Project Grants

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Sr.NoTitle of the ProjectFunding AgencyName of the Principal InvestigatorYear of AwardTotal Funds (in Rs.)Duration of the Project
1Study and validation of the anticancer potential of prominent Unani medicines and their nanoformulations as an adjuvant against liver carcinomaCCRUM, Ministry of AYUSHDr.Iffat Zareen Ahmad202228288003 years
2Induction and scaling up Sida cordifolia hairy roots in a bioreactor for industrial production of bronchodilator alkaloid-a promising and futuristic approach for development of novel folk medicines with tremendous therapeutic potential in UPUPCSTProf. Mohammad Haris Siddiqui20177000002 years
3Delineating the role of the human leukocyte antigen locus in susceptibility to rheumatic heart disease in Oceania and South AsiaUniversity of OxfordProf. Mohammad Haris Siddiqui20209000001.5 years
4Production of Poly-hydroxy Butyrate (PHB) biopolymer from Azohydromonas australica using cane molassesUPCARProf. Mohammad Haris Siddiqui202020295003 years
5In vitro and in vivo study of hepatoprotective activity of Nigella sativa extracts in various germination stagesMinistry of AYUSHProf. Iffat Zareen Ahmad201669933303years
6Characterization of UV protective compounds from cynabacteria and media optimization for their enhancementDRDOProf. Iffat Zareen Ahmad201723500003 years
7Role of Molecular Chaperones and p53 in Targeting of Client proteins to AutophagyDBTProf. Snober S Mir201332804223 years
8Role of p53 Aggregation in Dysregulation of Autophagy: Implications for Tumorigenesis and Targeted TherapySERBProf. Snober S Mir201527570003 years
9Dynamic Structure-Based Pharmacophore Model Development and Role of Dietary Phytochemicals: A Crosstalk and Effective Addition in Anti-Angiogenic Lead DiscoveryUPCSTProf. Salman Akhtar20159330003 years
10Development of novel screening system employing cyanobacteria for toxicity studies of metallic nanoparticlesUPCSTProf. Alvina Farooqui201510440003 years
11Eco-friendly, biodegradable plastic degrading PHB depolymerase from microbes: Purification, Characterization and Biotechnological applicationsSERBProf. Roohi201830810003 years
12Production Of Cold Active Α- Amylase from Microorganisms and Its Biotechnological ApplicationsUPCSTProf. Roohi20106360003 years
13In-vitro Secondary Metabolite Production through Hairy Root Cultures in Enicostemma Axillare- an Important Medicinal PlantUPCSTProf. Iffat Zareen Ahmad202411860003 years
14Design and Development of Power Grid Stability Pipeline Machine Mechanism to Make Pradhan Mantri Surya Ghar- Muft Bijli Yojna Initiative More VersatileCouncil of Science and Technology, Uttar Pradesh UPCSTDr. Mohd A. Husain (PI), Dr Asif Khan (CO-PI)2024770000Two Years
15Design and Implementation of an AI enhanced mental health tool for academic stressIntegral University, LucknowDr. Asif Khan (PI)2024110000Two Years
16In vitro secondary metabolite Production through Hairy Root Cultures in Enicostemma axillare -an important medicinal plant”UPCSTDr. Syed saema202411,860003 years