Faculty Members

(A great team of professional teachers and speakers)

Prof. Mobin Ahmad
(Professor - HOD)
Email : headmath@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Differential Geometry
Subject Taught : Differential Geometry, Vector Analysis and Geometry

Dr. Najmuddin Ahmad
(Associate Professor)
Email : nahmad@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Numerical Analysis, Non- Linear Analysis, Mathematical Modelling.
Subject Taught : Engineering Mathematics-I,Engineering Mathematics II,Numerical Analysis,Calculus,Vector analysis and Geomettry,CBNST

Dr. Abdul Wadood Khan
(Associate Professor-Level II)
Email : awkhan@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Numerical Analysis, Applied Mathematics and Fluid Dynamics.
Subject Taught : Fluid dynamics, Engineering Mathematics-I

Dr. Quazzafi Rabbani
(Associate Professor-Level II)
Email : quazzafi@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Optimization techniques.
Subject Taught : Research Methodology,Operations Research, Quantitative Methods, Statistical Methods in Engineering, Biostatistics and Biomathematics,Operations Research, Business Statistics, Numerical Analysis,.

Dr. Shadab Ahmad Khan
(Assistant Professor)
Email : sakhan@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Differential Geometry.
Subject Taught : Differential Geometry, Discrete Mathematics, Engineering Mathematics-I

Dr.Malik Rashid Jamal
(Assistant Professor)
Email : mrjamal@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Ring Theory, Derivation on Rings, Differential Identities on Ring and Algebraic.
Subject Taught : Algebra, Abstract Algebra, Integral Equation, Topology

Dr. Idrees Ahmad Khan
(Assistant Professor)
Email : idrees@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Theory of Approximation, Functional Analysis
Subject Taught : Approximation Theory, Real Analysis, Engineering Mathematics-I, Mathematical Analysis.

Dr. Sameena Saba
(Assistant Professor)
Email : sameena@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Special Functions.
Subject Taught : Special Function, Partial Differential Equation, Engineering Mathematics-III, Algebra and Trigonometry.

Dr. Mohammad Aasim Khan
(Assistant Professor)
Email : maasim@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Theory of Semigroups, Fuzzy Logic
Subject Taught : Engineering Mathematics, Abstract Algebra, Number Theory, Business Mathematics, Abstract Algebra, Functional Analysis, Calculus of Variations

Dr. Mohammad Aamir Qayyoom
(Assistant Professor)
Email : qayyoom@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Differential Geometry and Manifold Learning
Subject Taught : Engineering Mathematics, Statistics, Mechanics, Topology, Analysis, Ordinary Differential Equations. Numerical and Statistical Techniques, LaTeX Programming, Vector analysis and Geometry.

Dr. Istkhar Ali
(Assistant Professor)
Email : istkhar@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Numerical Linear Algebra, Quaternion Linear Algebra: Matrix Perturbation Theory, Control Theory
Subject Taught : Engineering Mathematics, Complex Analysis, Algebra & Trigonometry, Calculus, Real Analysis, Mechanics and Business Statistics

Dr. Owais Khan
(Assistant Professor)
Email : owaisk@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Special functions, Fractional Calculus and Signal processing
Subject Taught : Differential Equations, Real Analysis, Numerical Analysis

Dr. Sheere Farhat Ansari
(Assistant Professor)
Email : sheere@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Abstract Algebra
Subject Taught : Analysis, Advanced Functional Analysis, Engineering Mathematics in Agriculture, Computer based Numerical and Statistical Techniques, Mathematics - II, Differential and Integral Calculus.

Dr. Uqba Rafat
(Assistant Professor)
Email : uqba@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Functional Analysis
Subject Taught : Engineering Mathematics, Mathematics - I, II. Business Mathematics.

Dr. Aamir Khan
(Assistant Professor)
Email : aamir@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Optimization Techniques
Subject Taught : Biostatistics, Econometrics, Statistics, Optimization Techniques, Operation Research.

Dr. Mohammad Shareef
(Assistant Professor)
Email : mdshareef@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Computational Fluid Dynamics, Magnetohydrodynamics.
Subject Taught : Business Mathematics/Statistics, Numerical and Statistical Techniques, Quantitative Methods, Engineering Mathematics in Engineering.

Dr. Nisha Khanam
(Assistant Professor)
Email : nishakhanam@iul.ac.i
Area of Expertise : Optimization Techniques
Subject Taught : Quantitative Techniques, Elementary Mathematics in Agriculture, Vector Analysis and Geometry, Engineering Mathematics- II, Mathematics- II in Bio-engineering and Mathematics- II.

Dr. Mohd Kashif Khan
(Assistant Professor)
Email : mkashifk@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Integral Transforms, Special Functions, Multiple Hypergeometric Functions
Subject Taught : Engineering Mathematics, Numerical Analysis, Ordinary and Partial DifferentialEquation, Integral Equations, Complex Analysis, Operation Research.

Dr. Ahteshamul Haq
(Assistant Professor)
Email : ahaq@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Optimization Techniques
Subject Taught : Optimization, Quantitative Techniques, Applied MathematicsOperations Research, Business Statistics/Mathematics, Research Methods and Supply Chain Management.

Dr. Mohd Asif
(Assistant Professor)
Email : asifmhd@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Functional Analysis
Subject Taught : Mathematics - I & II, Engineering Mathematics, Remedial Mathematics, Elementary Mathematics, Business Mathematics/Statistics, Mathematics in Bioengineering.

Dr. Saddam Husain
(Assistant Professor)
Email : saddam@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Special Functions
Subject Taught : Differential Equations, Engineering Mathematics-I, Mathematics-I, Business Mathematics, Business Statistics, Quantitative techniques, Statistical Method, Remedial Mathematics.

Dr. Farah Deeba
(Assistant Professor)
Email : farah@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Numerical Analysis
Subject Taught : Mathematics - I, Applied Mathematics and Biostatistics.

Dr. Fauzia Shaheen
(Assistant Professor)
Email : fauzia@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Numerical Analysis
Subject Taught : Quantitative Tecniques, Business Mathematics, Business Statistics and Mathematical Analysis

Dr. Mohd Arif Khan
(Assistant Professor)
Email : arifkhan@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Operations Research
Subject Taught : Quantitative Techniques, Descriptive Statistics, Applied Mathematics, Operations Research, Business Statistics/Mathematics, Research Methods and Applied Computational Statistics

Dr. Pragya Mishra
(Assistant Professor)
Email : pragyam@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Statistics
Subject Taught : Statistical Techniques, Descriptive Statistics, Reliability Theory.