IIAHS Objective | Integral University Lucknow | Allied Health Sciences Education

Integral Institute of Allied Health Sciences & Research

Institutional Objective

The undergraduate students coming out of IIAHSR should be:

A competent clinician to practice preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative medicine in respect to the commonly encountered health problems in an individual at the primary, secondary or tertiary levels using his/her clinical skills.

Be competent in diagnosis and management of common health problems of the community, commensurate with his/her position as a Leader and member of the health team and the health system he works in using his community diagnosis & management skills.

Be a competent communicator with patients, families, community and members of Health team and other service providers.

A lifelong learner committed to continually update his knowledge and skill.

A Professional, with all the attributes of a good citizen and committed to provide his services maintaining high standard of professional ethics and also be responsive and accountable to the patient, community he serves and the profession.