Time R. V. Institute of Management, Bangalore 20/05/2020 25/05/2020 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL
    125 FDP Managing Online Classes and Co-creating MOOCS Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi under the aegis of Ministry of Human Resource Development 20/05/2020 26/05/2020 Dr. Abdul Tayyab Khan
    127 Webinar Post Covid-19 World and Pivotal Role of Science and Technology Faculty of Science & IQAC Government Raza P.G College, Rampur, India 17/05/2020 17/05/2020 Mr. Shadab Ahmad
    128 FDP One Week FDP (online) on "Moodle Learning Management System" Deptt. Of Computer Application in association with Spoken Tutorial Project IIT-B (PMMMNMTT) under the aegis of HRDC, Integral University, Lucknow 16/05/2020 20/05/2020 Dr. Abdul Tayyab Khan
    129 Workshop "Effective and Efficient Online Teaching in the Age of Corona, A Hands On Workshop" Teaching Learning Centre (ICT) at IIT Bombay through IIT Bombay BodhiTree platform funded by PMMMNMTT, MHRD, Govt. of India 16/05/2020 16/05/2020 NEYHA MALIK, DCBM
    130 FDP One Week FDP (online) on "Moodle Learning Management System" Deptt. Of Computer Application in association with Spoken Tutorial Project IIT-B (PMMMNMTT) under the aegis of HRDC, Integral University, Lucknow 16/05/2020 20/05/2020 NEYHA MALIK, DCBM
    131 FDP Moodle: Learning Management System Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay under the aegis of HRDC, Integral University 16/05/2020 20/05/2020 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    132 FDP Moodle: Learning Management System Department of Computer Application in association with Spoken Tutorial Project IIT Bombay. 16/05/2020 20/05/2020 Mubasshara Hasan
    133 FDP One Week FDP (online) on "Moodle Learning Management System" organized by the Deptt. Of Computer Application in association with Spoken Tutorial Project IIT-B (PMMMNMTT) under the aegis of HRDC, Integral University, Lucknow INTEGRAL UNIVERSITY, LKO 16/05/2020 20/05/2020 DR. FIROZ HUSAIN
    134 FDP Moodle: Learning Management System Department of Computer Application in association with Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay-Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching under the aegis of HRDC Integral University, Lucknow 16/05/2020 20/05/2020 Dr. Aisha Badruddin
    135 Webinar Power of Digital in Digital India DME,Delhi 14/05/2020 14/05/2020 Dr.Syed Shahid Mazhar,Dr.Farhina Sardar Khan,Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    136 Webinar IPR and Patent Drafting which is planned to host today Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, St.Peter's Institute of Higher Education and Research, Avadi, Chennai-54 14/05/2020 14/05/2020 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL
    138 Webinar Investing in Turbulent Times: Ideas to Remain Focused and Make Better Decisions CFA Institute, USA 13/05/2020 13/05/2020 Dr. Abdul Tayyab Khan
    139 Webinar Digital Marketing 101 ndian Institute of Digital Education IIDE & CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Delhi NCR Campus 12/05/2020 12/05/2020 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL
    140 STC "Advanced Research Methodology" REST Society for Research International (RSRI) Krishnagiri, TN, India 11/05/2020 15/05/2020 NEYHA MALIK, DCBM
    141 Workshop "Effective and Efficient Online Teaching in the Age of Corona, A Hands On Workshop" Teaching Learning Centre (ICT) at IIT Bombay through IIT Bombay Bodhi Tree platform funded by PMMMNMTT, MHRD, Govt. of India 11/05/2020 16/05/2020 Dr. Abdul Tayyab Khan
    142 FDP One week FDP on R- Programming Language Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay under the aegis of HRDC, Integral University 11/05/2020 15/05/2020 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    143 FDP R-Programming Language Department of Computer Application in association with Spoken Tutorial Project IIT Bombay. 11/05/2020 15/05/2020 Mubasshara Hasan
    144 Webinar National Webinar for teaching faculty on the topic “INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP ECOSYSTEM IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTES” with speakers from Desai Sethi School of Entrepreneurship (IIT BOMBAY) and Enactus India SIES College of Arts , Science and Commerce (Autonomous) , Sion (West) , Mumbai 10/05/2020 10/05/2020 DR. FIROZ HUSAIN
    145 Specify “INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP ECOSYSTEM IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTES” SIES College of Arts , Science and Commerce (Autonomous) , Sion (West) , Mumbai 10/05/2020 10/05/2020 NEYHA MALIK, DCBM
    146 FDP Industry 4.0 - Building the Digital Enterprise Department of Commerce PA, IT and Finance, Kaamadhenu Arts and Science College, Sathyamangalam - 638503, Erode Dt. Tamilnadu, 10/05/2020 10/05/2020 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL
    147 Webinar One day National Webinar on effective ways to develop E-content Internal Quality Assurance Cell, University of Mumbai, in Collaboration with Knowledge Bridge, Ahmadnagar. 09/05/2020 09/05/2020 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    148 Webinar Effective Ways To Develop E-Content Internal Quality Assurance Cell in Collaboration with Knowledge Bridge, Ahmadnagar and Smt. Devkiba Mohansinhji Chauhan College Of Commerce And Science 09/05/2020 09/05/2020 Mr. Shadab Ahmad
    149 FDP DECODING EXAMINATION DURING AND POST COVID 19 Ameya Agrawal, Zovy Studios, Bombay 08/05/2020 08/05/2020 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL
    150 Webinar MANAGING PERSONAL FINANCE DURING COVID – 19 Govt. P.G. College Obra Sonbhadra 07/05/2020 08/05/2020 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL
    151 Webinar "Managing Personal Finance During COVID-19" Government P.G. College, Obra, Sonbhadra, UP in association with Indian accounting Association, Mirzapur, UP 06/05/2020 07/05/2020 NEYHA MALIK, DCBM
    152 Webinar "Managing Personal Finance During COVID-19" Government P.G. College, Obra, Sonbhadra, UP in association with Indian accounting Association, Mirzapur, UP 06/05/2020 07/05/2020 Dr. Abdul Tayyab Khan
    153 Webinar Use of Elsevier tools in research workflow Elsevier in association of University of Madrass 05/05/2020 05/05/2020 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL
    154 Webinar "Post COVID-19 Business Opportunities in INDIA with Lessons from 1918 Pandemic" "Department of Business Management & Entrepreneurship" in collaboration with "Institute of Engineering & Technology" Dr. Ram manohar Lohia Avadh University, Ayodhya 05/05/2020 05/05/2020 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    155 Seminar Post COVID-19 Business Opportunities in INDIA with Lessons from 1918 Pandemic Department of Business Management & Entrepreneurship" in collaboration with "Institute of Engineering & Technology" Dr. Rammanohar Lohia Avadh University, Ayodhya 05/05/2020 05/05/2020 Mr. Shadab Ahmad
    156 FDP One Week International Online Faculty Development Programme on “INNOVATION, IPR & ENTREPRENEURSHIP” organised by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) Pillai HOC College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Rasayani in association with Patlex Business Solutions (ONLINE) Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) Pillai HOC College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Rasayani in association with Patlex Business Solutions 04/05/2020 10/05/2020 DR. FIROZ HUSAIN
    157 FDP One Week International Online Faculty Development Programme on “INNOVATION, IPR & ENTREPRENEURSHIP” Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) Pillai HOC College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Rasayani in association with Patlex Business Solutions 04/05/2020 10/05/2020 NEYHA MALIK, DCBM
    158 Webinar ‘Health Insurance in Times of COVID-19' Department of B.Com, Pillai HOC College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Rasayani (Accounting & Finance) in association with Insurance Institute of India (III) 04/05/2020 04/05/2020 NEYHA MALIK, DCBM
    159 FDP One Week International Online Faculty Development Programme on “INNOVATION, IPR & ENTREPRENEURSHIP” Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) Pillai HOC College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Rasayani in association with Patlex Business Solutions 04/05/2020 10/05/2020 Dr. Abdul Tayyab Khan
    160 Webinar ‘Health Insurance in Times of COVID-19' Department of B.Com, Pillai HOC College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Rasayani (Accounting & Finance) in association with Insurance Institute of India (III) 04/05/2020 04/05/2020 Dr. Abdul Tayyab Khan
    161 Webinar Management of Frozen World & Melting Economies Aligarh Muslim University's Department of Commerce 01/05/2020 13/05/2020 NEYHA MALIK, DCBM
    162 Webinar IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON MANUFACTURING SECTOR Fedration of Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry - FICCI 01/05/2020 01/05/2020 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL
    163 Webinar “Innovative Business Practices in the Times of Covid-19” Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti Language University, Lucknow 28/04/2020 30/04/2020 NEYHA MALIK, DCBM
    164 Workshop "Digital Teaching for Smart Learning" Titus II Teachers College, Tiruvalla, Kerala in association with MES's Pillai College of Education and Research, Chembur, Mumbai 27/04/2020 03/05/2020 NEYHA MALIK, DCBM
    165 Workshop National Workshop on Role of Non-teaching Staff Members in NAAC Accreditation R. J. COLLEGE OF ARTS, SCIENCE & COMMERCE (AUTONOMOUS) IQAC Under the aegis of UGC PARAMARSH SCHEME 27/04/2020 29/04/2020 NEYHA MALIK, DCBM
    166 Workshop National Workshop on Role of Non-teaching Staff Members in NAAC Accreditation R. J. COLLEGE OF ARTS, SCIENCE & COMMERCE (AUTONOMOUS) IQAC Under the aegis of UGC PARAMARSH SCHEME 27/04/2020 29/04/2020 DR. FIROZ HUSAIN
    167 Workshop National Workshop on Role of Non-teaching Staff Members in NAAC Accreditation R. J. College (Mumbai) 27/04/2020 29/04/2020 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    168 STC STC (5-days online certificate course) on "Employability: An Essential Skill for Professional Development" organized by Vishwabharati Research Centre, Mumbai ONLINE-Vishwabharati Research Centre, Mumbai 26/04/2020 30/04/2020 DR. FIROZ HUSAIN
    169 STC "Employability: An Essential Skill for Professional Development" Vishwabharati Research Centre, Mumbai 26/04/2020 30/04/2020 NEYHA MALIK, DCBM
    170 Webinar Impact of Covid-19 on the market and how do we prepare ourselves for the same Thakur College of Science and Commerce, University of Mumbai 25/04/2020 26/04/2020 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    171 Workshop One Day Online Workshop on "Book & Article Publishing and SPRINGER LINK Platform Demonstration" Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar in Collaboration with Springer Nature under the aegis of PMMMNMTT, MHRD, Govt. of India 22/04/2020 22/04/2020 Dr. Abdul Tayyab Khan
    172 STC "Carrer Oriented Vital Intellectual Demands" (COVID) Al-Barkaat Institute of Education, Agra 20/04/2020 24/04/2020 NEYHA MALIK, DCBM
    173 STC Stress Management and Mental Health UDEMY online platform 20/04/2020 20/04/2020 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    174 FDP Managing online classes and Co-creating MOOCs Ramanujam College, University of Delhi 20/04/2020 06/05/2020 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    175 STC STC (5-days online) on "Carrer Oriented Vital Intellectual Demands" (COVID) organized by Al-Barkaat Institute of Education, Agra ONLINE-Al-Barkaat Institute of Education, Agra 20/04/2020 24/04/2020 DR. FIROZ HUSAIN
    176 FDP FDP (2 days) on “Research Projects- Submitting Proposals & Seeking grants” organized by the Department of Commerce & Business Management in association with Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Integral University, Lucknow INTEGRAL UNIVERSITY, LKO 02/03/2020 03/03/2020 DR. FIROZ HUSAIN
    177 FDP Research Projects- Submitting Proposals and Seeking Grants Department of Commerce & Business Management in association with Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC). 02/03/2020 03/03/2020 Mubasshara Hasan
    178 FDP Faculty Development Program on “Research Projects-Submitting proposal Seeking grants”. DCBM,Integral University. 02/03/2020 03/03/2020 Nazia Akhlaq
    179 FDP Research Project-Submitting Proposal & Seeking Grants DCBM & IQAC, Integral University, Lucknow 02/03/2020 03/03/2020 Shariq Nadeem, Syed Shahid Mazhar, Mohd Ariz Siddiqui, Farhina Sardar Khan, Habibuddin ,Asma Farooque,
    180 FDP Research Methods & Data Analytics STEP-HBTI, Kanpur 24/02/2020 28/02/2020 NEYHA MALIK, DCBM
    181 Workshop Multidisciplinary International Workshop at Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti Urdu,Arabi,Farsi University Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti Urdu,Arabi,Farsi University, Lucknow 23/02/2020 23/02/2020 Nazia Akhlaq
    182 Training R Training program Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay 09/01/2020 09/01/2020 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    183 FDP Design Thinking for Agricultural Implements IIT Kanpur & Common Wealth of Learning, Canada. 17/12/2019 15/02/2020 Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    184 FDP e-Extension IIT Kanpur & Common Wealth of Learning, Canada. 03/12/2019 30/01/2020 Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    185 Workshop Two day workshop on Karvy SEAL DCBM,Integral University 25/11/2019 26/11/2019 Nazia Akhlaq
    186 Other:please National Conference LEADERSHIP & ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT DCBM,Integral University 15/11/2019 16/11/2019 Nazia Akhlaq
    187 Workshop Case Preparation & Writing Skills IBS Pune 29/09/2019 29/09/2019 Dr.Syed Afzal Ahmad
    188 Workshop Indian Financial Market KARVY Stock Broking 25/09/2019 26/09/2019 Mr. Shadab Ahmad
    189 FDP Case Methods – Learning, Teaching & Writing Department of Commerce & Business Management in association with Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC). 16/08/2019 17/08/2019 Mubasshara Hasan
    190 FDP Faculty Development Programme (2 days) on “Case Methods - Learning, Teaching and Writing” organized by The Department of Commerce and Business Management, Faculty of Commerce & Management in association with Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Integral University, Lucknow (16-17 August, 2019) INTEGRAL UNIVERSITY, LKO 16/08/2019 17/08/2019 DR. FIROZ HUSAIN
    191 FDP Two days Faculty Development Programme on “Case Methods- Learning, Teaching and Writing”. DCBM,Integral University 16/08/2019 17/08/2019 Nazia Akhlaq
    192 FDP Case Methods-Learning, Teaching and writing Integral University 16/08/2019 17/08/2019 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    193 FDP Case Methods-Learning, Teaching and Writing DCBM, Integral University, Lucknow 16/08/2019 17/08/2019 Shariq Nadeem
    194 FDP Case Methods, Learning, Teaching & Writing DCBM, Integral University 16/08/2019 17/08/2019 Mr. Shadab Ahmad
    195 STC AICTE recognized on Research Oriented Project Work NITTTR, Chandigarh through ICT 05/08/2019 09/08/2019 NEYHA MALIK, DCBM
    196 STC STC (one week) on AICTE recognized Research Oriented Project Work organized by NITTTR Chandigarh INTEGRAL UNIVERSITY, LKO 05/08/2019 09/08/2019 DR. FIROZ HUSAIN
    197 Workshop One Day National Workshop on Anti-Plagiarism in Research Integral University 03/08/2019 03/08/2019 Nazia Akhlaq
    198 Workshop Anti-Plagiarism Integral University 03/08/2019 03/08/2019 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    199 Workshop Anti Plagiarism IU 03/08/2019 03/08/2019 Dr. Rizwana Atiq
    200 Workshop Anti-Plagiarism in Research Human Resource Development Center(HRDC) in joint collaboration with Faculty of Education & Intellactual Property Rights Management Cell(IPRMC) 03/08/2019 03/08/2019 Mr. Shadab Ahmad
    201 STC “ How to teach effectively” MHRD, Govt of India, held at IU 02/08/2019 02/08/2019 Dr. Rizwana Atiq
    202 FDP “Courseware creation using Moodle for outcome based education “ IU 08/07/2019 05/09/2019 Dr. Rizwana Atiq
    203 FDP Professional development programme on Research Methodology and quantitative techniques DCBM, IU 06/07/2019 11/07/2019 Dr. Rizwana Atiq, Syed Shahid Mazhar, Mphd Ariz Siddiqui, Farhina Sardar Khan, Habibuddin, Syed Afzal Ahmad, Asma Farooque
    204 FDP Research Methodology & Quantitative Techniques Integral University, Lucknow 06/07/2019 11/07/2019 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL
    205 FDP Research Methodology & Quantitative Techniques DCBM, Integral University,Lucknow 06/07/2019 11/07/2019 Shariq Nadeem
    206 Training “Professional Development Program-PDP on Research Methodology & Quantitative Techniques” Department of Commerce & Business Management and Internal Quality Assessment Cell (IQAC) of Integral University, Lucknow. 06/07/2019 11/07/2019 Nazia Akhlaq
    207 FDP Research Methodology & Quantitative Techniques DCBM, Integral University 06/07/2019 11/07/2019 Dr.Syed Afzal Ahmad
    208 FDP Research Methodology and quantitative techniques Integral University 06/07/2019 11/07/2019 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    209 FDP Research methodology & Quantitative Techniques DCBM, Integral University 06/07/2019 11/07/2019 Mr. Shadab Ahmad
    210 FDP Professional Development Program (PDP) (One Week) on “Research Methodology and Quantitative Techniques”, Integral University, Lucknow INTEGRAL UNIVERSITY, LKO 06/07/2019 11/07/2019 DR. FIROZ HUSAIN
    211 FDP Research Methodology and Quantitative Techniques Department of Commerce & Business Management in association with Internal Quality Assurance Cell. 06/07/2019 11/07/2019 Mubasshara Hasan
    212 FDP Teaching skills and Communication development Maxel Learning Private Limited 03/07/2019 20/07/2019 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    213 STC online certification course on Human Resource Development NPTEL 01/07/2019 01/10/2019 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    214 STC online certification course on Performance and Reward Management NPTEL 01/07/2019 01/10/2019 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    215 Workshop Scilab Workshop Integral University, Lucknow and Teaching Learning Centre at IIT Bombay. 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 Mubasshara Hasan
    216 Workshop Scilab Workshop Teaching learning centre(ICT) IIT Bombay and in association with Integral university, Lucknow. 04/05/2019 04/05/2019 Mr. Shadab Ahmad
    217 Workshop Self defense workshop on Krav Maga Integral University , Lucknow conducted by Anvarat Foundation 29/04/2019 29/04/2019 Mubasshara Hasan
    218 Workshop Self-Defence Workshop on Krav Mega Integral University 29/04/2019 29/04/2019 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    219 Workshop Sensitization Workshop on Financial Inclusion Integral University 10/04/2019 10/04/2019 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    220 Workshop Financial Inclusion Department of Commerce and Business Management in Collaboration with SIDBI Centre for Innovations in Financial Inclusion, Indian Institute of Management(IIM), Lucknow 10/04/2019 10/04/2019 Mr. Shadab Ahmad
    221 Workshop Sensitization Workshop on “Financial Inclusion" Department of Commerce and Management and SIDBI Centre for Innovation in Financial Inclusion Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow held at Integral University, Lucknow 10/04/2019 10/04/2019 Mubasshara Hasan
    222 Workshop “Sensitization Workshop on Financial Inclusion” DCBM, Integral University in collaboration with SCIFI Centre, Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow (IIM) 10/04/2019 10/04/2019 Nazia Akhlaq
    223 Workshop Sensitization Workshop on “Financial Inclusion” Integral University, Lucknow 10/04/2019 10/04/2019 Dr. Aisha Badruddin
    224 Workshop financial inclusion Integral university in collaboration with IIM, Lucknow. 10/04/2019 10/04/2019 Dr. Rizwana Atiq
    225 Workshop Financial Inclusion DCBM, Integral University, Lucknow 10/04/2019 10/04/2019 Shariq Nadeem, Syed Shahid Mazhar, Mohd Ariz Siddiqui, Farhina Sardar Khan
    226 Workshop Financial Inclusion Integral University in Collaboration with SIDBI Centre for Innovation in Financial Inclusion, IIM, Lucknow (IIM Lucknow-SCIFI) 10/04/2019 10/04/2019 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL, Dr. Firoz Husain
    227 FDP Academic Communication and Classroom Effectiveness Conducted by Maxel Learning Pvt Ltd at Integral University, Lucknow 18/03/2019 30/04/2019 Mubasshara Hasan
    228 Seminar Impact Of Emerging Trends In Retail Industry In India SRM Business School, Lucknow 15/03/2019 15/03/2019 Mr. Shadab Ahmad
    229 Seminar Impact of Emerging Trends in Retail Industry in India SRM Business School Lucknow 15/03/2019 15/03/2019 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL
    230 Workshop Anti plagiarism in Research Faculty of Education and Intellectual Property Rights Management cell in association with Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC) Integral University, Lucknow 08/03/2019 08/03/2019 Mubasshara Hasan
    231 Other:please Faculty Induction program Central University of Punjab, Bathinda 11/02/2019 12/03/2019 Dr.Syed Afzal Ahmad
    232 Seminar Seminar “Cash to Cashless Economy: Opportunities & Challenges ". Dept. of Higher Education, Government of Uttar Pradesh at Mahamaya Govt. Degree College, 09/02/2019 10/02/2019 Nazia Akhlaq
    233 Seminar “ Knowledge Management for Organizational Excellence in present Scenario” Motilal Rastigi School of Management 06/02/2019 06/02/2019 Dr. Rizwana Atiq
    234 Workshop research methodology AMU 05/02/2019 11/02/2019 Dr. Rizwana Atiq
    235 Workshop Allergy Update Integral Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Integral University, Lucknow 31/10/2018 31/10/2018 Syed Shahid Mazhar, Farhina Sardar Khan, Mohd Ariz Siddiqui,Habib uddin
    236 STC “Project Work Planning and Execution” (ICT-29) NITTTR, Chandigarh through ICT 08/10/2018 12/10/2018 Dr. Abdul Tayyab Khan
    237 STC “Project Work Planning and Execution” (ICT-29) NITTTR, Chandigarh through ICT 08/10/2018 12/10/2018 NEYHA MALIK, DCBM
    238 STC Seven Days Training Programme on “Academic Leadership” UCG Human Resource Development Centre Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 07/09/2018 13/09/2018 Syed Shahid Mazhar, Farhina Sardar Khan, Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    239 Workshop Statistical Analysis Using R Software (STARS-2018) IIT KANPUR, KANPUR 03/09/2018 07/09/2018 Dr. Aisha Badruddin
    240 Workshop Quality Issues in developing /revising Self- Learning materials in open and distance learning IGNOU, New Delhi 28/08/2018 03/09/2018 Dr.Syed Afzal Ahmad
    241 Training Academic Leadership HRDC,AMU. Integral University Lucknow 14/08/2018 18/08/2018 Dr.Syed Afzal Ahmad
    242 Other:please Knowledge Sharing Program on “Student Centric Approach for Effective Learning” organized by IBS (IBS (ICFAI BUSINESS SCHOOL) in association with Integral University, Lucknow INTEGRAL UNIVERSITY, LKO 13/07/2018 13/07/2018 DR. FIROZ HUSAIN
    243 Other:please Student Centric Approach for Effective Learning IBS, Gurgoan at Integral University 13/07/2018 13/07/2018 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL, Dr. Firoz Husain
    244 FDP Research Methodology and Statistical Analysis(using SPSS and Amos) IILM, Lucknow in collaboration with Lucknow Management Association 25/06/2018 30/06/2018 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    245 FDP (Summer School) UGC Sponsored 7th Summer School in Social Sciences, obtained grade ‘A’, at UGC Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC), University of Allahabad, Allahabad University of Allahabad 21/06/2018 11/07/2018 DR. FIROZ HUSAIN
    246 Other:please UGC Sponsored 7th Summer School in Social Sciences UGC Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC) University of Allahabad 21/06/2018 11/07/2018 Dr.Firoz Husain,Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    247 STC Behavioral Finance IIIT, Allahabad 15/06/2018 21/06/2018 Shariq Nadeem
    248 FDP Life Skills for Engineers(Level I) Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA) and University of Hyderabad (UOH) 15/05/2018 28/06/2018 Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    249 FDP Pedagogy for Online and Blended Teaching – Learning Process IIT Bombay, Held at Integral University 03/05/2018 30/05/2018 Dr.Syed Afzal Ahmad
    250 FDP “ Pedagogy for online and blended teaching-learning process” IIT Bombay Online 03/05/2018 30/05/2018 Dr. Rizwana Atiq, Dr. Firoz Husain
    251 FDP Fundamentals of Agricultural Extension IIT Kanpur & Common Wealth of Learning,Canada. 23/04/2018 19/06/2018 Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    252 Training Saksham- Teaching with Technology Training Microsoft, USA in Association with Integral University, Lucknow, India 22/03/2018 23/03/2018 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL
    253 STC Faculty Development Planning and Management through ITC National Institute of Technical Teacher Training and Research, Chandigarh”, Media Centre at Integral University 12/03/2018 16/03/2018 Dr. Aisha Badruddin
    254 FDP Foundation program in ICT for education IIT Bombay, Held at Integral University 08/03/2018 12/04/2018 Dr.Syed Afzal Ahmad
    255 FDP AICTE approved Faculty Development Programme (FDP101x) on “Foundation Program in ICT for Education” IIT Bombay 08/03/2018 12/04/2018 Dr. Rizwana Atiq, Dr. Firoz Husain
    256 FDP AICTE approved Faculty Development Programme (FDP101x) on “Foundation Program in ICT for Education” IIT Bombay 08/03/2018 12/04/2018 Syed Shahid Mazhar, Farhina Sardar Khan, Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    257 Seminar Following the research workflow using Elsevier’s tools HRDC, Integral University, Lucknow 06/03/2018 06/03/2018 Shariq Nadeem, Syed Shahid Mazhar, Mohd Ariz Siddiqui, Farhina Sardar Khan
    258 Workshop Workshop on “Following the research workflow using Elsevier’s tools” HRDC, Integral University, Lucknow 06/03/2018 06/03/2018 DR. FIROZ HUSAIN
    259 Other:please National Conference on “Economic Reforms & their impact on Indian Economy” Integral University 22/02/2018 23/02/2018 Nazia Akhlaq
    260 Other:please 'Human Resource Management in World of Information Technology' Organized by Science Technology Entrepreneurs Park Harcourt Butler Technological Institute (HBTI), Kanpur, India 02/12/2017 03/12/2017 Nazia Akhlaq
    261 FDP Nutrition,Therapeutics and Health IIT Kanpur & Common Wealth of Learning,Canada. 20/11/2017 16/01/2020 Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    262 Workshop Research Methods and Data Analysis Using SPSS & R IIIT, Allahabad 13/11/2017 14/11/2017 Shariq Nadeem
    263 STC “ Climate Change and Disaster Management through ICT NITTR 06/11/2017 06/11/2017 Dr. Rizwana Atiq
    264 STC Climate Change & Disaster Management through ICT National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research Chandigarh conducted in association with Integral University, Lucknow. 06/11/2017 10/11/2017 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL, Dr. Firoz Husain
    265 FDP Basics of Entrepreneurship Development in Agriculture IIT Kanpur & Common Wealth of Learning,Canada. 06/11/2017 06/01/2018 Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    266 FDP Organic farming and participation in Indian Biological security system IIT Kanpur & Common Wealth of Learning,Canada. 06/11/2017 02/01/2018 Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    267 Workshop Emerging Challenges of Cyber Crimes in India NITTTR, Chandigarh in collaboration with Integral University, LKO 09/10/2017 10/10/2017 NEYHA MALIK, Firoz Husain
    268 Workshop Goods & Services Tax (GST) & Its Impact on the Society Faculty of Commerce & Management and Faculty of Law, Integral University, Lucknow 23/09/2017 23/09/2017 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL, Dr. Firoz Husain
    269 Workshop GST & its Impact on the Society DCBM, IU 23/09/2017 23/09/2017 Dr. Rizwana Atiq
    270 Workshop GST and its Impact on the Society DCBM, Integral University, Lucknow 23/09/2017 23/09/2017 Shariq Nadeem
    271 Workshop Libre office Suite Writer Department of Commerce and Business Management, Integral University, Lucknow 23/09/2017 23/09/2017 Syed Shahid Mazhar, Farhina Sardar Khan, Mohd Ariz Siddiqui, Firoz Husain
    272 Workshop Goods and Service Tax and its Impact on Indian Economy DCBM, Integral University, Lucknow 23/09/2017 23/09/2017 Syed Shahid Mazhar, Farhina Sardar Khan, Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    273 STC The Development of Microfinance Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi in Collaboration with MHRD, Government of India 05/09/2017 09/09/2017 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL
    274 Seminar “Women, Education and Society” Women’s Study Center, at Integral University, Lucknow 26/08/2017 26/08/2017 NEYHA MALIK, DCBM
    275 Seminar Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace Regional Centre, of NIPCCD, Lucknow 23/08/2017 24/08/2017 Dr. Rizwana Atiq
    276 Seminar Implementation of GST-What it brings it for India HRDC, Integral University, Lucknow 21/08/2017 21/08/2017 Shariq Nadeem, Syed Shahid Mazhar, Mohd Ariz Siddiqui, Farhina Sardar Khan
    277 Other:please Changing Mindset & Bringing Innovation in Teaching How to Write Management Teaching Cases IBS Gurgoan, at Hotel India Awadh, Lucknow 30/07/2017 30/07/2017 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL
    278 STC Seven Days Short Term Course on “Gender Equality in Academic Leadership” organized by Centre for Academic Leadership and Education Management Centre for Academic Leadership and Education Management Under the scheme of PMMMNMTT, MHRD, Government of India, UCG Human Resource Development Centre Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 06/07/2017 12/07/2017 Syed Shahid Mazhar, Farhina Sardar Khan, Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    279 STC Gender equality in Academic Leadership HRDC,AMU. 06/07/2017 12/07/2017 Dr.Syed Afzal Ahmad
    280 STC Short term Course on Computer Applications Centre for Academic Leadership and Education Management Under the Scheme of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (MHRD, Govt. of India) with UGC Human Resource Development Cell, AMU, Aligarh 06/07/2017 12/07/2017 Dr. Aisha Badruddin
    281 Other:please 6th Special Summer School UGC-HRDC, University of Allahabad. 12/06/2017 02/07/2017 Dr. Syed Shahid Mazhar,Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    282 Workshop GST: Laws &Implication CII, Lucknow Chapter 03/06/2017 03/06/2017 Shariq Nadeem
    283 Seminar Cashless Economy: Opportunities & Challenges Department of Commerce, AMU, Aligarh 29/04/2017 29/04/2017 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL
    284 Seminar Three days National Seminar on Sustainable Development through Gender Equality SHUATS, Naini, Allahabad 26/04/2017 28/04/2017 Syed Shahid Mazhar, Farhina Sardar Khan
    285 Workshop Attitude, Aptitude Altitude STEP-HBTI, Kanpur 10/04/2017 10/04/2017 NEYHA MALIK, DCBM
    286 Seminar Human Resource Management practices in service based organizations: Issues, Challenges, Current status and Future Perspective Amity School of Hospitality, Lucknow 07/03/2017 07/03/2017 Dr. Gaurav Bisaria
    287 Seminar Organizational Development through Knowledge Management in Digital India Moti Lal Rastogi School of Management, Lucknow 11/02/2017 11/02/2017 Dr. Gaurav Bisaria
    288 Seminar Organizational Development through Knowledge Management in Digital India (NSODKMDI-2017) Moti Lal Rastogi School of Management, Lucknow held at MLRSM Auditorium Lucknow (U.P.) 11/02/2017 11/02/2017 Dr Adeel Maqbool, Dr Syed Shahid Mazhar, Dr Farhina Sardar Khan, Mohd Ariz Siddiqui, Dr. Firoz Husain
    289 Seminar Law and Ethics in Public Domain: Contemporary Issues & Challenges in India Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow 23/11/2016 23/11/2016 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL
    290 Workshop “Basic of Econometrics” DCBM, Integral University, Lucknow 12/11/2016 12/11/2016 Syed Shahid Mazhar, Farhina Sardar Khan, Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    291 Workshop “Basics of Econometrics” Integral University 12/11/2016 12/11/2016 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    292 Seminar Entrepreneurship Awareness Drive, IIT Kharagpur Department of Commerce and Business Management, Integral University, Lucknow 19/10/2016 19/10/2016 Syed Shahid Mazhar, Farhina Sardar Khan, Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    293 FDP Using Blended MOOCS in Management Education Indian Institute of Management Bangalore 15/10/2016 15/10/2016 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL
    294 Other:please Entrepreneurship IIM Calcutta 12/08/2016 13/08/2016 Dr. Rizwana Atiq
    295 FDP How to Teach Effectively Centre for Academic Leadership & Education Management under the scheme of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers & Teaching (PMMMNMTT) Ministry of HRD. Govt. of India UGC Resource Development Centre, AMU, Aligarh 02/08/2016 08/08/2016 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL
    296 Other:please UGC Sponsored Orientation Programme-CXLII HRDC-AMU 24/05/2016 20/06/2016 Dr.Syed Shahid Mazhar,Dr.Farhina Sardar Khan,Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    297 Other:please UGC sponsored orientation program no. CXLII (142) HRDC , AMU 24/05/2016 20/06/2016 Dr.Syed Afzal Ahmad
    298 FDP UGC Sponsored Orientation Programme- CXLII, obtained grade ‘A’, at UGC Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC), Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (from 24 May, 2016 to 20 June, 2016) Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 24/05/2016 20/06/2016 DR. FIROZ HUSAIN
    299 FDP “ Use of ICT in Education for Online and Blended Learning” conducted by IIT, Bombay, held under MHRD, Govt of India. 02/05/2016 10/07/2016 Dr. Rizwana Atiq
    300 FDP SDG 12-Ensuring Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns TERI University,New Delhi,India and the United Nations Environment Programme 18/04/2016 22/04/2016 Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    301 Seminar National Seminar on Emerging Trends in Management and Information Technology on A critical study of Educational Advertising as a subject in management colleges or universities Rourkela Institute of Management Studies, Rourkela. 20/02/2016 20/02/2016 Dr. Gaurav Bisaria
    302 Seminar National Seminar on Knowledge Management for Organizational Excellence by Moti Lal Rastogi School of Management, Lucknow. 06/02/2016 06/02/2016 Dr. Gaurav Bisaria
    303 Seminar “ Organizational Development through Knowledge Management in Digital India” Motilal Rastigi School of Management 06/02/2016 06/02/2016 Dr. Rizwana Atiq, Syed Shahid Mazhar, Mphd Ariz Siddiqui, Farhina Sardar Khan, Habibuddin, Syed Afzal Ahmad, Asma Farooque
    304 STC Seven Days Short Term Course on “Data Analysis/SPSS and MINITAB” organized by Centre for Academic Leadership and Education Management Under the scheme of PMMMNMTT, MHRD, Government of India, and UCG Human Resource Development Centre, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh from 02 Feb to 08 Feb, 2016. UCG Human Resource Development Centre, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 02/02/2016 08/02/2016 Syed Shahid Mazhar, Farhina Sardar Khan, Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    305 STC Data Analysis/SPSS and MINITAB Centre for Academic Leadership and Education Management Under the scheme of PMMMNMTT, MHRD, Government of India, and UCG Human Resource Development Centre, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 02/02/2016 08/02/2016 Dr. Firoz Husain
    306 Workshop “ The Entrepreneurial Insights” IU,Lucknow 29/01/2016 29/01/2016 Dr. Rizwana Atiq, Dr. Firoz Husain
    307 Workshop Leadership Motilal Rastigi School of Management 27/01/2016 27/01/2016 Dr. Rizwana Atiq, Dr. Firoz Husain
    308 Workshop Leadership Motilal Rastogi School of Management, Lucknow 27/01/2016 27/01/2016 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL
    309 Workshop Workshop on Leadership Moti Lal Rastogi School of Management, Lucknow. 27/01/2016 27/01/2016 Dr. Gaurav Bisaria
    310 Workshop “Entrepreneurship Options in the field of Engineering & Pioneering” IU 25/01/2016 25/01/2016 Dr. Rizwana Atiq
    311 Workshop Entrepreneurial Orientation National Small Scale Industries Corporation Ltd, A govt. of India Enterprise 22/01/2016 22/01/2016 Dr. Rizwana Atiq
    312 STC Academic Leadership Centre for Academic Leadership & Education Management under the scheme of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers & Teaching (PMMMNMTT) Ministry of HRD. Govt. of India UGC Resource Development Centre, AMU, Aligarh 16/01/2016 17/01/2016 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL
    313 Seminar Seminar on “India-2020 A vision for the New Millennium, Growth and Challenges” Lucknow Public College of Professional Studies, Lucknow 15/10/2015 15/10/2015 DR. FIROZ HUSAIN
    314 Workshop Publishing in World Class Journals, Dept. of Business Administration, University of Lucknow, Lucknow 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 Syed Shahid Mazhar, Farhina Sardar Khan, Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    315 FDP Perspective of Modern Teaching Techniques & Uses of Case Studies through Experiential Learning Department of Commerce & Business Management, Integral University 22/08/2015 22/08/2015 Syed Shahid Mazhar, Farhina Sardar Khan, Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    316 FDP Perspective of Modern Teaching Techniques & Use of Case Studies through Experiential Learning Integral University in Association with IBS, Gurgaon 22/08/2015 22/08/2015 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL, Dr. Firoz Husain
    317 FDP Perspective of Modern teaching techniques and uses of case studies through experiential learning Integral University 22/08/2015 22/08/2015 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    318 STC Branding and Corporate Communications STC under Quality Improvement Programme, DMS, IIT Delhi 08/08/2015 09/08/2015 Dr. Firoz Husain
    319 STC EBSCO Business Source Elite Training EBSCO Information Services 27/03/2015 27/03/2015 DR. FIROZ HUSAIN
    320 Workshop Workshop on “Teaching Pedagogy of Marketing” Department of Business Management, Integral University, Lucknow 17/03/2015 17/03/2015 DR. FIROZ HUSAIN
    321 Workshop Teaching Pedagogy of Marketing Integral University 17/03/2015 17/03/2015 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    322 Workshop Teaching & Pedagogy of Marketing Department of Business Management, Integral University, Lucknow 17/03/2015 17/03/2015 Syed Shahid Mazhar, Farhina Sardar Khan, Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
    323 Workshop Data Analysisby SPSS Integral University 25/02/2015 25/02/2015 Dr. Kainat Akhtar Usmani
    324 Workshop Workshop on “Data Analysis by SPSS” Dept. of Mathematics, Integral University, Lucknow 25/02/2015 25/02/2015 DR. FIROZ HUSAIN
    325 Seminar Seminar on “New Paradigms in Indian Banking” Amity Business School, Lucknow, 20/02/2015 20/02/2015 DR. FIROZ HUSAIN
    326 Workshop Intellectual Property System : India today and Tomorrow Integral University 10/01/2014 10/01/2014 Dr.Syed Afzal Ahmad
    327 Other:please Employment Generation n- Strategies and Action Agenda AIMA and LMA 19/11/0216 19/11/2016 DR. ADEEL MAQBOOL
    328 Workshop "Carpe Diem - 2k16-17” Organized by and IIM, Kolkata held at Integral University, Lucknow 12/08/0006 13/08/2016 Syed Shahid Mazhar, Farhina Sardar Khan, Mohd Ariz Siddiqui
  • Guest/ Expert Lecture (Organized)

    Sr No Topic Name Date Bio of Resource person Report
    1 Investor Awareness & Planning for Young Professionals Ms. Supriya Agarwal 10/06/2023 Industry Expert & Trainer BFSI. Senior trainer, AWOKE India View
    2 A session on "MAKE A DIFFERENCE" Mr. Saksham, Mr. Yash, Ms. Sakshi, Ms. Pooja, Ms. Mansi 29/05/2023 Team of NGO,SWAPNA FOUNDATION View
    3 SDG-4-Quality Education in Higher Education Institutions HEIs Mr. Muhammad Ameen 01/08/2022 Dy. Registrar, Maulana Azad University, Rajasthan View
    4 Relevance of Intellectual Property Rights(IPR) in Academics Dr. Priti Tayade(Gosavi) 09/07/2022 Patent Expert and Business Associate, M/s MR IPR Experts, Nagpur, Mumbai View
    5 Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow Ms. Aleena Mussana 08/03/2022 Program Manager, LED-BY Foundation View
    6 Financial Awareness and Investment Planning Er. C.S Pandey 24/02/2022 Branch Manager, SBI, Behta, Lucknow View
    7 9 Strategies for Setting Goals Mr. Mohammed Feroze Arif 21/02/2022 SR. Director Product Development & Operations, AURITAS,LLC, Florida, USA View
    8 Application of Block Chain Technology in Banking and Financial Services Mr Jeevan Saini 25/02/2020 Technology & Business Advisor, Block chain & Fintech Specialist, a Banking Technologist and a Global Leader. View
    9 Civil Services in 21st Century-Scope and Relevance Dr Anis Ansari, 20/02/2020 IAS (Retd.), Former Agriculture Production Commissioner, Additional Chief Secretary Govt. of Uttar Pradesh, Founder and Ex Vice Chancellor of Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti Urdu, Arabi-Farsi University, Lucknow. View
    10 Digital Marketing Dr. Nalin Jha, Mr. Ravi Shankar, & Ms. Niyanta Sinha 20/02/2020 Dr. Nalin Jha, (Academic Head), Mr. Ravi Shankar, (Trainer) & Ms. Niyanta Sinha, (Senior Product Manager) from Times Professional Learning, Times Group View
    11 Emerging Careers in Design Miss Shagun Malhotra 11/02/2020 Free lance Graphic Designer View
    12 Marketing of Financial Products and Services Mr Karamveer Singh 06/11/2019 Regional Sales Manager – Key Accounts at Dewan Housing Finance Limited View
    13 Digital Marketing Mr. Dayanand Sagar 28/09/2019 Product Specialist in Digital Marketing , Synergy School of Business Skills , CADD CENTRE, Bangalore,Karanatka View
    14 The Role of Management in Promoting Work Life Balance Mr Vibhav Tripathi 20/07/2019 CEO T-Wave in India View
    15 Challenges And Opportunities For Young Professionals Mr Brijesh Singh Rajkumar 18/07/2019 Branch Sales officer (TATA AIG Life Insurance Co. Ltd ) View
    16 Upgrading the Skills for Corporate Expectations Dr. M. Subramanian 17/07/2019 an Alumnus of IIM-Ahmedabad and Doctorate in Finance View
    17 Steps Towards Social Innovation Dr Varun Vidyarthi 09/03/2019 an alumnus of IIT Kharagpur & IIM Calcutta View
  • Guest / Expert Lecture (as Resource person)

    Sr No Topic Bio of Resource person Date Held at Report, if availble
    1 GREEN ACCOUNTING DR. FARHINA SARDAR KHAN 27/03/2023 Department of Commerce, GVRS, Government Degree College, Dhone, Nandyal District View
    2 Factor Model of the dependence of Inflationary fluctuations in the economics of India and Ukraine Amit Kumar Goel 27/02/2019 Nikolaev National University named after VO Sukhomlinsky , Ukraine View
    3 Stock exchange in Ukraine and India Amit Kumar Goel 27/02/2019 Black Sea University Nikolaev, Ukraine View
    4 Stock exchange in Ukraine and India Amit Kumar Goel 26/02/2019 Admiral makarov National University of Shipbuilding Ukraine View
    5 Economic growth of Ukraine and India: Problems and prospects Amit Kumar Goel 26/02/2019 Nikolaev National University named after VO Sukhomlinsky , Ukraine View
    6 National Education Policy -2020 Prof. A. K. Saxena 25/03/2023 Lucknow University View
    7 Stock exchange in Ukraine and India Amit Kumar Goel 25/02/2019 Nikolaev National University named after VO Sukhomlinsky , Ukraine View
    8 ‘Research Methodology and Paper Publication’ Dr. Syed Shahid Mazhar 08/06/2022 Department of Commerce, Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti Language University, Lucknow View
    9 Technopreneurship: From Labs to Markets Dr. Abdul Tayyab Khan 01/03/2021 Xavier Institute of Social Sciences, Ranchi View
Sr No Name of activity Held at Resource Persons/Collaborating Agencies Form Date To Date Report
1 World Plantation day Primary school of Dasauli Village, Kursi Road, Lucknow ‘Event Committee’ of the Department 2023-03-21 2023-03-21 View
2 Extension activity on Plantation drive Dasauli Village, Kursi Road, Lucknow Department of Commerce and Business Management 2022-07-05 2022-07-05 View
3 Women's Health Awareness Dasauli Village, Kursi Road, Lucknow Ahsaan Foundation, Lucknow 2022-03-07 2022-03-07 View
4 Financial Inclusion of Rural Area Through Women Dasauli Village, Kursi Road, Lucknow Rajiv Gandhi MahilaVikasPariyojana (NGO) 2021-11-13 2021-11-13 View
5 Financial Literacy Drive Dasauli village Department of Commerce and Business Management 2021-03-05 2021-03-06 View
6 E-VISIT to SEBI VIRTUAL VISIT TO SEBI Department of Commerce and Business Management 2020-07-29 2020-07-29 View
7 Civil Services in 21st Century - Scope and Relevance Awareness amongst local students Department of Commerce and Business Management 2020-02-20 2020-02-20 View
9 Awareness about Vaccination University Hospital & Dasauli Village Department of Commerce and Business Management 2019-07-10 2019-07-10 View
10 Hygiene & Nutrition Awareness Program Near by Village, Dasauli Department of Commerce and Business Management 2019-03-13 2019-03-13 View
11 Awareness Campaign on ‘Avoid Plastic Curb Cancer’ Dasauli village Department of Commerce and Business Management 2018-11-20 2018-11-20 View
12 Helping Poor Donating Essential Campaign Rural areas across Village Dasauli Department of Commerce and Business Management 2018-08-16 2018-08-16 View
13 AWARENESS & INFLUENCE OF MOBILE TECHNOLOGY-Survey Work DASAULI VILLAGE , KURSI ROAD , LUCKNOW Pradhamik Vidayalaya 2018-08-09 2018-08-09 View
14 Gender Sensitization in Education Dasauli village Department of Commerce and Business Management 2017-11-11 2017-11-11 View
15 “SAVE WATER & SAVE HUMANITY near by areas of University Department of Commerce and Business Management 2017-04-12 2017-04-12 View
16 GO GREEN CAMPUS THROUGH A PLANTATION CAMPAIGN near by areas of University Department of Commerce and Business Management 2016-12-01 2016-12-01 View