
(Programme Outcomes)

  • PO1-Pharmacy Knowledge : Possess knowledge and comprehension of the core and basic knowledge associated with the profession of pharmacy.
  • PO2-Modern tool usage : Learn, select, and apply appropriate methods and procedures, resources, and modern pharmacy-related computing tools with an understanding of the limitations.
  • PO3-Leadership skills : Understand and consider the human reaction to change, motivation issues, leadership and team-building when planning changes required for fulfilment of practice, professional and societal responsibilities. Assume participatory roles as responsible citizens or leadership roles when appropriate to facilitate improvement in health and wellbeing.
  • PO4-Professional Identity : Understand, analyse and communicate the value of their professional roles in society (e.g. health care professionals, promoters of health, educators, managers, employers, employees).
  • PO5-Pharmaceutical Ethics : Honour personal values and apply ethical principles in professional and social contexts. Demonstrate behaviour that recognizes cultural and personal variability in values, communication and lifestyles. Use ethical frameworks; apply ethical principles while making decisions and take responsibility for the outcomes associated with the decisions.
  • PO6-Communication : Communicate effectively with the pharmacy community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports, make effective presentations and documentation, and give and receive clear instructions.
  • PO7-The Pharmacist and society : Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety and legal issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional pharmacy practice.
  • PO8-Environment and sustainability : Understand the impact of the professional pharmacy solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  • PO9-Life-long learning : Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change. Self-assess and use feedback effectively from others to identify learning needs and to satisfy these needs on an on-going basis.

  • PO1-Pharmacy Knowledge : Possess knowledge and comprehension of the core and basic knowledge associated with the profession of pharmacy, including biomedical sciences; pharmaceutical sciences; behavioural, social, and administrative pharmacy sciences; and manufacturing practices.
  • PO2-Planning Abilities : Demonstrate effective planning abilities including time management, resource management, delegation skills and organizational skills. Develop and implement plans and organize work to meet deadlines.
  • PO3-Problem analysis : Utilize the principles of scientific enquiry, thinking analytically, clearly and critically, while solving problems and making decisions during daily practice. Find, analyse, evaluate and apply information systematically and shall make defensible decisions.
  • PO4-Modern tool usage : Learn, select, and apply appropriate methods and procedures, resources, and modern pharmacy-related computing tools with an understanding of the limitations.
  • PO5-Leadership skills : Understand and consider the human reaction to change, motivation issues, leadership and team-building when planning changes required for fulfilment of practice, professional and societal responsibilities. Assume participatory roles as responsible citizens or leadership roles when appropriate to facilitate improvement in health and well being.
  • PO6-Professional Identity : Understand, analyze and communicate the value of their professional roles in society (e.g. health care professionals, promoters of health, educators, managers, employers, employees).
  • PO7-Pharmaceutical Ethics : Honour personal values and apply ethical principles in professional and social contexts. Demonstrate behavior that recognizes cultural and personal variability in values, communication and lifestyles. Use ethical frameworks; apply ethical principles while making decisions and take responsibility for the outcomes associated with the decisions.
  • PO8-Communication : Communicate effectively with the pharmacy community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports, make effective presentations and documentation, and give and receive clear instructions.
  • PO9-The Pharmacist and society : Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety and legal issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional pharmacy practice.
  • PO10-Environment and sustainability : Understand the impact of the professional pharmacy solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  • PO11-Life-long learning : Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change. Self-assess and use feedback effectively from others to identify learning needs and to satisfy these needs on an on-going basis.

  • PO1-Pharmacy knowledge : Possess knowledge and comprehension of the core and basic knowledge pertaining to the profession of pharmacy, including biomedical sciences; pharmaceutical sciences; clinical practices.
  • PO2-Clinical Pharmacy Practice : Develop competency in analysing and interpretation skills in medical emergency and provide high quality therapy in all areas of clinical care and monitoring including structure based therapeutic evaluation. appreciate the concept of Rational drug therapy in diverse therapeutic intervention. Provide high quality evidence based patient-centric care with clinician.
  • PO3-Problem Analysis : Develop ability to utilize the principles of scientific enquiry and improves critical thinking in order to identify, formulate and solve the issues related to Patient care.
  • PO4-Modern tool Usage : Learn, select and apply appropriate techniques, and efficient utilization of resources, softwares for overcoming the limitations of conventional practices.
  • PO5-Communication skills : Communicate effectively regarding issues related to patient specific with the pharmacy community and society.
  • PO6-Professional Identity : Act in consultative position with other healthcare team and contribute to the training of pharmacy students and the growth and success of pharmacy profession.
  • PO7-Pharmaceutical Ethics : Honour personal values and apply ethical values in professional and social context. Demonstrate high degree of professional, ethical and legal manners, conforming with all national, state and local rules and regulations related to pharmacy practice.
  • PO8-Planning Abilities : Develop and apply skills for time management and utilization of resources and implement them to complete the task to meet deadlines.
  • PO9-Leadership skills : Inculcate leadership abilities for competent team-centric approaches to improve and facilitate the health and well-being of society.
  • PO10-Environment and sustainability : Understand the impact of the professional pharmacy solution in societal and environmental perspectives, and demonstrate the knowledge for sustainable development.
  • PO11-Life-long learning : Recognize the need to engage independent and life long learning to update the practice to keep in pace with the ever-changing technological aspects. Self-assessment along with feedback analysis to identify the grey areas for improvement of diverse skills as a continuous process.

  • PO1-Applied Pharmacy Knowledge : Possess knowledge of the core and fundamental principles associated with modern pharmaceutical technologies, biopharmaceutics, drug regulatory affairs, formulation and evaluation of novel drug delivery systems.
  • PO2-Research and development : Utilize skills for the development of new drug delivery approaches for diverse type of active pharmaceutical ingredients. Demonstrate an understanding of the computer-aided processes required to conduct pharmaceutical research.
  • PO3-Problem analysis : Develop ability for in depth analytical and critical thinking in order to identify, formulate and solve the issues related to pharmaceutical development, manufacturing and regulatory processes.
  • PO4-Modern tool usage : Select modern formulation optimization technologies with application of statistical hypothesis testing during development and evaluation of nanoformulations. Use in silico approaches for biopharmaceutical studies.
  • PO5-Communication : Make effective documentation, report writing and presentations. Learn communication skills in order to execute the responsibilities successfully towards development of an expertise as per the needs of pharmaceutical industry and academia.
  • PO6-Professional identity : Demonstrate typical professional, legal manners, conforming with all the guidelines of regulatory bodies. Contribute to the training of pharmacy students and the growth and success of pharmacy profession.
  • PO7-Leadership skills : Demonstrate the ability to implement plans and organize tasks within deadlines in the areas of research and manufacturing. Able to apply skills related to management of resources.
  • PO8-Planning abilities : Develop and apply skills for planning and executing activities related to formulation development, manufacturing and regulatory filings.
  • PO9-Pharmaceutical ethics : Demonstrate a high degree of honesty and fairness. Apply ethical principles while making decisions and take accountability for the outcomes related to the decisions.
  • PO10-Environmental sustainability : Address the issues of environmental pollution, industrial waste, utilization of huge amount of water by applying skills to improve production processes and to ensure environmental sustainability.
  • PO11-Life-long learning : Ability to involve in independent and continuous learning process as per the need and technological advancements. Use of feedback from other professionals and identification of learning requirements for life-long learning improvement. Understand the role of conferences, seminars and workshops for knowledge progression.

  • PO1-Advanced Pharmacy knowledge : Possess comprehension knowledge and basic principles regarding the screening techniques and advanced knowledge on molecular basis of mechanism of action related to clinical practices.
  • PO2-Preclinical research Practice : Utilize skills for designing appropriate protocol for preclinical screening of diverse compounds and analysing them for suitability in clinical management of disorders.
  • PO3-Problem Analysis : Develop ability to utilise the principles of scientific enquiry and Outline critically appraise the principal steps involved in advancement of Pharmacology.
  • PO4-Modern tool Usage : Learn, select and apply appropriate techniques, and efficient utilization of resources, softwares for overcoming the limitations of conventional practices.
  • PO5-Research Communication skills : Ability to document all the research outcomes in terms of reports for Communicating effectively to journals, proceedings or conferences for sharing their experience with other scientific fraternity.
  • PO6-Professional Identity : Act in consultative position and abiding with all the regulatory guidelines of governing bodies. Further demonstrate scientific practice to o pharmacy students and contribute to the training of the growth and success of pharmacy profession.
  • PO7-Pharmaceutical Ethics : Honour personal values and apply ethical values in professional and social context. Demonstrate high degree of professional, ethical and legal manners, conforming with all national, state and local rules and regulations related to pharmacy practice.
  • PO8-Planning Abilities : Develop and apply skills for time management and utilization of resources and implement them to complete the task to meet deadlines. critically appraise the principal steps involved in practice of clinical Pharmacology.
  • PO9-Leadership skills : Inculcate leadership abilities for competent team-centric approaches to improve and facilitate the health and well-being of society.
  • PO10-Environment and sustainability : Understand the impact of the professional pharmacy solution in societal and environmental perspectives, and demonstrate the knowledge for sustainable development.
  • PO11-Life-long learning : Recognize the need to develop independent ideas to solve the community issues and critically review the outcomes for further interest. Understand the importance of attending the participation in scientific seminars/ conferences/workshops for life-long learning.

  • PO1-Domain Knowledge : possess subjective knowledge of fundamental principles and core concepts related to Pharmaceutical Chemistry, including points of intersection with interdisciplinary areas.
  • PO2-Research Aptitude : possess a keen interest in acquiring latest research developments in the area of drug development in general and pharmaceutical chemistry in particular.
  • PO3-Critical thinking : possess sufficient proficiency in problem solving skills, based on analytical thinking and research based approaches. Shall be able to identify and assess problems and find appropriate long term solutions to them.
  • PO4-Professional Behavior : practice time management, resource management, organization skills and offer strategies to meet deadlines. Work in a team and participate in lifelong learning and continuous improvement in the profession
  • PO5-Modern practices : identify and acquire, latest tools of trade and scientific methods related to pharmaceutical chemistry and allied science, and be able to deploy them with thorough understanding of their capabilities and limitations.
  • PO6-Communication skills : To Speak, write, read and listen clearly in person and through electronic media in English and in at least one Indian language, and relate to the world by connecting with people, ideas, books, media and technology.
  • PO7-Ethics : practice and adhere to ethical principles in personal and professional life and strive to spread these virtues in the society. Respect people for their individual identity and be unbiased towards others with respect to race, cast and creed, culture, sex, physical and mental debility.
  • PO8-Citizenship : Demonstrate empathetic social concern and equity cantered national development and the ability to act with an informed awareness of issues and participate in civic life through volunteering.
  • PO9-Life-long Learning : be open minded to keep acquiring latest tools and techniques related to pharmaceutical chemistry from various sources and contribute to the existing knowledge by adding own experiences to the body of knowledge
  • PO10-Environment and sustainability : understand the effect of materials used in pharmaceutical chemistry on environment, apply domain knowledge judiciously to minimize negative impact on environment and create sustainable solutions from the view point of pharmaceutical research and drug development.
  • PO11-Conduct investigations of complex problems : To understand and contribute drug discovery principles and computational tools through different models, softwares in order to provide solutions to complex problems in drug discovery and cures in diseases and conditions presently considered non treatable. To provide better drug molecules with improved characteristics in the future.


(Programme Educational Outcomes)

  • PEO1 :Provide a comprehensive pharmaceutical education leading to a D.Pharm degree
  • PEO2 :To produce pharmacy graduates with strong fundamental concepts, good communication skill and high technical competency in pharmaceutical sciences and technology to effectively manage resources and pharmacy functions.
  • PEO3 :Foster systematic approaches in the management of hospital and community pharmacy practices thus preparing students to tackle obstacles in this field.
  • PEO4 :Promote continuous professional development and lifelong learning for a successful and evolving career in pharmacy.

  • PEO1 :To produce pharmacy graduates with basic and applied concepts of different pharmaceutical disciplines.
  • PEO2 :To impart students with adequate knowledge and skills to perform as health care provider and contribute towards National Health Programme.
  • PEO3 :To develop trained pharmacists having technical expertise in drug regulatory affairs and price control of drugs along with strong communication skills & multidisciplinary approach.
  • PEO4 :To inculcate entrepreneurship and management aptitudes in future pharmacists to assure participation in life-long learning process for a highly productive career.

  • PEO1 :To prepare graduates for holistic healthcare team members focused on patient-centered care and community well-being.
  • PEO2 :To develop strong commitment to academic excellence among graduates by adhering to evidence-based practices in their pharmacy careers and contributing to research etc.
  • PEO3 :To inculcate leadership ability in healthcare innovation, enabling the graduate to lead initiatives that advance pharmacy practice, improve patient care.
  • PEO4 :To inculcate ethical and social responsibility as a core value among the graduates, advocating for equitable access to healthcare and actively participating in community service and public health initiatives.

  • PEO1 : Establish an education that leads to a M.Pharm. degree in the discipline of study, integrating professional knowledge, technical skills, and research expertise for excellence in therapeutics, drug design & discovery, and formulation development.
  • PEO2 : Develop the competencies and inventiveness in master's students required to deliver effective services to the pharmaceutical industry, academia, and the healthcare sector.
  • PEO3 : Promote traits of professionalism and an inclination for higher learning, entrepreneurial abilities, and a career in research and development.
  • PEO4 : Nurture the practice of employing ethical and good practices for the benefit of society. pharmaceutical care, and the pharmaceutical industry.


(Programme Specific Outcomes)

  • PSO1 :Work with pharmaceutical industry related to sales and distribution of pharmaceutical products.
  • PSO2 :Explore opportunities as pharmacists in community and hospital pharmacy settings in government and non-government organizations.
  • PSO3 :Dispense medication and assist in patient counselling.

  • PSO1 :Work in different divisions of pharmaceutical industry like manufacturing, quality control, quality assurance, sales, marketing and regulatory divisions.
  • PSO2 :Explore opportunities as pharmacists in community and hospital pharmacy settings.
  • PSO3 :Join different government organizations as drug analyst, chemist and drug inspectors for better management and control of pharmaceutical activities.

  • PSO1 :Work with medical practitioners in hospitals and clinics to improve pharmacotherapy for better patient compliance.
  • PSO2 :Explore opportunities with pharmaceutical industries and government organizations as medical writer, pharmacovigilance associate and clinical research associate.
  • PSO3 :Educate patients and other communities for safe and rational use of medications.

  • PSO1 :Work in different divisions of pharmaceutical industry like manufacturing, quality control, quality assurance, analytical research, formulation research and regulatory affairs.
  • PSO2 :Become an entrepreneur in the areas of formulation research and development, pharmaceutical manufacturing, pharmaceutical consultancy services, drug sales and distribution.
  • PSO3 :Explore opportunities in different government and non-government organizations as drug analyst, academician, research scientist and drug inspector.

  • PSO1 :Work in different divisions of pharmaceutical industry like manufacturing, quality assurance, analytical, preclinical research, pharmacovigilance and regulatory affairs.
  • PSO2 :Become an entrepreneur in the areas of clinical research, preclinical development, pharmaceutical consultancy services, drug sales and distribution.
  • PSO3 :Explore opportunities in different government and non-government organizations as clinical research associate, academician, research scientist and drug inspector.

After successful completion of the program the student will be able to:

  • PSO1 :Work in different divisions of pharmaceutical industry like manufacturing, quality control, quality assurance, analytical research, active pharmaceutical ingredient synthesis and regulatory affairs.
  • PSO2 :Become an entrepreneur in the areas of new molecule development, analytical method development, pharmaceutical consultancy services, drug sales and distribution.
  • PSO3 :Explore opportunities in different government and non-government organizations as drug analyst, academician, research scientist and drug inspector.


(Course Outcomes)

Year: 1st  


  • CO1: Acquire the knowledge of the profession of Pharmacy in India in relation to pharmacy education, industry, pharmacy practice, and various professional associations.
  • CO2: Students able to know about Pharmaceutical packaging.
  • CO3: Students able to know about Pharmaceutical aids & Preservatives.
  • CO4: Understand the Unit operations, objectives/applications, principles, construction, and workings.
  • CO5: Students able to know about the Types of Tablet, Capsule formulation development and manufacturing technique. and also understand about liquid oral preparations, topical preparations, powders and granules, sterile formulations, immunological products.
  • CO6: Able to understand Novel drug delivery systems and basic structure, layout, sections, and activities of pharmaceutical manufacturing plants.


  • CO1: Learn the introduction to pharmaceutical chemistry, sources and types of error, impurity testing in pharmaceuticals, volumetric and gravimetric analysis of the chemical substances given in the official monographs.
  • CO2: Understand the pharmaceutical formulations, market preparations, storage conditions and uses of inorganic pharmaceuticals. Introduction to nomenclature of organic chemical systems (heterocyclic compounds).
  • CO3: Discuss the study of the medicinal compounds with respect to drugs acting on central nervous system, autonomic nervous system and cholinergic drugs and related agents.
  • CO4: Discuss the study of the medicinal compounds with respect to drugs acting on cardiovascular system, and diuretics.
  • CO5: Describe the study of the medicinal compounds with respect to hypoglycemic agents, analgesic, Anti-inflammatory, and non-steroidal antiinflammatory agents (NSAIDs).
  • CO6: Discuss the study of the medicinal compounds with respect to anti-infective agents, antibiotics and antineoplastic agents.


  • CO1: Identify the important/common crude drugs of natural origin.
  • CO2: Describe the uses of herbs in nutraceuticals and cosmaceuticals.
  • CO3: Discuss the principles of alternative system of medicines.
  • CO4: Describe the importance of quality control of drugs of natural origin.
  • CO5: To know the modern extraction techniques, characterization and identification of the herbal drugs and phytoconstituents.
  • CO6: To understand the preparation and development of herbal formulation.


  • CO1: Learn about the scope of anatomy and physiology, the structure, parts and function of cell and various tissues of the human body.
  • CO2: To acquire knowledge about anatomical types of bones, movements and disorders, components of blood, homeostatic regulation.
  • CO3: To learn about physiology and mechanism of the lymphatic system, anatomy of heart with its physiology including cardiac cycle with heart sounds, ECG, blood pressure and their regulation in human body.
  • CO4: To understood the significance of various anatomy and physiology of respiratory, skeletal and digestive system including mechanism of muscle contraction.
  • CO5: To gain knowledge about the anatomy and vital physiology of sensory organs, nervous system and urinary system and related disorders.
  • CO6: To learn about the anatomy and physiology of male and female reproductive system including spermatogenesis and oogenesis along with the functioning of hormones, significance of menstruation, pregnancy and parturition including pancreas and gonads.


  • CO1: Discuss about the Social Pharmacy, its scope and role of Pharmacist in Public and private health systems.
  • CO2: Describe various sources of health hazards and disease preventive measures and effect of environment on Health.
  • CO3: Discuss the healthcare issues associated with food and nutritional substances.
  • CO4: Gain knowledge about Epidemiology and its application and learned about terms like pandemic, endemic. Learn about Respiratory infections, Intestinal infections, Arthropod-borne infection, and STDs.
  • CO5: Learn about the Healthcare system in India and all ongoing national programs.
  • CO6: Discuss about the Pharmacoeconomics and its application.


  • CO1: Describe the basic concepts of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.
  • CO2: Students able to know about definition, classification, pharmacological actions, dose, indications, and contraindications of PNS & eye related diseases & their drugs.
  • CO3: Students able to know about definition, classification, pharmacological actions, dose, indications, and contraindications of CNS & CVS related diseases & their drugs.
  • CO4: Students able to know about definition, classification, pharmacological actions, dose, indications, and contraindications of blood & blood forming organ & respiratory system related diseases & their drugs
  • CO5: Students able to know about definition, classification, pharmacological actions, dose, indications, and contraindications of G.I.T., Kidney & hormones related diseases & their drugs.
  • CO6: Students able to know about definition, classification, pharmacological actions, dose, indications, and contraindications of Autocoids, Chemotherapeutic agents & also know about biological agents.


  • CO1: The student will gain the knowledge of community pharmacy history and its development along with his responsibilities as community pharmacist.
  • CO2: Acquire knowledge of prescription and its handling along with the medication adherence benefits.
  • CO3: Enhance the communication skills and personality development.
  • CO4: Understand various aspects of patient counseling.
  • CO5: Acquire the knowledge of Over the counter medication and general diseases conditions.
  • CO6: Learn the management procedures relating to legal, financial, customer and audit attributes.


  • CO1: Describe the functions of biomolecules.
  • CO2: Discuss the various functions of enzymes in the human system.
  • CO3: Understand the metabolic pathways of biomolecules in both physiological and pathological conditions.
  • CO4: Describe the principles of organ function tests and their clinical significances.
  • CO5: Describe the biomolecules / metabolites in the given biological samples, both qualitatively and quantitatively.
  • CO6: Discuss the study of clinical pathology of blood and urine.


  • CO1: Discuss about the Pharmacotherapeutics, its scope and objectives, Evidence based medicine and about Standard treatment guidelines (STGs) and Cardiovascular system.
  • CO2: Help assessing the subjective and objective parameters and planning the rational medicine therapy incommon disease conditions like Respiratory system, endocrine system and CNS.
  • CO3: Gain knowledge about disorders related to GI tract, Blood and musculoskeletal Disorders &planning the rational medicine therapy.
  • CO4: Help assessing the subjective and objective parameters and planning the rational medicine therapy in certain Infectious diseases.
  • CO5: Learn about the subjective and objective parameters, planning the rational medicine therapy in common diseases in Dermatology, ophthalmology and psychiatry.
  • CO6: Gain knowledge about Anti-microbial Resistance and Women’s health.


  • CO1: Hospital Pharmacy. Different Committees in the Hospital.
  • CO2: Supply Chain and Inventory control and Drug distribution
  • CO3: Compounding in Hospital and Radio Pharmaceuticals.
  • CO4: Application of Computers in hospital Pharmacy practices Electronic health record Software used in Hospital Pharmacy & Clinical Pharmacy.
  • CO5: Clinical laboratory tests used in the evaluation of disease states-significance and interpretation of test results and Poisoning.
  • CO6: Pharmacovigilance, Medication errors and Drug interactions.


  • CO1: Understand and remember the General Principles of Law, History and various Acts related to Drugs and Pharmacy profession. Learn Pharmacy Act-1948 and Rules. Remember Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act 1985.
  • CO2: Know and understand the Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940 and Rules 1945 and New Amendments. Know about Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act 1954 .Understand the Disaster Management Act.
  • CO3: Remember the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act-1960. Learn about the Poisons Act-1919. Understand the Blood bank. Learn about Consumer Protection Act.
  • CO4: Know and remember the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority. Learn about Central Drugs Standards Control Organization (CDSCO), Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC). Know about Good Regulatory practices. Understand the Clinical Establishment Act and Rules.
  • CO5: Remember and understand the FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) Act and Rules. Understand the Code of Pharmaceutical Ethics. Learn about Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act and Rules. Biomedical Waste Management Rules 2016.
  • CO6: Understand the Introduction to BCS system of classification. Knowledge about Bioethics. Know and understand the Medical Devices.

Year/Sem.: I / I   


  • CO1: Understand anatomical terminology and body organization based on structure, functions and regulation of cells, tissues, and membranes, applying this knowledge in health-related contexts.
  • CO2: Classify skeletal system and joints based on their structure, and functions, applying this knowledge to explain their roles in protection, movement, and support.
  • CO3: Describe body fluids and blood based on the composition, functions, and their regulation, applying this knowledge in role of maintaining homeostasis.
  • CO4: Memorize organization of nervous system based on their functions, and neural communication, applying this knowledge to explore coordination, reflexes, and neurological health.
  • CO5: Discuss cardiovascular system based on their structure and functions, applying this knowledge to evaluate cardiac health.


  • CO1: Understand the use of various pharmaceutical analytical methods and related terms in analysis of drugs and pharmaceutical excipients
  • CO2: Apply aqueous and non aqueous titration in analysis of drugs and excipients
  • CO3: Apply precipitation and complexometric titration in analysis of drugs and excipients
  • CO4: Apply redox titration in analysis of drugs and excipients
  • CO5: Apply electrochemical methods of analysis in analysis of drugs and excipients


  • CO1: Explain career opportunities in pharmacy, different types of dosage and dose calculation based on age, body weight and body surface area of the patient.
  • CO2: Understand powder and liquid dosage forms, excipients used in liquid dosage forms and solubility enhancement techniques based on nature of dosage forms.
  • CO3: Remember monophasic and biphasic liquid formulations along with their preparation methods based on nature of liquid dosage forms.
  • CO4: Define and understand suppository, displacement value and pharmaceutical incompatibilities based on physical, chemical and therapeutic properties of the drug.
  • CO5: Discuss semisolid dosage forms, its preparation methods and evaluation parameters based on type of semisolid dosage forms.


  • CO1: Discuss the history of pharmacopoeia, monographs, impurities determination of inorganic compounds and pharmaceuticals through the understanding of pharmacopoeia editions and principles of limit test.
  • CO2: Apply the concepts of acid, base, buffers, electrolytes and dental products for their use in pharmaceutical preparations.
  • CO3: Express the properties, assay and medicinal uses of inorganic compounds based on the knowledge of Gastrointestinal tract and their mechanism of action.
  • CO4: Illustrate the mechanism, method of preparation, properties, assay and medicinal importance of inorganic compounds based on their categories of expectorants, emetics, hematinics, poison antidote and astringents.
  • CO5: Describe radioisotopes based on the understanding of different radiations along with their properties, measurement techniques, storage conditions, precautions and pharmaceutical applications.


  • CO1: Discuss the basic concepts/ knowledge of the Communication process, its types, Barriers to communication and Perspectives in communication.
  • CO2: Define the Elements of communication: Tone, body language, gesture, communication styles, Verbal and Non-verbal mode of communication
  • CO3: Use Basic Listening skills: active listening, listening in difficult situations, Written communication: shades of meaning, complexity, Audience factor, organization of the message
  • CO4: Operate the interview skills, do's and don'ts of an interview, and presentation skills: planning and structuring, delivery, and presentation techniques.
  • CO5: Discuss about the Group Discussion and its aspects: role of communication skills in GD and Do's and Don'ts of GD


  • CO1: Students will be able to learn about basic concept/ Knowledge of animal cell, Aminal Tissue, cell division and cell organelles'
  • CO2: Students will be able to learn about basic concept/ Knowledge of plant respiration, plant growth and development, plant and mineral nutrition, photosynthesis
  • CO3: Students will be able to learn about classifications & salient feature of five kingdoms of life Anatomy and Physiology human, anatomy and physiology of plant
  • CO4: Students will be able to learn about circulatory, digestive, respiratory and excreatory system of human
  • CO5: Students will be able to learn about Morphology of plant, Root, Stem, Leaf and its modification


  • CO1: Students will be able to learn about basic skills and extend their knowledge as they prepare for more advanced work.
  • CO2: Students will be able to learn about mathematical concepts and principles to perform computations for Pharmaceutical Sciences.
  • CO3: Students will be able to learn about classifications & salient feature of basic mathematics such as Identifying numbers, arrange numbers into arrays, to find solution of pharmacokinetics equations, etc.
  • CO4: Student shall be able to Know Trignometry, Analytical geometry, Matrices, Determinant, Integration, Differential equation, Laplace transform and their applications.
  • CO5: Students will be able to learn to solve the problems of different types by applying theory and appreciate the important applications of mathematics in pharmacy.


  • CO1: Correctly identify the roles of the four types of word parts in forming medical terms.
  • CO2: Identify unfamiliar medical terms using their knowledge of word parts
  • CO3: Use basic prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms to build medical terms
  • CO4: Explain the rules for proper pronunciation and spelling
  • CO5: Relate the terminology to the names, locations, and functions of the major organs of the body systems



  • CO1: To demonstrate the permanent slide of various tissues of the human body.
  • CO2: Identification of skeletal framework with reference to axial and appendicular systems.
  • CO3: To perform the hematological sample analysis for interpretation of the result.
  • CO4: Determination of normal physiological parameters of the human body in context to pulse rate, heart rate, and blood pressure.


  • CO1: Understand the knowledge on preparatory pharmacy and professional way of evaluating various conventional drugs, raw materials and formulations.
  • CO2: Explain the theoretical basis of commonly used statistical methods & correctly analyze & interpret the results of statistical data from surveys, experiments & observational studies.
  • CO3: Illustrate sources of errors in analytical techniques, methods to minimize them.
  • CO4: Describe the various titrimetric and electrochemical methods of analysis and their application in quality control of pharmaceuticals
  • CO5: Describe gravimetry and limit tests-principles and applications.


  • CO1: Explain monophasic liquid formulation based upon their preparation methods.
  • CO2: Describe biphasic liquid formulation based upon knowledge of their preparation and stability issues.
  • CO3: Prepare powder and granules formulation using the knowledge of formulation composition.
  • CO4: Estimate suppositories formulation on the basis of their calculation.
  • CO5: Prepare semi-solid dosage forms using displacement value and its calculation.


  • CO1: Judge the impurities present in the given samples based on the knowledge about the principles, techniques of performing limit test.
  • CO2: Examine the given inorganic compounds based on the physical properties, chemical reactions and organoleptic properties of the given inorganic compounds
  • CO3: Examine the swelling power, neutralizing capacity and potassium iodate and iodine presence in bentonite, aluminum hydroxide gel and potassium iodide respectively by following the procedure and principles for the same.
  • CO4: Synthesis of boric acid, potash alum and ferrous sulphate based on the knowledge of their physical properties and medicinal uses.


  • CO1: Identifying the importance of interactive skills like meeting people, making friends, etc.
  • CO2: Understanding the usage of basic grammar like pronunciations, nouns, etc.
  • CO3: Define Direct and Indirect Speech, Figures of Speech, Effective Communication, Writing Skills, and presentation skills.


  • CO1: Apply techniques for section cutting, mounting, and staining plant tissues
  • CO2: Demonstrate the proper use and functions of a microscope for examining biological specimens
  • CO3: Evaluate different tissues, blood groups, blood pressure, and tidal volume using appropriate techniques.
  • CO4: Evaluate the quality and effectiveness of prepared permanent slides for microscopic analysis
  • CO5: Identify cells and their inclusions, stem, root, and leaf structures, the anatomy of a frog, and bones.

Year/Sem.: I / II


  • CO1: Given the anatomy and physiology of a neuron, demonstrate the anatomical and functional principles to categorize different components of the CNS and PNS and their roles in the body.
  • CO2: Execute knowledge of the digestive system to predict the digestion, absorption of nutrient and abnormalities on digestive processes.
  • CO3: Demonstrate the knowledge of the respiratory and urinary system to predict the potential effects of functional irregularities.
  • CO4: Interpret the structure and functions of endocrine glands to analyse the hormonal regulation of physiological processes and homeostasis.
  • CO5: Explain the physiological roles of the male and female reproductive systems in gamete production, hormone secretion, and sexual reproduction.


  • CO1: Demonstrate the ability to assign classification, nomenclature and structural isomerism to organic compounds based on the knowledge of classification, nomenclature and isomerism.
  • CO2: Demonstrate the preparation and reactions of alkanes, alkenes and conjugated dienes based on their hybridization, stabilities, kinetics and order of reactivity
  • CO3: Interpret the reactions, structures, qualitative test and uses of alkyl halides and alcohols based on their kinetics and order of reactivity.
  • CO4: Demonstrate the synthetic reactions, qualitative test, structure and uses of carbonyl compounds based on their nucleophilic, electromeric mechanism and named reactions.
  • CO5: Demonstrate the effect of substituents, qualitative test and uses of carboxylic acids and aliphatic amines based on their acidity and basicity respectively.


  • CO1: Understand the relationship and biological significance of biomolecules using bioenergetics principles.
  • CO2: Apply the knowledge of metabolism of carbohydrates in relation to their impact on physiology and related metabolic disorders.
  • CO3: Apply the knowledge of metabolism of ketone bodies, fatty acids, amino acids and neurotransmitters in relation to their impact on physiology and related metabolic disorders.
  • CO4: Apply the knowledge of genetics and metabolism of nuleeotides, DNA and RNA in relation to their impact on physiology and related disorders.
  • CO5: Apply the knowledge of enzymes activity, kinetics and inhibition in relation to normal physiology, metabolism, therapeutics and diagnostic application


  • CO1: Apply the process of inflammation and repair along with pathophysiology of atherosclerosis based on the understanding of homeostasis, cellular injury, sclerosis and atheroma.
  • CO2: Interpret the causes, development, and clinical features based on their understanding of pathophysiological mechanisms of following disease: hypertension, congestive heart failure, ischemic heart disease, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and renal failure.
  • CO3: Sketch the causes, development, and clinical features based on their understanding of pathophysiological mechanisms of related disease: hematological, endocrine, neurological, and gastrointestinal diseases.
  • CO4: Express the causes, development, and clinical features based on their understanding of pathophysiological mechanisms of related disease: inflammatory diseases, liver conditions, bone and joint diseases, and cancer.
  • CO5: Summarize the causes, development, and clinical features based on their understanding of pathophysiological mechanisms of following disease: meningitis, typhoid, leprosy, tuberculosis, urinary tract infections, and sexually transmitted diseases.


  • CO1: State the binary number, decimal number system, one complement and two complement method, data flow diagrams on their understanding of the number system, concept of information systems.
  • CO2: Differentiate the HTML, XML, CSS, MYSQL, MS ACCESS various types of databases on their understanding of the web technologies, Programming languages and concept of basic database
  • CO3: Classify the hospital and clinical pharmacy, drug information and patient monitoring system on their understanding of the various types of application of computers in pharmacy.
  • CO4: Describe the Bioinformatics and databases and impact of Bioinformatics in Vaccine Discovery on their understanding of the Bioinformatics
  • CO5: Identify the Chromatographic data analysis, LIMS, TIMS on their understanding of the Computers as data analysis in Preclinical development


  • CO1: Students will be able to learn about basic concept of natural resource and environmental impacts of human activities on natural resource.
  • CO2: Students will be able to learn about structure and functions of Ecosystem
  • CO3: Students will be able to learn about types of environmental pollution and Its impact on human health and Environment



  • CO1: Recognize the principle of homeostasis with special reference to feedback mechanism.
  • CO2: Classify the nervous system with special reference to various anatomical and physiological neurological abnormalities.
  • CO3: Demonstrate the anatomical and physiological framework of human body system (endocrine, digestive, respiratory, urinary, cardiovascular and reproductive, integumentary system) and special senses.
  • CO4: Analyze the clinical significance of laboratory test for diagnosis of disorder
  • CO5: Identify the permanent slide of vital organs and gonads.


  • CO1: Investigate qualitative, solubility analysis, detection of elements of unknown organic compounds by following the safety procedure to set up glassware and apparatus to conduct experiments in organic chemistry.
  • CO2: Analyze functional group of organic compounds based on their qualitative testing.
  • CO3: Analyze the organic compounds systematically based on their reactions with the given reagents.
  • CO4: Synthesize suitable solid derivatives from organic compounds, ingrained with the possible hazardous effect of overuse of organic products in daily life
  • CO5: Predict the melting and boiling point of some organic compounds by judging their intermolecular forces of attractions.


  • CO1: Understand the importance of metabolism of substrates and their bio regulation
  • CO2: Will acquire chemistry and biological importance of biological macromolecules
  • CO3: Acquainted with qualitative and quantitative estimation of the biological macromolecules
  • CO4: Know, understand and apply the interpretation of data emanating from a Diagnostic Test Lab
  • CO5: To know how physiological conditions and their variation influence the structures and relativities of biomolecules


  • CO1: Define the use of ms word, create and generate label, enter information, design questionnaire based on their understanding of the label wizard and uses of word processing package
  • CO2: Apply the HTML toward the designing basic web page using notepad on the basic concept of HTML
  • CO3: Analysis of the drug and its effect using online tool.
  • CO4: Design the form to modify and Create the data base, patient information, drug information and invoice based on their understanding of MS access
  • CO5: Implement to exporting Tables, Queries, Forms and Reports on their understanding of the web and xml page in MS access

Year/Sem.: II / III


  • CO1: Analyze the derivation of benzene's structure using analytical, synthetic, and other evidences, including the application of orbital theory and resonance affecting its aromatic character and adherence to Huckel’s rule
  • CO2: Evaluate the acidity of phenols and the basicity of aromatic amines on the basis of the effect of substituents on their aromatic ring, affecting acidity, basicity, reactivity, and aromaticity.
  • CO3: Evaluate the quality of oils and fats by interpreting analytical constants derived from fatty acid reactions such as hydrolysis, hydrogenation, and saponification.
  • CO4: Describe the synthesis, reactions, structures, and medicinal uses of Polynuclear hydrocarbons
  • CO5: Analyze the stabilities of cycloalkanes using Baeyer’s strain theory, Coulson-Moffitt’s modification, and Sachse-Mohr’s theory to predict the stability and reactivity of cyclopropane and cyclobutane.


  • CO1: Understand the mechanisms of solute solvent interactions, different factors affecting solubility of drugs, different law of binary solutions and miscibility of liquids based on the nature of the drug.
  • CO2: Explain states and properties of matter, eutectic mixtures and various physicochemical properties of drug molecules based on the nature of the drug.
  • CO3: Define and remember surface tension, how to measure surface and interfacial tension by different methods, surfactants and HLB scale based on nature of surfactants.
  • CO4: Describe complexation and protein binding, and how protein binding effect on drug action based on nature of protein binding.
  • CO5: Discuss buffer isotonic solutions, purpose behind maintaining the isotonicity of drug solution based on type of the solutions.


  • CO1: Recall and outline the basic characteristics, structures, and functions, Assess and analyze the methods of identification, cultivation and preservation of various microorganisms.
  • CO2: Explain the underlying principles of different sterilization methods used to maintain aseptic conditions in pharmaceutical manufacturing environments. Evaluation and Use of Staining and sterilization methods.
  • CO3: To understand about disinfectants, and their evaluation, sterility testing methods of pharmaceutical products. Assess and analyze the consequences of microbial contamination in pharmaceutical products and production processes, considering factors such as product safety, efficacy, and regulatory compliance.
  • CO4: Describe about aseptic area, sources of contamination, clean area classification and microbiological standardization methods of Pharmaceuticals. Use microbiological testing techniques to conduct quality control assessments of pharmaceutical products, interpreting results to ensure adherence to industry standards and regulatory requirements.
  • CO5: Explain the microbial spoilage of pharmaceutical products, Preservation of pharmaceutical products. Develop innovative approaches and preventive strategies to minimize the risk of microbial contamination in pharmaceutical manufacturing environments, integrating knowledge of microbiological principles and industry best practices.


  • CO1: Explain the operations of pharmaceutical manufacturing based on the principles of size reduction, size separation and fluid flow.
  • CO2: Apply the strategies for distillation and evaporation based on the knowledge of heat processes.
  • CO3: Illustrate the procedures during development of pharmaceutical dosage forms based on the knowledge of drying and mixing.
  • CO4: Solve the issues related to the fabrication of pharmaceutical dosage forms based on the principles of filtration and centrifugation.
  • CO5: Sketch the quality designing of pharmaceutical plants based on the knowledge of corrosion and material handling aspects



  • CO1: Apply concepts of molar calculations to calculate percentage yield as per standard stoichiometric calculations.
  • CO2: Apply simple purification techniques such as recrystallization and steam distillation to purify organic compounds and intermediates according to standard synthetic procedures and protocols.
  • CO3: Evaluate the quality of fats and oil by determining various parameters like acid value, saponification value and iodine value as per pharmacopeia
  • CO4: Apply the concepts of different reaction mechanisms to synthesize medicinally important compounds based on standard protocol.
  • CO5: Analyze the final product and the reaction mechanism involved in the synthesis of organic compounds like substitution, addition, oxidation, reduction coupling and condensation reactions based on the concepts of effect of substituent on stability and reactivity of aromatic ring.


  • CO1: Apply appropriate techniques to determine the solubility of a given drug sample
  • CO2: Analyze the implications and significance of the partition coefficient in pharmaceuticals
  • CO3: Examine the effects and significance of surface tension in pharmaceutical applications
  • CO4: Explain the importance of surfactants and HLB and their role in the stabilization of dosage forms
  • CO5: Describe the process of calculating the stability constant and donor-acceptor ratio of complexes


  • CO1: Understand the use of different types of microscopes and laboratory apparatus in experimental microbiology.
  • CO2: Understand and apply techniques such as the Hanging Drop method, simple staining, negative staining, and Gram staining for the identification of bacteria and the study of bacterial motility and staining characteristics in microbiological experiments.
  • CO3: Understand and apply techniques for preparing nutrient broth and agar, performing autoclave sterilization, and conducting aseptic transfers in microbiological settings.
  • CO4: Understand and apply techniques for performing inoculation of agar plates using the spread plate method and isolation of bacteria from given cultures using the streaking plate method in microbiological experiments.
  • CO5: Understand and apply techniques for performing sterility testing of pharmaceutical products and antibiotic susceptibility tests using the antibiotic disc (Kirby-Bauer) method in microbiological experiments.


  • CO1: Analyze the effects of different factors on rate of filtration and evaporation.
  • CO2: Execute the process of size reduction and size distribution analysis.
  • CO3: Determine the basic parameters of different heat processes.
  • CO4: Demonstrate the working aspects of different pharmaceutical machineries.
  • CO5: Evaluate the process of mixing and moisture content determination during pharmaceutical manufacturing.

Year/Sem.: II / IV


  • CO1: Apply concepts of optical isomerism in resolution of racemic mixtures, reactions of chiral molecules and asymmetric synthesis of organic compounds.
  • CO2: Use the concept of geometrical isomerism to synthesize isomers by stereospecific and stereoselective reactions
  • CO3: Analyze the relative aromaticity, stability and reactivity of five membered heterocyclic rings in the reactions and synthesis of heterocyclic compounds
  • CO4: Relate the chemistry of six membered and fused ring heterocyclic compounds in the synthesis of medicinal compounds
  • CO5: Implement reactions of synthetic significance to sketch synthetic route for organic compounds


  • CO1: Describe the history and development of medicinal chemistry, influence of physicochemical properties on drug action, kinetics, drug metabolism based on the understanding of physicochemical properties and metabolism.
  • CO2: Demonstrate the biosynthesis, catabolism and receptor interactions of cholinergic neurotransmitters based on understanding with chemical structure, drug’s therapeutic potential, structure activity relationship and synthesis of parasympathomimetic agents, cholinesterase inhibitors and cholinergic blocking agents.
  • CO3: Demonstrate the biosynthesis catabolism and receptor interaction of adrenergic neurotransmitters based on understanding with chemical structure, drug’s therapeutic potential, structure activity relationship and synthesis of sympathomimetic agents and adrenergic blockers.
  • CO4: Illustrate the drug’s therapeutic potential, structure activity relationship based on their understanding of the chemical structure of CNS acting drugs: sedatives and hypnotics, antipsychotics and anticonvulsants.
  • CO5: Illustrate the drug’s therapeutic potential, structure activity relationship based on their understanding of the chemical structure of the drugs: general anesthetics, narcotic and non-narcotic analgesic and anti-inflammatory agents.


  • CO1: Understand the physicochemical properties of drug molecules in designing the dosage forms.
  • CO2: Explain the role of surfactants, interfacial phenomenon and thermodynamics
  • CO3: Describe the flow behavior of fluids and concept of complexation.
  • CO4: Apply the principles of chemical kinetics & to use them for stability testing & determination of expiry dates of formulations.
  • CO5: Analyze the physicochemical properties in the formulation development & evaluation of dosage forms.


  • CO1: Apply the general concepts of pharmacology to the process involved in drug pharmacokinetics.
  • CO2: Understand the knowledge of receptor types, receptor theories, and signal transduction mechanisms to drug pharmacodynamics, drug discovery, clinical and preclinical evaluations of new drug, and Pharmacovigilance practices.
  • CO3: Evaluate the pharmacological effects based on the understanding of drugs acting on Autonomic Nervous System, local anesthetics, myasthenia gravis, and glaucoma.
  • CO4: Explain the pharmacological effects based on the understanding of drugs acting on CNS like- sedatives, hypnotics, anticonvulsants, general anesthetics, alcohol, and disulfiram.
  • CO5: Discuss the pharmacological effects based on the understanding of drugs acting on CNS, such as antipsychotics, antidepressants, antianxiety agents, hallucinogens, CNS stimulants, and opioids, and assess the therapeutic approaches for Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.


  • CO1: Evaluate crude drugs on the basis of WHO guidelines with respect to its biological sources, macroscopy, microscopy, chemical constituents and uses.
  • CO2: Describe the concepts of cultivation on basis of WHO guidelines, implicated for improvement of quality of medicinal plants and minimization of crop destruction
  • CO3: Demonstrate the importance of Plant tissue culture techniques, based on understanding of basic requirements, growth and their maintenance, for augmented exploitation of natural resources.
  • CO4: Explain the contribution of traditional systems of medicine, given the specific principles of each system, for improvement in health care.
  • CO5: Identify the secondary metabolites on the basis of its structure, distribution, properties and tests for identification to understand its role in health care.



  • CO1: Prepare 1,3-pyrazole, 1,3-oxazole, benzimidazole, benzotriazole, and 2,3-diphenyl quinoxaline.
  • CO2: Prepare benzocaine, phenytoin, phenothiazine, and barbiturate by synthetic processes to achieve high-yield and pure drugs.
  • CO3: Describe the purity and potency of chlorpromazine, phenobarbitone, atropine, ibuprofen, aspirin, and furosemide using appropriate assay methods.
  • CO4: Demonstrate the partition coefficient of paracetamol and diclofenac, explaining the significance of the partition coefficient in drug design and the methodology used to measure it, with a focus on the shake-flask method.


  • CO1: Understand the Methods for determining particle size distribution (sieving and microscopic), bulk density, true density, and porosity.
  • CO2: Analyze the angle of repose of the given powder sample.
  • CO3: Analyze the viscosity of liquids by Ostwald's viscometer and semi-solids by Brookfield viscometer.
  • CO4: Understand the sedimentation volume with various suspending agents and varying concentrations of a single suspending agent.
  • CO5: Analyze the reaction rate constants for first and second order reactions, and conducting accelerated stability studies and shelf life determination for aspirin.


  • CO1: Conceptual knowledge of experimental pharmacology basics
  • CO2: Understand the CPCSEA guidelines for laboratory animal facility.
  • CO3: Precise knowledge about commonly used instruments in pharmacological laboratory.
  • CO4: Observe the effect of drugs on animals by simulated experiments by software’s and videos.
  • CO5: To understand the different methods of local anesthetics.


  • CO1: Understand the basic concept of microscope for microscopic evaluation of crude drugs.
  • CO2: Identify crude drugs on the basis of their chemical testing.
  • CO3: Identify crude drug adulterants on the basis of physicochemical testing.
  • CO4: Identify characteristics of crude drugs through various physicochemical testing.
  • CO5: Recognize crude drugs based on their macroscopic and microscopic characteristics.

Year/Sem.: III / V


  • CO1: Evaluate the pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, stability, synthesis, and therapeutic potential by using knowledge of the chemical structure and Structure-Activity Relationships (SAR) of drugs that are categorized as antiallergic, antihistamine, antiulcer, and antineoplastic agents.
  • CO2: Based on the comprehension of the drugs chemical structure and Structure-Activity Relationships (SAR), Judge the therapeutic potential, structure activity relationship, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, stability, and synthesis of the following categories: antianginal, diuretics, and antihypertensives.
  • CO3: Based on understanding of the chemical structures and Structure-Activity Relationships (SAR) of the following pharmacological classes—congestive heart failure, antiarrhythmics, and antihyperlipidemics—Defend their therapeutic potential, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, stability, and synthesis.
  • CO4: Appraise the therapeutic potential, structure-activity relationship, pharmacology, stability, and synthesis of drugs by utilising knowledge of the chemical structures of drugs that affect the thyroid and, sex hormones.
  • CO5: Evaluate the drugs therapeutic potential, structure activity relationship, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, stability and synthesis in the following categories based on their understanding of the chemical structure of the drugs: antidiabetic and local anesthetics


  • CO1: Execute the knowledge of physicochemical properties of drugs (Pre-formulations) as a tool in the optimization of solid and liquid dosage forms.
  • CO2: Describe the formulation of tablets, capsules and liquid orals using established procedures and technology.
  • CO3: Understand the various considerations in development of capsules and pellets on the basis of their manufacturing techniques.
  • CO4: Analyze parenteral and ophthalmic dosage forms based on their types.
  • CO5: Explain formulation methods of cosmetics products and aerosols with appropriate packaging materials based on their applications.


  • CO1: Judge the therapeutic potential, pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic of drugs used in the management of congestive heart failure, hypertension, angina, arrhythmia and hyperlipidemia based on their knowledge of haemodynamic and electrophysiology of heart.
  • CO2: Appraise the application of blood forming agents and their role in treatment of cardiovascular disorders, further able to analyse the importance of diuretics in cardiovascular diseases based on their knowledge of blood disorders its pathophysiology and pharmacology of drugs used in the management of these disorders.
  • CO3: Distinguish the pharmacology of anti-histaminic, anti-serotonrotoniergic, NSAIDs, angiotensin, bradykinin, substance P, anti-gout anti-rheumatic drugs after having the knowledge of physiology of histamine, serotonin, prostaglandin and other autocoids.
  • CO4: Analyse the treatment and management of endocrine disorders such as gigantism, dwarfism, hypo and hyperthyroidism, diabetes and disorders of adrenal glands based on their knowledge of pathophysiology of these disorders and pharmacology of drugs used in management of these disorders.
  • CO5: Compare the androgens, anabolic steroids, estrogens, progesterone, oral contraceptives and drugs acting on the uterus based on the knowledge of role of male and female sex hormones and pharmacology of drugs of these categories. Perform the bioassay of insulin, oxytocin, vasopressin, ACTH, d-tubocurarine, digitalis, histamine after having the basic knowledge of these hormones and drugs.


  • CO1: Judge the production and significance of plant secondary metabolites through various biosynthetic pathways based on radioactive isotope studies.
  • CO2: Investigate the different plants' secondary metabolites chemistry, bio-sources, therapeutic uses, and commercial applications of the following categories based on their chemical classes of secondary metabolites: Alkaloids, Phenylpropanoids and Flavonoids, Lignans, Steroids, Cardiac Glycosides & Triterpenoids, Volatile oils, Tannins, Resins, Glycosides and Iridoids.
  • CO3: Develop the skill in extraction, isolation, analysis, confirmation, and estimation of phytoconstituents of the following categories based on chromatography and spectroscopic methods: Terpenoids, Glycosides, Alkaloids and Resins.
  • CO4: Apply the industrial production and estimation methods of therapeutically important drugs based on herbal phytoconstituents.
  • CO5: Develop competency in the modern methods for extraction and use of the latest techniques for analysis formulations based on herbal phytoconstituents.


  • CO1: Understand the regulation licensing penalties based on testing and examination of new drug.
  • CO2: Remember the various schedules for drug sale regulation on the basis of licensing authorities along with offence and penalities.
  • CO3: Discuss the various pharmacy Acts based on their goals, descriptions, licencing, export, manufacture, regulatory bodies, controls, consultation committees, and fines.
  • CO4: Analyze the cruelty to animal act and recognize the drug and magic remedies act on the basis of ethical guidelines and price control.
  • CO5: Review the drug committees, Code of Pharmaceutical Ethics, Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, Right to Information Act, and an introduction to Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) on the basis of pharmaceutical legislations.



  • CO1: Understand the preparation and evaluation of tablet on the basis of preformulation studies of various tablets.
  • CO2: Understand the preparation and evaluation of tetracycline capsules.
  • CO3: Understand the prepration of injection on the basis of evaluation of various glass containers.
  • CO4: Understand the prepration of various topical preprations.
  • CO5: Understand the prepration of various opthalmic preprations.


  • CO1: To understand the basic principle of bioassay and types of bioassay.
  • CO2: To demonstrate isolation of different organs/tissues from the laboratory animals by In Silico.
  • CO3: To understand the effect of different drugs on the concentration response curves.
  • CO4: To demonstrate the various receptor actions using isolated tissue preparation
  • CO5: To understand the application of pharmacological knowledge in the prevention and treatment of various disease.


  • CO1: Develop the competency in extraction and isolation techniques of the phytoconstituents.
  • CO2: Develop competency in the assessment of different phytoconstituents.
  • CO3: Develop the skill in the estimation of different phytoconstituents by chromatography methods.
  • CO4: Develop the skill in the isolation techniques of volatile oils.
  • CO5: Estimate the different sugars of herbal drugs by paper chromatography.

Year/Sem.: III / VI


  • CO1: Evaluate the pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, stability, therapeutic potential, and synthesis of the Beta-lactams, monobactams, lactamase inhibitors, and aminoglycoside antibiotic classes using knowledge of chemical structure and Structure-Activity Relations
  • CO2: Evaluate the pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, stability, therapeutic potential, and synthesis of the tetracyclines, macrolide, polyenes and miscellaneous antibiotic classes using knowledge of chemical structure and Structure-Activity Relationships (SAR) and appraise the basic concept and application of prodrug design.
  • CO3: Judge the drug’s therapeutic potential, structure activity relationship, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, stability and synthesis in the following categories based on their understanding of the chemical structure of the drugs: antitubercular, urinary tract anti-infectives and antivirals.
  • CO4: Based on understanding of the chemical structures and Structure-Activity Relationships (SAR) of the following pharmacological classes— antifungal, antiprotozoal and anthelmintic—Defend their therapeutic potential, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, stability,
  • CO5: Apply different drug design approaches and technique towards the drug development based on the basic concept of drug design.


  • CO1: Analyse the pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties of drugs based on the understanding of pathophysiology and drugs used in the diseases of the following system: Respiratory and gastrointestinal system.
  • CO2: Discuss the therapeutic potential, drug interaction and toxicity management of drugs based on understanding of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic of drugs in the following categories: Sulfonamides, cotrimoxazole, Penicillins, cephalosporins, chloramphenicol, macrolides, quinolones and fluoroquinolones, tetracycline and aminoglycoside..
  • CO3: Describe the management of tuberculosis, leprosy, fungal and viral diseases, helminthiasis, malaria and amoebiasis after having the knowledge of aetiology and pharmacology of drugs used in these diseases.
  • CO4: Evaluate the pharmacology and therapeutic strategies for UTIs, STDs, malignancies and immunocompromised patients after having the knowledge of aetiology, pathophysiology and pharmacology of drugs used in these ailments such as immunosuppressant, immunostimulants, protein drugs, monoclonal antibodies and biosimilars.
  • CO5: Explain types of toxicity and their management including genotoxicity, carcinogenicity, teratogenicity, mutagenicity, teratogenicity, mutagenicity and the principles of treating poisoning based on their knowledge of gene structure and function and type and mechanism of poison. Illustrate the rhythm, cyles and biological clocks and their significance in chronotherapy based on their knowledge of time of disease exacerbation and its relation with particular time (morning, afternoon, evening, night).


  • CO1: Evaluate the herbal raw material as a source of crude drugs for the preparation of herbal medicine based on Good agricultural practices in the cultivation of medicinal plants including Organic farming.
  • CO2: Judge the Nutraceuticals, Herbal-Drug, and Herb-Food Interactions, in the treatment of various diseases and Herbal-Drug and Herb-Food Interactions, based on the health benefits of Nutraceuticals in ailments like Diabetes, CVS diseases, Cancer, Irritable bowel syndrome, and various Gastrointestinal diseases.
  • CO3: Investigate the herbal raw material for the preparation of herbal cosmetics and herbal nano-formulations based on protective and antioxidant effects for skin and, hair care.
  • CO4: Eestimate the herbal drug preparations as per the WHO and ICH guidelines and knowledge about the IPR, patenting aspects, and regulatory issues for the assessment of traditional drugs and natural products.
  • CO5: Develop competency in the testing and manufacturing practices of herbal drugs in Indian systems of medicine.


  • CO1: Understand the mechanisms of drug absorption through the GIT and non-per oral extravascular routes based on the nature of the drug.
  • CO2: Explain metabolic pathways, factors affecting renal excretion of drugs and different terms of bioavailability based on physicochemical properties of the drug.
  • CO3: Apply pharmacokinetic principles, including compartment and non-compartment models, physiological models, and one-compartment open models for various administration routes, as well as calculate and interpret key pharmacokinetic parameters based on route of administrations.
  • CO4: Apply the principles of the two-compartment open model, calculate loading and maintenance doses based on drug properties.
  • CO5: Analyze the concept of non-linear pharmacokinetics and explain the factors causing non-linearity and use Michaelis-menton equation to estimate parameters based on pharmacokinetics parameters of the drug.


  • CO1: Recall the basic principles and applications of biotechnology in the pharmaceutical field. Describe the role of enzymes in biotechnological processes and their pharmaceutical relevance.
  • CO2: Manufacturing processes and biotechnological methods.
  • CO3: Develop new pharmaceutical products such as vaccines and Monoclonal antibodies.
  • CO4: Explain the importance of various immunological techniques i.e. Microbial genetics, Microbial biotransformation and Mutation. Analyze social implications of biotechnological advances in pharmaceuticals.
  • CO5: Organic acids, antibiotics etc. Evaluate the efficacy and safety of Blood products.


  • CO1: Understand the scope of quality management, QbD, ICH guidelines, ISO and NABL accreditation based on their principles and processes.
  • CO2: Describe the concepts of maintenance of organization and personnel responsibilities on the basis of pharmaceutical industrial flow parameters.
  • CO3: Analyze the cGMP aspects in the pharmaceutical industry on the basis of understanding operational parameters.
  • CO4: Explain the basic concept of complaints, goods handling and recalling, waste disposal and documentation employing QA & QC reports.
  • CO5: Analyze the significance of calibration, validation and qualification based on the concept of quality assurance.



  • CO1: Understand the fundamental methodologies, instruments, and safety protocols essential for the synthesis and assay procedures of pharmacologically significant compounds.
  • CO2: Apply the concepts of different reaction mechanism to synthesize and purify medicinally important compounds based on standard protocol.
  • CO3: Evaluate the purity of drug based on different analytical techniques and assay procedures as per IP/BP and USP.
  • CO4: Apply green chemistry principles to the synthesis of APIs and drug intermediates, employing techniques such as microwave-assisted, solvent-free synthesis in accordance with established green chemistry principles.
  • CO5: Apply computational chemistry techniques to sketch chemical structures, reactions and to calculate the physicochemical properties of drug-like molecules.


  • CO1: Determine the dosage for pharmacological experiments and convert it to a human dose using established calculation methods.
  • CO2: Evaluating drugs for their gastrointestinal efficacy, hypoglycemic effects, and anti-allergic properties, and correlating clinical and biochemical parameters with the disease.
  • CO3: Capable of understanding OECD guidelines, interpreting acute toxicity and related studies for safety evaluation, and analyzing the pharmacokinetic profile of the given drug.
  • CO4: Conduct pyrogen tests, interpret the results, and apply regulatory standards to ensure safety and compliance in pharmaceutical testing.
  • CO5: Proficient of applying appropriate biostatistical methods for data interpretation and calculations.


  • CO1: Develop the skill to check out the phytoconstituents by preliminary phytochemical screening of crude drugs.
  • CO2: Develop the competency in determination of alcohol content of Asava and Arista.
  • CO3: Develop the competency in determination of Aldehyde, Phenol and alkaloids content in herbal drug formulations.
  • CO4: Develop the skill to prepare and standardization of extract in herbal formulations as per Pharmacopoeial requirements
  • CO5: Develop the skill to prepare and standardized herbal extract in cosmetic formulations like creams, lotions and shampoos.

Year/Sem.: IV / VII


  • CO1: Examine the pharmaceutical substance by UV-Visible spectroscopy and Fluorimetry on the basis of the chemical structure of the pharmaceutical substance.
  • CO2: Judge the IR spectroscopy, flame photometry, atomic absorption spectroscopy and nepheloturbidometry on the basis of the chemical structure of the pharmaceutical substance.
  • CO3: Recognize the pharmaceutical substance by chromatography and electrophoresis on the basis of the chemical structure of the pharmaceutical substance.
  • CO4: Investigate the principle, instrumentation and applications of gas chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography on the basis of the chemical structure of the pharmaceutical substance.
  • CO5: Appraise the ion exchange chromatography, gel chromatography and affinity chromatography on the basis of the chemical structure of the pharmaceutical substance.


  • CO1: Reframe pilot plant scale-up processes for pharmaceutical products, ensuring compliance with regulatory guidelines and effective documentation practices.
  • CO2: Recommend the technology transfer processes in the pharmaceutical industry; including quality risk management, documentation, regulatory compliance, and commercialization, with a specific focus on WHO guidelines.
  • CO3: Based on understanding of regulatory requirements for drug approval: Grade their preparation and submission of key documents such as IND and NDA applications, and manage clinical studies in compliance with FDA guidelines.
  • CO4: Appraise the Total Quality Management, Quality by Design, Six Sigma, and compliance with ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 standards on the basis of knowledge of quality management systems in the pharmaceutical industry.
  • CO5: Based on understanding of regulatory requirements, Conclude the approval procedures for new drugs in India and the roles and responsibilities of CDSCO and state licensing authorities.


  • CO1: Design the organizational structures and functions of hospitals, hospital pharmacies, and community pharmacies, as well as classify and manage adverse drug reactions effectively.
  • CO2: Develop hospital and community pharmacy operations, including drug distribution systems, formularies, therapeutic drug monitoring, medication adherence strategies, patient medication history interviews, and management practices, ensuring optimal patient care and compliance with healthcare standards.
  • CO3: Investigate pharmacy and therapeutic committee activities, drug information services, patient counseling techniques, education and training programs, and prescribed medication order communication skills to enhance patient care and healthcare delivery in a hospital setting.
  • CO4: Implement budget plans, provide clinical pharmacy services, and manage over-the-counter (OTC) sales to optimize financial management, patient care, and pharmaceutical services.
  • CO5: Develop effective strategies for drug store management and inventory control, conduct research on investigational drug use, and analyze interpretations of clinical laboratory tests to optimize pharmaceutical operations and improve patient care.


  • CO1: Explain the criteria for selecting drugs and polymers for novel drug delivery systems, and describe various approaches for their development, formulation, and evaluation.
  • CO2: Identify approaches, technologies, and drug carriers used to improve the selectivity, effectiveness, and/or safety of drug administration.
  • CO3: Examine the benefits and limitations of Transdermal, Gastro-retentive, and Naso-pulmonary drug delivery systems.
  • CO4: Evaluate the effectiveness of different Targeted Drug Delivery systems including liposomes, niosomes, nanoparticles, and monoclonal antibodies.
  • CO5: Describe the different types of Ocular Drug Delivery Systems and Intrauterine Drug Delivery Systems including intra uterine devices (IUDs).



  • CO1: Execute the qualitative and quantitative analysis of pharmaceutical substance by UV-Visible spectroscopy on the basis of the chemical structure of the pharmaceutical substance.
  • CO2: Operate the fluorimetry for the analysis of pharmaceutical substance on the basis of the chemical structure of the pharmaceutical substance.
  • CO3: Test the pharmaceutical substances by flame photometry and nepheloturbidometry on the basis of the chemical structure of the pharmaceutical substance.
  • CO4: Implement the chromatographic separation of pharmaceutical sample on the basis of the chemical structure of the pharmaceutical substance.
  • CO5: Demonstrate the advanced chromatographic technique on the basis of the chemical structure of the pharmaceutical substance.


  • CO1: Understand the advanced instruments used and their applications in drug analysis.
  • CO2: Understand the concepts and applications of alternative medicine.
  • CO3: Learn to execute and utilize softwares of pharmaceutical importance.
  • CO4: Understand the calibration of various analytical instruments.
  • CO5: Know analysis of drugs using various analytical instruments.

Year/Sem.: IV / VIII


  • CO1: Describe the applications of biostatics and measure of central tendency, dispersion and correlation.
  • CO2: Understand the regression analysis, probability theory and parametric tests.
  • CO3: Apprehend the designing of methodology for research, observational and experimental studies.
  • CO4: Know the concept of blocking, confounding and regression analysis and use of M.S. Excel, SPSS, R and MINITAB®, DoE (Design of experiment).
  • CO5: Choose the appropriate design and analysis of experiments such as factorial design and response surface methodology.


  • CO1: Test the concept of health and disease on the basis of health education employing personal hygiene and health care.
  • CO2: Evaluate the prevention and control of disease based on knowledge of preventive medicine.
  • CO3: Grade the objectives of national health programs for control of diseases on the basis of various promotional health programme sc
  • CO4: Appraise the national health intervention programme and role of WHO based on knowledge for control and prevention of diseases
  • CO5: Analyse the concept of community health services on the basis of rural and urban community health mission


  • CO1: Analyze the pharmaceutical marketing and market research on the basis of product and consumer profile.
  • CO2: Apply product management in pharmaceutical marketing based on product positioning of new and existing pharmaceutical products.
  • CO3: Execute different promotional technique for OTC products employing various platforms for product promotion
  • CO4: Examine pharmaceutical marketing channels for sales management based upon physical distribution and professional sales representative.
  • CO5: Interpret pharmaceutical product pricing on the basis of the concept of pricing designed by DPCO and NPPA guidelines for emerging pharmaceutical products.


  • CO1: Understand the concepts of innovator and generic drugs, drug development process.
  • CO2: Know the regulatory guidance’s and guidelines for filing and approval process, preparation of dossiers and their submission to regulatory agencies in different countries.
  • CO3: Know the regulatory authorities and agencies governing the manufacture and sale of pharmaceuticals and the submission of global documents in CTD/ eCTD, ASEAN formats.
  • CO4: Understand the clinical trials requirements for approvals for conducting clinical trials, pharmacovigilance and process of monitoring in clinical trials.
  • CO5: Knowledge of basic terminology, regulatory guidance’s, guidelines, laws and acts.


  • CO1: Understand the concept of pharmacovigilance with the reference to WHO international drug monitoring programme, Pharmacovigilance Program of India (PvPI), Detection and reporting, Methods in Causality assessment, Severity and seriousness assessment, Predictability and preventability assessment, Management of adverse drug reactions.
  • CO2: Discuss the classification of drug and disease with respect to WHO adverse reaction.
  • CO3: Appraise the Vaccine safety and its surveillance by basic understanding of adverse effects related to immunization.
  • CO4: Describe the Pre clinical phase, Clinical phase, Post approval phase on the basis of ICH Guidelines for effective generation in safety data.
  • CO5: Judge the genetics related ADR on the basis of Indian and global pharmacovigilance requirements with focus on pharmacokinetic parameters.


  • CO1: Gain knowledge on biological source, active constituents and uses of crude drugs Understand the techniques of evaluation of crude drugs as per the WHO guidelines
  • CO2: Understand the basic principles of cultivation, collection and storage of crude drugs Application of the crop improvement concepts involved in techniques for improvement of quality of medicinal plants
  • CO3: Exploring the tissue culture technique in medicinal plants
  • CO4: Appreciate the applications of Primary &Secondary metabolites of the plant and explore its medicinal importance based on its chemical class Understand the principles and application of different system of alternative medicine
  • CO5: Explore novel medicinal agents from different sources of natural origin


  • CO1: Understand the process of Design and discovery of lead molecules
  • CO2: Appreciate the role of drug design in drug discovery process
  • CO3: Understand and apply the concept of QSAR and docking
  • CO4: Apply various strategies to develop new drug like molecules
  • CO5: Understand the designing of new drug molecules using molecular modeling software
  • CO6: Appreciate importance of computational methods in drug design and discovery processes


  • CO1: Understanding the history of cell and molecular biology, cellular functioning and composition and chemical foundations of cell biology.
  • CO2: Understanding about DNA and RNA and their functioning.
  • CO3: Students able to Describe protein structure and function, Protein Synthesis
  • CO4: Know the basic molecular genetic mechanisms.
  • CO5: Summarize the Cell Cycle including Cell Signals, Receptors for Cell Signals, Signaling Pathways


  • CO1: Gain information on key ingredients used in cosmetics and cosmeceuticals
  • CO2: Understand key building blocks of cosmetics for various formulations
  • CO3: Know the current technologies in the market
  • CO4: Understand the scientific principles to develop cosmetics and cosmeceuticals with desired safety
  • CO5: Know the various problems induced due to cosmetics


  • CO1: Appreciate the knowledge gained on pre clinical evaluation of drugs and recent experimental techniques in the drug discovery and development.
  • CO2: Understood the various laboratory animals and their maintenance as per the guidelines and also describe good laboratory practices in maintenance and handling of experimental animals.
  • CO3: Appraised the regulations and ethical requirement for the usage of experimental animals.
  • CO4: Learnt and describe the various pre clinical screening methods (in-vitro and in-vivo) involved in the drug discovery process.
  • CO5: Correlate the pre clinical data to human’s clinical data.


  • CO1: Investigate the pharmaceutical substances by NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry.
  • CO2: Analyze the essentials of thermal methods of analysis and X ray diffraction methods.
  • CO3: Apprehend the calibration and validation of analytical instruments.
  • CO4: Recognize the fundamentals of radioimmunoassay and extraction techniques.
  • CO5: Deal with the fundamentals of hyphenated techniques.


  • CO1: Assess the definitions and classifications of functional foods, nutraceuticals, and dietary supplements, their effectiveness in preventing or curing health issues and their sources, marker compounds, chemical nature, medicinal uses, and health benefits within the context of public health, maternal and child nutrition, ageing, and community nutrition education.
  • CO2: Evaluate the occurrence, chemical nature, and medicinal benefits of various phytochemicals and functional foods, including carotenoids, sulfides, polyphenolics, flavonoids, prebiotics/probiotics, phytoestrogens, tocopherols, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and commonly consumed foods and beverages.
  • CO3: Appraise the production and damaging effects of free radicals on cellular components and assess the role of dietary fibers and complex carbohydrates as functional food ingredients.
  • CO4: Judge the role of free radicals in various diseases, including diabetes mellitus, inflammation, cancer, and atherosclerosis, and assess the effectiveness of endogenous and synthetic antioxidants and functional foods in chronic disease prevention.
  • CO5: Create strategies to enhance the potential of nutraceuticals considering processing, storage, and environmental factors, and design regulatory compliance plans for food safety and quality standards, including FSSAI, FDA, FPO, MPO, AGMARK, HACCP, GMPs, and pharmacopoeial specifications.


  • CO1: Explain pharmaceutical product development and regulations related to preformulation
  • CO2: Classify the pharmaceutical excipients – semi solid dosage form
  • CO3: Discuss about pharmaceutical excipients – solid dosage forms, liquid dosage forms and NDDS
  • CO4: Explain the pharmaceutical product development by Optimization and quality by design (QbD) techniques
  • CO5: Discuss about Pharmaceutical packaging and their regulatory considerations.

Year: 1st


  • CO1: Describe the structure (gross and histology) and functions of various organs of the human body, Elementary tissues of the human body, classification, types of movements of joints and disorders of joints.
  • CO2: Describe the various homeostatic mechanisms and their imbalances of various systems and appreciate the coordinated working pattern of different organs of the Lymphatic system and Urinary system.
  • CO3: Appreciate the coordinated working pattern of different organs of the Cardiovascular system and Respiratory system.
  • CO4: Appreciate the coordinated working pattern of different organs of the Endocrine system and Reproductive system.
  • CO5: Appreciate coordinated working pattern of different organs of Digestive system and Nervous system.
  • CO6: Understand the anatomy physiology of sense organs, physiology of muscle contraction and Sports physiology.


  • CO1: Have information on the formulation aspect of different dosage forms
  • CO2: Perform different pharmaceutical calculations involved in formulations
  • CO3: Formulate different types of dosage forms
  • CO4: Appreciate the importance of good formulations for effectiveness
  • CO5: Understand prescription and take necessary steps
  • CO6: Understand about different surgical aids and incompatibilities in pharmaceutical formulations.


  • CO1: Evaluate iso-enzymes in diagnosis of diseases.
  • CO2: Understand biochemical facts.
  • CO3: Understand metabolic process of biomolecules in health and illness (metabolic disorders).
  • CO4: Apply biochemical laboratory methods for the diagnosis, control, treatment, and prevention of diseases.
  • CO5: Apply knowledge of organ function tests to diagnose diseases of kidney and liver.
  • CO6: Apply immunochemical techniques for determination of biomolecules in the body fluids.


  • CO1: Demonstrate the methods of preparation, physical properties, reactivity, stability and orbital picture of organic compounds
  • CO2: Explain the aromaticity, Resonance, stability, orbital structure, mechanism of addition and nomenclature of organic compounds
  • CO3: Explain the nucleophilic / substitution, elimination, with mechanism, orientation of the reaction, order of reactivity, kinetics, stability of compounds, stereochemistry and rearrangements
  • CO4: Understand the electrophilic and free radical addition, cycloaddition reactions
  • CO5: Understand the electrophilic aromatic substitution and Nucleophilic addition reactions
  • CO6: Demonstrate the Methods of preparation, test for purity, principle involved in the assay, important medicinal uses of some important organic compounds and Nucleophilic acyl substitution reactions


  • CO1: Listdifferent sources of impurities & to develop ideas with the fundamentals of analytical chemistry
  • CO2: Understandthe basic principle and applications of different titrations.
  • CO3: Apply different concept of quantitative analysis for determination of impuritiesand perform limit test and know the use of inorganic compounds in pharmaceuticals as antidotes, respiratory stimulants & medicinal gases.
  • CO4: Describe the medicinal and pharmaceutical importance of inorganic compounds as acidifiers and antacids.
  • CO5: Explain the importance and role of inorganic substances in human body as essential trace elements and in the maintenance of acid base balance& describe use of inorganic substances as electrolyte replenisher and its use in electrolyte replacement therapy and ORS.
  • CO6: Discuss the application of radiopharmaceuticalsin diagnosis and therapy &classify typical therapeutic classes of inorganiccompounds such as expectorants, sclerosing agents, Anticaries agents and dentifrices.


  • CO1: Learning about basic concept/ Knowledge of animal cell and cell organelles'
  • CO2: Discussing about basic concept of animal tissue and their types.
  • CO3: Knowing about internal morphology (Anatomy and Physiology) of frog which can correlate with human anatomy and physiology
  • CO4: Explaining about Animal Kingdom and Taxonomy.
  • CO5: Understanding the Morphology of plant, Root, Stem, Leaf and its modification
  • CO6: Understanding the General organization of mammals including Poisonous snake.

Year: 2nd


  • CO1: Understand details of cell Injury, learn about different types of glucose related disease. Grasp the details about cause and pathogenesis of inflammation. Learn about wound healing process
  • CO2: Learn about hypersensitivity, autoimmune mechanism, Grasp the knowledge about AIDS and Amylodosis. Understand the differences and properties of T & B Cells. Gain knowledge about immune tolerance
  • CO3: Gain knowledge about the tumor, cancer, the pattern of spread, invasion, and metastasis. Learn about the etiology and pathogenesis of cancer.
  • CO4: Gain knowledge about types and management of shock. Understand the biological effects of radiation. Learn about different types of pollutions. Gain information about different types of vitamins, obesity, malnutrition etc.
  • CO5: Learn the pathophysiology of some common diseases, Understand the mechanism behind the disease
  • CO6: Learn the pathophysiology of some common infectious diseases. Understand the mechanism of common infectious disease


  • CO1: To know the history and major divisions of microbes & about nutritional requirement for cultivation of microbes.
  • CO2: Students can able to know isolation, identification of microbes by different staining techniques.
  • CO3: Knowledge, application, testing and validation of sterilization in pharmaceutical preparation and evaluation of preservatives in pharmaceutical preparations.
  • CO4: Demonstrate an understanding of key concepts in immunology, immunization program and importance of booster dose and role of bacterial toxins.
  • CO5: Knowledge on the principles of biochemical tests and Principles and methods of different microbiological assays of antibiotics and vitamins.
  • CO6: Students can able to understanding of various infections (microbial causes, pathogenesis, and transmission of infection, diagnosis, prevention and treatment.


  • CO1: Gain knowledge on biological source, active constituents and uses of crude drugs.
  • CO2: Understand the basic principles of cultivation, collection and storage of crude drugs.
  • CO3: Understand the techniques of evaluation of crude drugs as per the WHO guidelines.
  • CO4: Appreciate the applications of Primary metabolites of the plant and explore its medicinal importance based on its chemical class
  • CO5: Understand and explore the pharmaceutical applications of Primary metabolites.
  • CO6: Understand and explore the utilization of plants fibers in surgical dressings and related products


  • CO1: Conceptual knowledge of pharmacology basics
  • CO2: Learning the classification, pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic aspects of different drug.
  • CO3: Precise knowledge about pharmacological aspects of drugs mentioned under different categories of syllabus.
  • CO4: Application of acquired knowledge to the basics of therapeutics.
  • CO5: Clinical correlation of different drugs.
  • CO6: Knowledge of Preclinical and Clinical studies.


  • CO1: Student shall be able to know pharmaceutical care services
  • CO2: Student shall be able to know the business and professional practice management skills in community pharmacies.
  • CO3: Student shall be able to do patient counselling & provide health screening services to public in community pharmacy.
  • CO4: Student shall be able to respond to minor ailments and provide appropriate medication.
  • CO5: Student shall be able to show empathy and sympathy to patients.
  • CO6: Student shall be able to appreciate the concept of Rational drug therapy.

Year: 3rd


  • CO1: Understand the MOA, drug interaction and uses of blood forming agents on various blood related disorder.
  • CO2: Explain the pharmacological aspects of drugs falling under Diuretics and classify them according to their application.
  • CO3: Analyze the importance and suitability of Antimicrobials/Anticancer drugs in clinical application for better pharmacotherapeutics.
  • CO4: Correlate and apply the knowledge of Immunomodulators therapeutically.
  • CO5: Apply the knowledge about the importance of toxicity studies behind drug discovery.
  • CO6: Demonstrate about the genome structure, organization and their practical implication in developing new therapeutic strategies like gene therapy.


  • CO1: Investigate the fundamentals of quality assurance.
  • CO2: Apprehend the analysis of pharmaceutical substances by chromatographic techniques and electrophoresis.
  • CO3: Recognize the principle, instrumentation and applications of gas chromatography, HPLC, affinity chromatography and electrophoresis.
  • CO4: Analyze the essentials of electrometric methods.
  • CO5: Explore the pharmaceutical substances by absorption and emission techniques.
  • CO6: Deal with the fundamentals of NMR, ESR, mass spectroscopy, polarimetry, X ray diffraction and thermal techniques.


  • CO1: Understand and remember the history of pharmacy profession, scope, objective, new drug policy of pharmaceutical legislation. Learn principles and significance of code of pharmaceutical ethics drafted by PCI.
  • CO2: Know and understand the rules and regulations framed and amendments made under drugs and cosmetics act, 1940. Know about duties and qualification of drug inspector and government analyst. Understand the retail and wholesale of medicines. Learn about different schedules.
  • CO3: Remember the rules and regulations framed and amendments made under pharmacy act 1948. Learn about the registration procedure of pharmacist. Understand the functioning of central and state PCI.Understand the rules and regulations framed under medicinal and toilet preparation act 1955. Learn about Bonded and Non Bonded Laboratoryand Patent & Proprietory Preparations.
  • CO4: Know and remember the rules and regulations framed and amendments made under drug and magic remedies, Advertisements which are allowed and banned in India related to pharmacy. Learn about opium cultivation, penalties of violating narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances act.
  • CO5: Remember and understand the product available in essential commodities list. Know about procedure for calculation of retail and wholesale of drugs. Understand the act which comes under the cruelty of animals. Learn about different penalties and fine for violating these acts.
  • CO6: Understand the rules, regulations and process for filing a patent. Knowledge about different types of patent. Understand the various aspects of patent act. Learn about different prescription and non-prescription products.


  • CO1: Evaluate the pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, stability, therapeutic potential, and synthesis of Local anti-infective agents, Preservatives, Antitubercular agents, Antifungal agents, Urinary tract anti- infectivesclasses using knowledge of chemical structure and Structure-Activity Relationships (SAR).
  • CO2: Evaluate the pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, stability, therapeutic potential, and synthesis of the Antiscabies and Antipedicular agents, Antivirals, Antiprotozoals and Anthelmenticsclasses using knowledge of chemical structure and Structure-Activity Relationships (SAR).
  • CO3: Judge the drug’s therapeutic potential, structure activity relationship, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, stability and synthesis in the following categories based on their understanding of the chemical structure of the drugs: Sulphonamides and sulphones, Antimalarials, Antibiotics and Fluoroquinolones.
  • CO4: Based on understanding of the chemical structures and Structure-Activity Relationships (SAR) of the following pharmacological classes— Diuretics, Antihypertensives, Antianginals, Antiarrhythmics, Antihyperlipidemics, Coagulants and Anticoagulants—Defend their therapeutic potential, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, stability, Structure based therapeutic evaluation and synthesis.
  • CO5: Appraise the therapeutic potential, structure-activity relationship, pharmacology, stability, and synthesis of drugs by utilising knowledge of the chemical structures of drugs that are categorized as Diagnostic agents, Hypoglycemics, Steroidal Hormones and Adrenocorticoids and drugs acting on Endocrine system
  • CO6: Utilizing an understanding of the chemical structure and Structure-Activity Relationships (SAR) of medications classified as antineoplastics, thyroid and antithyroid agents, Evaluate their pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, stability, synthesis, and therapeutic potential and appraise the modern concept of rational drug designand application of prodrug design.


  • CO1: Apply the knowledge of formulation components, manufacturing techniques, and quality control tests in the development of tablet dosage forms.
  • CO2: Know the formulation design, manufacturing, quality control tests and stability concerns for capsules.
  • CO3: Analyse formulation requirements and evaluation of monophasic and biphasic liquid dosage forms.
  • CO4: Identify the pre-formulation and formulation requirements and quality control test in the production of parenteraldosage forms.
  • CO5: Explain the principle, formulation factors, application of semisolid bases and preparation of various types of semisolid dosage forms.
  • CO6: "Understand the concept of Controlled and Novel drug delivery system and knowledge of technologies involved in developing parenteral, transdermal, buccal, rectal, nasal, implants, ocular delivery systems."


  • CO1: Know the process of absorption, distribution, excretion and biotransformation.
  • CO2: Explain basic concepts of biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics.
  • CO3: Calculate Pharmacokinetic parameters from the given data.
  • CO4: Conduct bioavailability and bioequivalence studies.
  • CO5: Apply principles of pharmacokinetics in the design of new formulations.
  • CO6: Applications of pharmacokinetic parameters in pharmacy practice

Year: 4th


  • CO1: Learn about the pharmacotherapy of cardiovascular & respiratory disease states and explain the rationale for drug therapy and management/controversies.
  • CO2: Understand the pharmacotherapy of the respiratory system and explain the rationale for drug therapy in respiratory diseases.
  • CO3: Know the pharmacotherapy of the Endocrine system and explain the rationale of drug therapy for endocrine system.
  • CO4: Understand the general prescribing guidelines for: (a) Pediatric patients, (b) Geriatric patients, (c) Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • CO5: Learn about the pharmacotherapy of Ophthalmology: Glaucoma, Conjunctivitis – viral & bacteria and explain the rationale for drug therapy and management.
  • CO6: Acquaint with rational drug use: Definition, Role of Pharmacist, Essential drug concept, Rational drug concept, and Rational drug formulations.


  • CO1: Students will learn guidelines for the rational use of antibiotics and surgical prophylaxis, ensuring optimal patient care while minimizing resistance and infections.
  • CO2: Students shall be able to understandetiopathogenesis,rational pharmacotherapy and management for infectious diseases
  • CO3: Students will possess in-depth knowledge of musculoskeletal disorders, enabling them to provide effective care for patients
  • CO4: Students shall be equipped to diagnose and manage renal system diseases, including renal failure and drug-induced disorders.
  • CO5: Students shall be able to explorebasic principles of cancer therapy & chemotherapeutic agentsand the management of chemotherapy-induced nausea and emesis.
  • CO6: Students shall be able to examine the etiology and therapeutic approaches for dermatological conditions


  • CO1: Describe the organizational structure of hospital & hospital pharmacy
  • CO2: Understand budget and implementation of different drug policies & committees in the hospital
  • CO3: Appreciate various procedure for procuring and warehousing along with drug distribution methods and inventory management in the hospital pharmacy
  • CO4: Know the manufacturing practices of various formulations at hospital set-up
  • CO5: Develop and maintain the knowledge through continuing Professional development programs and ability in Handling and packaging of radiopharmaceuticals
  • CO6: Explain the professional relations and practices of hospital pharmacist


  • CO1: Monitor drug therapy of patient through medication chart review and clinical review;
  • CO2: Obtain medication history interview and counsel the patients.
  • CO3: Identify and resolve drug related problems.
  • CO4: Detect, assess and monitor adverse drug reaction.
  • CO5: Interpret selected laboratory results (as monitoring parameters in therapeutics) of specific disease states;
  • CO6: Retrieve, analyze, interpret and formulate drug or medicine information.


  • CO1: Learn the basic concept for research, designing of methodology and clinical study, determination of sample size and report writing.
  • CO2: Understand the basic concepts of biostatistics, measures of central tendency and spread and data graphics.
  • CO3: Explain the basics of hypothesis testing, different parametric and non-parametric tests and use of statistical software such as SPSS, Epi Info, and SAS.
  • CO4: Discuss the statistical methods in epidemiology to solve different types of problems.
  • CO5: Appreciate the importance of Computer in hospital and Community Pharmacy.
  • CO6: Develop the ability and confidence in completing drug information and literature retrieval and evaluation tasks.


  • CO1: Differentiate the clinical signs and symptoms of various acute poisonings.
  • CO2: Manage the clinical signs and symptoms of different chronic poisonings.
  • CO3: Distinguish the clinical symptoms of chronic poisoning by heavy metals.
  • CO4: Plan public health care professionals in the management of emergency cases.
  • CO5: Evaluate, minimize and prevent the substance abuse cases in local population.
  • CO6: Knowledge about different antidotes for the management of clinical toxicology.

Year: 5th


  • CO1: Understand the fundamental ideas behind the drug development process, including what it is, how it varies from standard care, and why it is carried out.
  • CO2: To establish that clinical research designs and the regulatory approval process are effective.
  • CO3: Become familiar with the numerous regulatory documents and guidelines, and assess the most significant domestic, international, and health care regulatory, and product development, consequences.
  • CO4: Effectively manage and access the ethical aspects of clinical trial activity.
  • CO5: To ensure that high-quality research is conducted, become familiar with the roles and duties of the professionals involved in conducting clinical research.
  • CO6: Acknowledge the clinical trial safety monitoring and reporting processes, and regulate the trial Co-ordination process.


  • CO1: Differentiate the various methods used in Pharmacoepidemiology.
  • CO2: Evaluate and identify the various risks in Epidemiological studies.
  • CO3: Assessment of data used in Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomic.
  • CO4: Demonstrate ability in the design, conduct and evaluation of Pharmacoeconomic studies.
  • CO5: Applications of Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomics in clinical settings.
  • CO6: Interpretation the result in Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomic.


  • CO1: Students can understand the basic principles of clinical pharmacokinetics
  • CO2: Students shall able to design dosage regimen for individual patients
  • CO3: Students shall able to analyze and resolve pharmacokinetics drug interactions
  • CO4: Students shall able to adjust the dosein different disease conditions
  • CO5: Students can understand therapeutic drug monitoring forsafe and effective therapy
  • CO6: Understand the concept of population pharmacokinetics and Pharmacogenetics


  • CO1: Students understand the pathophysiology & diagnosis of GIT & liver disorder and their management/controversies including patient-specific parameters relevant in initiating drug therapy, and monitoring therapy (including alternatives, time-course of clinical and laboratory indices of therapeutic response and adverse effects).
  • CO2: Students have ability to explore the pathophysiology & diagnosis of hematological disorder and their management/controversies.
  • CO3: Students have ability to effectively communicate the pharmacotherapy of CNS disorder and their management/controversies.
  • CO4: Students analyzed the pathophysiology & diagnosis of Psychiatric disorder and their management/controversies including patient-specific parameters relevant in initiating drug therapy and monitoring therapy.
  • CO5: Students analyze the Pharmacotherapeutics of pain management and also able to elucidate the Evidence Based Medicine.
  • CO6: Students able to elucidate the Evidence Based Medicine.

Year/sem.: 1st /1st


  • CO1: Investigate the pharmaceutical substance by absorption and emission techniques.
  • CO2: Investigate the pharmaceutical substance by Nuclear Magnetic spectroscopy techniques.
  • CO3: Investigate the pharmaceutical substance by Mass spectroscopy techniques.
  • CO4: Recognize the principle, instrumentation and applications of different chromatographic techniques.
  • CO5: Recognize the principle, instrumentation and applications of electrophoresis and X ray crystallography.
  • CO6: Apprehend the fundamentals of potentiometry and thermal techniques.


  • CO1: After studying this subject students will learn regarding the pharmacokinetcs and pharmacodynamics of drugs. Students will have the knowledge about the receptor and types of reccptors and their examples. Can explain about the effect on efficacy of drugs on changes of absorption, distribution,metabolims and excretion.
  • CO2: Upon successful completion of this unit the students will have the deep understanding of neurotransmission. Neurohumoral transmission in ANS and CNS and NANC transmission.Apart from this the course provide the detail of various sympathomimetc,sympatholytic,parasympathomimetc and parasympatholytic.
  • CO3: This unit provide the knoledge about the drugs which act on CNS . Also provide the detail knowledge of pharmacology of CNS acting drugs
  • CO4: This unit provide the detail knowledge of drugs acting on cardiovascular system particularly antihypertensive, antianginal, antiarrythmic and drugs used in congestive heart failure
  • CO5: provide detail knowledge about the different autocoids and their recceptors, physiological and pathological role of prostaglandin, histamines, serotonin and dopamine, their agonist and antagonist.


  • CO1: Appreciate the knowledge gained on preclinical evaluation of drugs and recent experimental techniques in the drug discovery and development.
  • CO2: Understood the various of laboratory animals and their maintenance as per the guidelines and also describe good laboratory practices in maintenance and handling of experimental animals
  • CO3: Appraised the regulations and ethical requirement for the usage of experimental animals.
  • CO4: Learnt and describe the various preclinical screening methods (in-vitro and in-vivo) involved in the drug discovery process.
  • CO5: Correlate the preclinical data to human’s clinical data.


  • CO1: Explain the receptor signal transduction process. Can able to answer the difference between necrosis and autophagy and understand the pathways of Apoptosis .
  • CO2: Describe about the receptor classification and their molecular structure.Able to correlate the drug action with the receptor stimulation.
  • CO3: Analyze the applicability of molecular pharmacology and biomarkers in drug discovery process.
  • CO4: Describe about immunomodulators.explain the Applications of gene therapy & Proteomics in management of specific disorders.
  • CO5: Demonstrate molecular biology techniques as applicable for pharmacology.

Year/Sem.: 1st / 2nd


  • CO1: Analyze the types and cellular or molecular mechanism of endocrine hormones and their deficiencies or excess release related endocrine disorders and therapies.
  • CO2: Understand the MOA and the resistance of antimicrobial agents including anti-viral and 1nti-TB in cellular and molecular level.
  • CO3: Remember the immunopharmacology including cellular and biochemical mediators of inflammation and immune response, further understand allergy or hypersensitivity and pharmacology of asthma or COPD.
  • CO4: Co-relate the pathophysiology behind Gastric ulcer and their therapy with conventional drugs along with new therapeutic approaches.
  • CO5: Explain the physiology and pathophysiology of free radicals and role of antioxidants in the oxidative stress.


  • CO1: Explore various types of toxicological studies and its regulatory guidelines.
  • CO2: Explicate OECD principle of good laboratory practice.
  • CO3: Design, conduct and analyze various screening methods employed for conducting toxicological studies in drug discovery and development.
  • CO4: Explain and design protocol for safety pharmacology & toxicokinetics studies.
  • CO5: Utilised various Alternative methods for animal toxicity testing employed in drug discovery and development.


  • CO1: Explain the various stages of drug discovery
  • CO2: Appreciate the importance of the role of genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics in drug discovery
  • CO3: Explain various targets for drug discovery
  • CO4: Explain various lead seeking method and lead optimization
  • CO5: Appreciate the importance of the role of computer aided drug design in drug discovery


  • CO1: After studying this subject students will learn regarding the regulatory requirement of conducting clinical trial, can demonstrate the types of clinical trial designs, can explain the responsibility of core team member involved in clinical trial, will know the principles of pharmacovigilance
  • CO2: Demonstration of types of clinical trial design. Roles and responsibilities of sponsor , investigator and study co-ordinator in CRO
  • CO3: Execution of safety monitoring,reporting and close-out activities.
  • CO4: Explanation of principles of pharmacovigilance
  • CO5: Detection of new adverse drug reaction and their assessment

Year/Sem.: 2nd / 3rd


  • CO1: After studying this subject, students will learn regarding the strategies to eliminate errors/bias, controls, randomization, crossover design, placebo, blinding techniques.
  • CO2: Students can demonstrate different statistical methods for calculation of data such as t test, ANOVA, wilcoxan rank tests etc.
  • CO3: Students will learn about history, values in medical ethics, autonomy, beneficence, non–maleficence, double effect, conflicts between autonomy and beneficence/non–maleficence, euthanasia, informed consent, confidentiality etc.
  • CO4: After studying this subject, students can explain the CPCSEA guidelines for laboratory animal facility.
  • CO5: After studying this subject, students will know the Declaration of Helsinki: History, introduction, basic principles for all medical research.

Year/sem.: 1st /1st


  • CO1: Investigate the pharmaceutical substance by absorption and emission techniques.
  • CO2: Investigate the pharmaceutical substance by Nuclear Magnetic spectroscopy techniques.
  • CO3: Investigate the pharmaceutical substance by Mass spectroscopy techniques.
  • CO4: Recognize the principle, instrumentation and applications of different chromatographic techniques.
  • CO5: Recognize the principle, instrumentation and applications of electrophoresis and X ray crystallography.
  • CO6: Apprehend the fundamentals of immunological assays.


  • CO1: Comprehend about the Synthetic applications, basic concept of organic chemistry, method of formation and stability of organic intermediates.
  • CO2: Knowledge about the mechanism and synthetic applications of name reactions and rearrangements
  • CO3: Demonstrate the Role of protection in organic synthesis and synthetic reagent with their application
  • CO4: Explain about the synthetic strategies, Organic name reactions with their respective mechanism and application involved in the synthesis of drugs containing five, six membered and fused heterocyclic’s
  • CO5: Demonstrate the Basic principle, guidelines for dissection of molecules, advantages and strategies of synthesis.


  • CO1: Know the different stages of drug discovery and development, various types of receptors theories of interaction and the role of medicinal chemistry in drug research.
  • CO2: Comprehend the strategies of drug resistance to combat it, concepts of prodrug design, and types of bio isosteres & their importance in drug therapy.
  • CO3: Demonstrate the relation of sympathetic, parasympathetic and CNS with chemistry of drugs as adrenergic, cholinergic, antipsychotics, anticonvulsants, H1, H2, H3 receptors, antiulcer, anti- neoplastic and anti-viral agents including their SAR, MOA and synthesis.
  • CO4: Understand the importance of enzymes in biological system & the action of covalently noncovalently enzyme inhibitor.
  • CO5: Demonstrate the knowledge of peptides, design of peptidomimetics through manipulation of amino acids etc. and correlate the actions of Eicosanoids in biological system and their therapeutic application.


  • CO1: Understand different types of natural compounds as leads for new pharmaceuticals and their chemistry and medicinal importance.
  • CO2: Understand the general methods of structural elucidation of compounds of natural origin.
  • CO3: Understand chemistry and physiological significance of different vitamins and terpenoids.
  • CO4: Apply different tools of recombinant DNA technology in drug discovery.
  • CO5: Apply IR, 1HNMR, 13CNMR and MS Spectroscopy in structural characterization of compounds.

Year/Sem.: 1st / 2nd


  • CO1: Explore the pharmaceutical substance by UV Visible and IR spectroscopy.
  • CO2: Analyze the essentials of NMR spectroscopy.
  • CO3: Apprehend the analysis of a pharmaceutical substance by mass spectroscopy.
  • CO4: Recognize the principle, instrumentation and applications of chromatography.
  • CO5: Deal with the fundamentals of thermal techniques, raman spectroscopy and radioimmno assay.


  • CO1: Understand the techniques principles and applications of green chemistry
  • CO2: Comprehend the concept of peptide chemistry and synthetic strategies of peptide synthesis.
  • CO3: Understand the basic concept of Photochemical reactions & mechanism of pericyclic reactions.
  • CO4: Comprehend the types of catalyst and role of catalyst in organic synthesis
  • CO5: Knowledge about the basic concept of stereochemistry and asymmetric synthesis


  • CO1: Understand CADD techniques and physicochemical parameters in drug design.
  • CO2: Apply different physicochemical properties and the QSAR analysis techniques in novel drug design.
  • CO3: Know various strategies to design and develop new drug like molecules by various structure-based drug design methods such as molecular docking.
  • CO4: Know various strategies to design and develop new drug like molecules by de novo drug design.
  • CO5: Work with molecular modeling softwares to design new drug molecules (Virtual Screening).


  • CO1: Students can able to understand the synthetic strategy of Process chemistry.
  • CO2: Students can able to understanding the aromatic nitration and its kinetics.
  • CO3: Students can understand the production of various drugs via fermentation.
  • CO4: Students will have information on various unit operations used in pharmaceutical industry.
  • CO5: Students will be familiar with different safety measures to be taken in various pharmaceutical operations

Year/Sem.: 2nd / 3rd


  • CO1: After studying this subject, students will learn regarding the strategies to eliminate errors/bias, controls, randomization, crossover design, placebo, blinding techniques.
  • CO2: Students can demonstrate different statistical methods for calculation of data such as t test, ANOVA, wilcoxan rank tests etc.
  • CO3: Students will learn about history, values in medical ethics, autonomy, beneficence, non–maleficence, double effect, conflicts between autonomy and beneficence/non–maleficence, euthanasia, informed consent, confidentiality etc.
  • CO4: After studying this subject, students can explain the CPCSEA guidelines for laboratory animal facility.
  • CO5: After studying this subject, students will know the Declaration of Helsinki: History, introduction, basic principles for all medical research.

Year/sem.: 1st /1st  


  • CO1: Investigate the pharmaceutical substance by absorption and emission techniques.
  • CO2: Investigate the pharmaceutical substance by Nuclear Magnetic spectroscopy techniques.
  • CO3: Investigate the pharmaceutical substance by Mass spectroscopy techniques.
  • CO4: Recognize the principle, instrumentation and applications of different chromatographic techniques.
  • CO5: Recognize the principle, instrumentation and applications of electrophoresis and X ray crystallography.
  • CO6: Apprehend the fundamentals of immunological assays.


  • CO1: Explain drug delivery systems which give detailed information on transporting a pharmaceutical compound in the body as needed to safely achieve its desired therapeutic effect. Also about the approaches, formulations, technologies, and systems for transporting a pharmaceutical compound in the body as needed to safely achieve its desired therapeutic effect with suitable drug delivery.
  • CO2: Know vaccine delivery and different mode of application approach for clinical use.
  • CO3: Ability to communicate different types of Drug carrier used in the process of drug delivery which serves to improve the selectivity, effectiveness, and/or safety of drug administration.
  • CO4: Apply latest drug delivery knowledge and think to develop new formulation based on the individual requirement.
  • CO5: Create recent developments in protein and peptide for parenteral delivery approaches will give new dimension of drug deliver for antibiotics, insulin, etc.


  • CO1: Apply the concepts of preformulation and optimization techniques during formulation development.
  • CO2: Recognize the importance of validation of methods, equipments and processes during pharmaceutical manufacturing.
  • CO3: Describe current good manufacturing practices guidelines and industrial management.
  • CO4: Analyze the importance of tablet compression and compaction studies.
  • CO5: Understand different consolidation parameters employed in formulation development and evaluation.


  • CO1: Understand the concepts of innovator and generic drugs, drug development process, regulatory guidance’s and guidelines for filing and approval process.
  • CO2: Know the preparation of dossiers and their submission to regulatory agencies in different countries
  • CO3: Analyse thepost-approval regulatory requirements for actives and drug products, and submission of global documents in CTD/ eCTD formats.
  • CO4: Apply the Regulatory guidance’s and guidelines for filing and approval process in different countries.
  • CO5: Identify the regulatory requirements for conducting clinical trials, pharmacovigilance and process of monitoring in clinical trials

Year/sem.: 1st /2nd


  • CO1: Recall the basic aspects and approaches of targeted drug delivery systems.
  • CO2: Describe methods for the preparation and evaluation of polymeric nanoparticles and liposome’s
  • CO3: Outline the preparation methods and applications of monoclonal antibodies and vesicular nanocarriers.
  • CO4: Discuss the different aspects of pulmonary drug delivery systems.
  • CO5: Choose components of nucleic acid based therapeutic delivery systems.


  • CO1: Understand basic concepts in biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics.
  • CO2: Explain the design and evaluation of dosage regimens of the drugs using pharmacokinetic and biopharmaceutics parameters.
  • CO3: Analyse raw data and derive the pharmacokinetic models and parameters that best describe the drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination process.
  • CO4: Know critical evaluation of biopharmaceutics studies involving drug product equivalency.
  • CO5: Identify potential clinical pharmacokinetic problems and apply basic pharmacokinetic principles to solve them.


  • CO1: Describe statistical modeling and quality by design in pharmaceutical research and development.
  • CO2: Discuss the descriptors of drug disposition utilized in computational modeling.
  • CO3: Understand the ethics and legal protection of computing in pharmaceutical research.
  • CO4: Defend in silico approaches for biopharmaceutical characterization.
  • CO5: Recognize the importance of automation in pharmaceutical development


  • CO1: Gain information on key ingredients used in cosmetics and cosmeceuticals
  • CO2: Understand key building blocks of cosmetics for various formulations
  • CO3: Know the current technologies in the market
  • CO4: Understand the scientific principles to develop cosmetics and cosmeceuticals desired safety
  • CO5: Understand the regulatory aspects in cosmetics.

Year/Sem.: 2nd / 3rd


  • CO1: After studying this subject, students will learn regarding the strategies to eliminate errors/bias, controls, randomization, crossover design, placebo, blinding techniques.
  • CO2: Students can demonstrate different statistical methods for calculation of data such as t test, ANOVA, wilcoxan rank tests etc.
  • CO3: Students will learn about history, values in medical ethics, autonomy, beneficence, non–maleficence, double effect, conflicts between autonomy and beneficence/non–maleficence, euthanasia, informed consent, confidentiality etc.
  • CO4: After studying this subject, students can explain the CPCSEA guidelines for laboratory animal facility.
  • CO5: After studying this subject, students will know the Declaration of Helsinki: History, introduction, basic principles for all medical research.

Department Information

H.O.D. Prof. (Dr.) Juber Akhtar
Email headpharm@iul.ac.in
Contact(Ext. No.) 7002
Admissions Email admission@iul.ac.in
Admissions Call +91-9335177775

Contact Information

Faculty of Pharmacy,
Integral University,
Dasauli, Bas-ha Kursi Road,
Lucknow(U.P.) – 226026

0522- 2890730, 2890812