In short, Vision is acronym as 3R3I. To guide in fulfilling this Vision, three missions were
formulated. The three missions are
1) to proliferate academic and research profiles that are well-known both nationally and
internationally; 2) to produce quality graduates, internationally acclaimed research and
publications that are highly recognized by the industries and societies and 3) to fulfill
international standards in the achievement of academic and research excellence.
This faculty offers both undergraduate and postgraduate programs in seven
departments namely Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Bioengineering,
Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Computer Science
and Engineering and Computer Applications. These programs are well-structured,
highly competitive and meet international standards in equipping students with updated
knowledge and skills to fulfill the needs of industries and organizations. This faculty has
excellent and dedicated academic staff, well-trained lab assistants and administrative
staff, modern laboratories and facilities, latest and updated equipment, smart
classrooms fitted with required equipment, that are essentially required for teaching and
learning, research development and publications in the field of engineering and
technology. The curriculum of each program that are offered by each department in the
faculty is regularly reviewed, revised and updated following the views of the experts
from accreditation board, professional bodies and industries to produce quality
graduates who would stay updated and relevant to meet the current needs of the
industries and professional organizations.
This faculty is striving hard in producing quality graduates, internationally acclaimed
research and publications, marketable consultancy projects in engineering and
technology with the cooperation from the dedicated academic staff of the faculty to
propel the faculty in realizing its Vision. The faculty will never feel complacent in its
journey to accomplish academic and research excellence where continuous
improvement is always required as the faculty moves forward to attain its Vision. The
faculty is intended to serve the students, industries and society continuously in fulfilling
the aspirations and expectations of these stakeholders.
Enjoy your stay on campus but at the same time strive hard, stay competitive and
confident in your academic path to acquire updated knowledge and skills in your
respective programs. I wish all the students a smooth and successful travel in their
academic journey to attain academic excellence.