

Program Outcomes (POs) define the key features or attributes of the program. They describe or indicate the knowledge-based skills a chemistry graduate is expected to acquire upon completion of the course. The successful attainment of the outcomes is anticipated to meet the desired qualities in an accomplished science professional, which are as follows:

  • PO-1: Knowledge and Understanding: Comprehensive understanding of chemical sciences and its broad streams namely inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry, and their implementation in theoretical and practical contexts.
  • PO-2: Critical Thinking & Complex Problem Solving Ability: Ability to understand and solve practical problems using conceptual knowledge of chemistry like reaction mechanisms and allied fields like quantum mechanics, material science, environmental chemistry etc. Development of analytical skills for quality assurance and quality control in different aspects of life.
  • PO-3: Environmental Consciousness, Action, and Community Welfare: Understanding the environmental impacts of industrialization and engaging in waste management and sustainable development through skill development in analytical chemistry, drug discovery, pollution control, and green practices.
  • PO-4: Instrument handling, laboratory, and technological skills: Understand the use of computational tools for data prediction and interpretation. Learning laboratory safety skills and different industrial strategies for sustainable and environment-friendly practices.
  • PO-5: Communication skills: Ability to convey one’s ideas clearly and concisely, and use appropriate scientific and technical expressions to achieve common goal.
  • PO-6: Ethical competency and aptitude for research: Development of professional and moral ethics to act as a responsible citizen whose personal values and practices are consistent with their roles as professionals. Awareness related to environmental protection and sustainability and other socially relevant issues like gender equity and professional predispositions and disparities. Development of aptitude to engage in chemical sciences’ research, instrument handling, analytical approaches for quality control, and paper and report writing.
  • PO-7: Life-long learning: Acquiring life-long theoretical knowledge and practical skills; social responsibility and commitment; health and hygiene management, environmental health management, and adaptation of good laboratory and industrial practices for sustainable living.

Program Outcomes (POs) define the key features or attributes of the program. They describe or indicate the knowledge-based skills a graduate is expected to acquire upon completion of the course. The successful attainment of the outcomes is anticipated to meet the desired qualities in an accomplished science professional, which are as follows:

  • PO1: Essential Knowledge: Comprehensive understanding of the subject, particularly Chemistry, and how it relates to subjects like physics, mathematics, biology, and environmental sciences in theoretical and practical contexts.
  • PO2: Creative and critical thinking along with problem-solving abilities: Ability to understand and solve practical problems using a factual scientific approach and development of practical and analytical skills for quality assurance and quality control.
  • PO3: Reasoning and thinking ability: Ability to understand the rationale behind a critical problem and to find out the best solution based on the conceptual knowledge of the subject.
  • PO4: Teamwork, collaboration, and leadership: Ability to work in a group effectively towards the achievement of a task, to create a friendly work environment for others, and to develop professional behavior and leadership qualities with a positive attitude to achieve the assigned goal.
  • PO5: Communication skills: Ability to convey one’s ideas clearly and concisely, and use appropriate scientific and technical expressions to achieve common goal.
  • PO6: Ethical competency and aptitude for research: Development of professional and moral ethics to act as a responsible citizen whose personal values and practices are consistent with their roles as professionals. Awareness regarding issues related to environmental protection and sustainability and other socially relevant issues like gender equity and professional predispositions and disparities. Development of aptitude to engage in scientific research, instrument handling, analytical approaches for quality control and paper and report writing.
  • PO7: Motivation and life-long learning: Acquiring life-long skills; broad-based multiple career-oriented skills; practical learning skills; computational skills; social responsibility and commitment; time management; health and hygiene management; and preparedness for living, learning, and working in any environment.

  • PO-1: Understanding: To demonstrate, solve and an understanding of major concepts in all disciplines of chemistry.
  • PO-2: Effective reading/writing skills: Excellent communication skills to transmit complex technical information related to chemistry in a clear and concise written and verbal manner as oral presentations and compilation in the form of scientific reports.
  • PO-3: Social skills: To develop awareness of the impact of chemistry on the environment, society, and development outside the scientific community.
  • PO-4: Problem solving: Employ critical thinking and the scientific knowledge to design, carry out, record and analyze the results of chemical reactions.
  • PO-5: Ethics: Solve the problem and also think methodically, independently and draw a logical conclusion.
  • PO-6: Environmental Management: Understand the issues of environmental contexts and sustainable development.
  • PO-7: Lifelong learning: Students will be capable of self-paced and self-directed learning aimed at personal development and for improving knowledge/skill development.

  • PO-1: Critical thinking: In depth knowledge of basic and applied area of Chemistry. Capability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of major chemistry concepts, theoretical principles and experimental findings. Ability to use modern instrumentation techniques with chemical analysis and separable to employ critical thinking and efficient problem solving skills in the basic areas of chemistry (analytical, organic, inorganic, physical and material).
  • PO-2: Effective Communication: Excellent communication skills to transmit complex technical information related to chemistry in a clear and concise written and verbal manner as oral presentations and compilation in the form of scientific reports.
  • PO-3: Social Interaction: Comprehend to apply contextual multi-disciplinary knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, and cultural issues relevant to the science practices.
  • PO-4: Effective Citizenship: Imbibe moral and social values in personal and social life leading to highly cultured and civilized personality.
  • PO-5: Ethics: Students will be able to recognize the ethical component of complex situations. Acquired with awareness of work ethics and ethical issues in scientific research as well as plagiarism policies.
  • PO-6: Research related skills: Will develop ability to scale up chemical products and techniques developed at laboratory to the industrial level. The course will take students beyond chemistry knowledge into the world of industrial professionals.
  • PO-7: Environment and Sustainability: Advanced knowledge of fundamentals of industrial chemistry with enhanced command over modern scientific methods, techniques and chemical processes equipped with environment safety measures.
  • PO-8: Self-directed and Lifelong learning: Students will be capable of self-paced and self-directed learning aimed at personal development and for improving knowledge/skill development. They will keep themselves updated with the best international practices and latest development in technologies, which will help them to gain a broader global perspective of the subject. Develop awareness of the role and importance of industrial chemistry in interdisciplinary research as well as in daily life.

  • PO-1: Critical thinking: In depth knowledge of basic and applied area of Chemistry. Capability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of major chemistry concepts, theoretical principles and experimental findings. Ability to use modern instrumentation techniques with chemical analysis and separable to employ critical thinking and efficient problem solving skills in the basic areas of chemistry (analytical, organic, inorganic, physical and material).
  • PO-2: Effective Communication: Excellent communication skills to transmit complex technical information related to chemistry in a clear and concise written and verbal manner as oral presentations and compilation in the form of scientific reports.
  • PO-3: Social Interaction: Comprehend to apply contextual multi-disciplinary knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, and cultural issues relevant to the science practices.
  • PO-4: Effective Citizenship: Imbibe moral and social values in personal and social life leading to highly cultured and civilized personality.
  • PO-5: Ethics: Students will be able to recognize the ethical component of complex situations. Acquired with awareness of work ethics and ethical issues in scientific research as well as plagiarism policies.
  • PO-6: Research related skills: Will develop ability to scale up chemical products and techniques developed at laboratory to the industrial level. The course will take students beyond chemistry knowledge into the world of industrial professionals.
  • PO-7: Environment and Sustainability: Advanced knowledge of fundamentals of industrial chemistry with enhanced command over modern scientific methods, techniques and chemical processes equipped with environment safety measures.
  • PO-8: Self-directed and Lifelong learning: Students will be capable of self-paced and self-directed learning aimed at personal development and for improving knowledge/skill development. They will keep themselves updated with the best international practices and latest development in technologies, which will help them to gain a broader global perspective of the subject. Develop awareness of the role and importance of industrial chemistry in interdisciplinary research as well as in daily life.


(Programme Educational Outcomes)

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) broadly describe the professional accomplishments and career prospects that the said program is preparing a student for. The PEOs for the B.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry (with Zoology/Botany/Physics/Mathematics) / B.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry (with Zoology/Botany/Physics/Mathematics) with Research are:

  • PEO1: The graduating student will be well prepared to become a successful professional in industry and academia both.
  • PEO2: The student will be able to apply the fundamental concepts of organic/inorganic/analytical/physical chemistry for data interpretation and solving real-life problems.
  • PEO3: The student will be well-versed in the basics of interdisciplinary branches related to chemistry, focusing on both qualitative and quantitative analyses.
  • PEO4: The graduating student will imbibe technical expertise in chemistry and entrepreneurial skills and prepare them for advanced studies in chemistry and related disciplines.
  • PEO5: To nurture graduates who can ethically lead and collaborate effectively within teams to achieve both individual and organizational objectives.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) broadly describe the professional accomplishments and career prospects that the said program is preparing a student for. The PEOs for the B.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry (with Zoology/Botany/Physics/Mathematics) / B.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry (with Zoology/Botany/Physics/Mathematics) with Research are:

  • PEO1: The graduating student will be well prepared to become a successful professional in industry and academia both.
  • PEO1: The student will be able to apply the fundamental concepts of organic/inorganic/analytical/physical chemistry for data interpretation and solving real-life problems.
  • PEO1: The student will be well-versed in the basics of interdisciplinary branches of Zoology/Botany/Physics/Mathematics, focusing on qualitative and quantitative studies.

  • PEO-1: Bachelor course in Industrial Chemistry offers the synergism of basic concepts of Chemistry with Industrial applications.
  • PEO-2: The main objective of this degree course is to produce graduates with enhanced skills, knowledge and research aptitude to carry out higher studies or research and development in the various industrial areas.
  • PEO-3: Develop proficiency in application of current aspects of industrial chemistry.
  • PEO-4: Students will be able to use chemical techniques relevant to academia and industry, generic skills and global competencies including knowledge and skills that enable the students to undertake further studies in the field of industrial chemistry or a related field, and work in chemical and non chemical sector.
  • PEO-5: Imparting an education that includes communication skills, the ability to work in a team with leadership quality, devoted to societal problems with an ethical attitude.

  • PEO-1: Postgraduate will have significant opportunities in various service domains at national and international level, and can work as scientist, analyst, quality controller, academics, research organizations and set testing labs.
  • PEO-2: On the basis of specialized knowledge and experience, postgraduate students will be able to do divers synthesis, separation, analysis, computational, design and development of new products.
  • PEO-3: Post-graduate will have leadership quality to handle all kind of circumstances in diversities by providing interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary learning environment.
  • PEO-4: Postgraduate will be continuous learner to learn and adopt new skills and techniques to overcome the problem related with new technologies.
  • PEO-5: Postgraduate will be able to formulate, investigate and analyze scientifically real life problems along with ethical attitude which works in multidisciplinary team.

  • PEO-1: To demonstrate broad knowledge of descriptive chemistry.
  • PEO-2: To develop skills in quantitative modeling of static and dynamic chemical systems.
  • PEO-3: To develop laboratory competence in relating chemical structure to spectroscopic phenomena.
  • PEO-4: To provide the basic analytical and technical skills to work effectively in the various fields of chemistry.
  • PEO-5: To promote analytical skills to solve complex chemical problems, e.g., analysis of data, synthetic logic, spectroscopy, structure and modeling, team-based problem solving, etc.
  • PEO-6: To demonstrate the ability to synthesize, separate and characterize compounds using published reactions, protocols, standard laboratory equipment, and modern instrumentation.


(Programme Specific Outcomes) PSOs

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs) are specific statements describing the professional achievements the program is designed to prepare students for. The PSOs for the B.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry / B.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry with Research are:

  • PSO-1: To understand the fundamental and major concepts in related disciplines of chemistry and their applications in solving real-life problems.
  • PSO-2: To impart knowledge of allied fields of chemistry like material sciences, industrial chemistry, computational chemistry, and other modern instrumentation techniques along with their use in problem identification, solving, and data interpretation.
  • PSO-3: o create environmental and social consciousness and formulate new environment-friendly approaches to draw methodical and logical conclusions.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs) are specific statements describing the professional achievements the program is designed to prepare students for. The PEOs for the B.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry (with Zoology/Botany/Physics/Mathematics) / B.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry (with Zoology/Botany/Physics/Mathematics) with Research are:

  • PSO-1: To understand the fundamentals of chemistry/mathematics/physics or biology.
  • PSO-2: To impart basic knowledge of all interdisciplinary branches of Chemistry including inorganic, physical, and organic chemistry.
  • PSO-3: To provide knowledge of fundamental scientific theories and concepts and their practical implementation.
  • PSO-4: To identify, formulate, and analyze complex scientific problems using basic principles of chemical sciences and other natural sciences.
  • PSO-5: To apply the fundamentals of chemistry and related subjects for devising solutions to problems catering to specific needs and considerations related to public safety and health along with other societal and environmental concerns.

  • PSO-1: Prepares the students for immediate entry to the workplace with sound theoretical, experimental knowledge in the area of fuels and energy, environment, health, foods, cosmetics, polymers and related multidisciplinary fields.
  • PSO-2: Overall, the course offers basic foundation in chemistry which enables the students to understand the concepts in chemical processing, engineering and industrial development.
  • PSO-3: Students will be able to design, execute, record and analyses the results of chemical experiments.
  • PSO-4: Students will be able to work effectively in a group in the classroom, laboratory, industries and field-based situations.
  • PSO-5:Become efficient in using standard operating procedures and will be well versed with the regulations for safe handling and use of chemicals.
  • PSO-1: Apply principles of pharmaceutical chemistry, medicinal chemistry, analytical chemistry, quantum chemistry, chemical process and laboratory skills for volumetric analysis, synthesis, separation, isolation and formulation.
  • PSO-2: Work with professional ethics in quality control and quality assurance sections of pharmaceutical, paint, polymers, ceramics, food and agrochemical industries.
  • PSO-3: Apply knowledge of chemistry to excel in higher studies and field of research
  • PSO-4: Application of research skills to pursue doctoral programme.
  • PSO-5: To be in a noble profession of teaching and helping in nation building.

  • PSO-1: Apply principles of pharmaceutical chemistry, medicinal chemistry, analytical chemistry, organometallic chemistry, supramolecular chemistry, chemical process and laboratory skills for volumetric analysis, synthesis, separation, isolation and formulation.
  • PSO-2: Work with professional ethics in quality control and quality assurance sections of R&D sectors of different research laboratories
  • PSO-3: Apply knowledge of chemistry to excel in higher studies and field of research.
  • PSO-4: Application of research skills to pursue doctoral programme.
  • PSO-5: To be in a noble profession of teaching and helping in nation building.

Department Information

H.O.D. Prof. Abdul Rahman Khan
Email headchem@iul.ac.in
Contact(Ext. No.) 3101
Admission Email admission@iul.ac.in
Admission Call +91-9335177775

Contact Information

Department of Chemistry,
1st Floor, Academic Block-III, Integral University,
Dasauli, Bas-ha Kursi Road,
Lucknow(U.P.) – 226026

0522- 2890730, 2890812