(Programme Educational Objectives)

  • To impart patient-centric education and to train pharmacist towards handling their clinical and patient centric responsibilities. Counselling of patient on diet, life style etc.
  • To develop close industry-academia ties to generate potential knowledge pool with interpersonal and collaborative skills. To identify the problems and execute the solution in close relation with pharmaceutical industries.
  • Drug information, patient counselling and awareness and to provide information about the requirement of hospital and community pharmacy and also to develop a sense of team work and awareness among students. To promote rational use of medicine within the health-care facilities and at the community pharmacies.
  • To produce qualified pharmacist with strong fundamental concept and high technical competence in pharmaceutical science and technology, who are proficient in communicating, understanding the medical languages as it relates to pharmacology, human anatomy and physiology, dispensing medication in varying forms etc.
  • To develop middle level pharmacy, human resource for good pharmacy practice in the hospital as well as in community settings. To ethically apply their knowledge and skills of pharmacy with an understanding of realistic constrain for the overall benefit of the society.


(Programme Outcomes)

Students will be able to

  • PO1: Assess various disease condition, read and interpret drug prescription.
  • PO2: To prepare, package, label and dispense medications, perform non-sterile compounding.
  • PO3: Read, interpret and processing prescription.
  • PO4: Maintain inventory record, analyse, organize, improvise and manage document.
  • PO5: Create awareness in society about the effective and safe use of medicines along with their storage conditions.
  • PO6: Demonstrate use of medical aids to patients.
  • PO7: Solve problems as a part of healthcare system.
  • PO8: Respect patients, healthcare providers and pharmacy co-workers.
  • PO9: Develop an aptitude for skill development and continuous learning.
  • PO10: Provide empathy to chronic/emergency/economically back ward patients and their family.
  • PO11: Apply knowledge of ethics to patient’s as well as to the society.



  • PSO1: Students can get them enrolled as registered Pharmacist in respective state Pharmacy Council.
  • PSO2: Core team member in health care system in Hospitals.
  • PSO3: Dispensing of medication & Assist Patients through Counselling to improve Compliance of therapy.


(Course Outcomes)

Year: 1st


Pharmaceutics (ER20-11T)

  • Describe about the different dosage forms and their formulation aspects.
  • Explain advantages, disadvantages and quality control tests of different dosage forms
  • Discuss the importance of quality assurance and good manufacturing practices.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry (ER20-12T)

Upon completion of the course, students will have knowledge to:
  • Describe the chemical class, structure and chemical name of the commonly used drugs and pharmaceuticals of both organic and inorganic nature.
  • Discuss the pharmacological uses, dosage regimen, stability issues and storage conditions of all such chemical substances commonly used as drug.
  • Describe quantitative and qualitative analysis, impurity testing of the chemical substances given in the official monographs
  • Identify the dosage forms and the brand names of the drugs and pharmaceuticals popular in marketplace.

Pharmacognosy (ER20-13T)

  • Identify the important/common crude drugs of natural origin.
  • Describe the uses of herbs in nutraceuticals and cosmeceuticals.
  • Describe the principles of alternative system of medicines.
  • Describe the importance of quality control of drugs of natural origin.

Human Anatomy and Physiology (ER20-14T)

  • Describe the various organ systems of the body.
  • Discuss the anatomical features of the important human organs and tissues.
  • Explain the homeostatic mechanisms regulating the normal physiology in the human system.
  • Discuss the significance of various vital physiological parameters of the human body.

Social Pharmacy (ER20-15T)

  • Discuss about roles of pharmacists in various national health programs.
  • Describe various sources of health hazards and disease preventive measures.
  • Discuss the health care issues associated with food and nutritional substances.
  • Describe the general roles and responsibilities of pharmacists in public health.


Pharmaceutics (ER20-11P)

Upon completion student will be able to:
  • Calculate the working formula from the given master formula.
  • Formulate the dosage form and dispense in appropriate container.
  • Design the label with necessary product and patient information.
  • Perform the basic quality control tests for the common dosage forms.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry (ER20-12P)

  • Perform the limit tests for various inorganic elements and report.
  • Prepare standard solutions using the principles of volumetric analysis.
  • Test the purity of the selected inorganic and organic compounds against the monograph standards.
  • Synthesize the selected chemical substances as per the standard synthetic scheme.
  • Perform qualitative tests to systematically identify the unknown chemical substances.

Pharmacognosy (ER20-13P)

On completion students will:
  • Identify the given crude drugs based on the morphological characteristics.
  • Take a transverse section of the given crude drugs.
  • Describe the anatomical characteristics of the given crude drug under microscopical conditions.
  • Carry out the physical and chemical tests to evaluate the given crude drugs.

Human Anatomy and Physiology (ER20-14P)

  • Perform the haematological tests in human subjects and interpret the results.
  • Record, monitor and document the vital physiological parameters of human subjects and interpret the results.
  • Describe the anatomical features of the important human tissues under the microscopical conditions
  • Discuss the significance of various anatomical and physiological characteristics of the human body.

Social Pharmacy (ER20-15P)

Students will have knowledge to:
  • Describe the roles and responsibilities of pharmacists in various National health programs.
  • Design promotional materials for public health awareness.
  • Describe various health hazards including microbial sources.
  • Advice on preventive measures for various diseases.
  • Provide first aid for various emergency conditions including basic life support and cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Year: 2nd


Pharmacology (ER20-21T)

  • Describe the basic concepts of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.
  • Enlist the various classes and drugs of choices for any given disease condition.
  • Advice the dosage regimen, route of administration and contraindications for a given drug
  • Describe the common adverse drug reactions.

Community Pharmacy and Management (ER20-22T)

  • Describe the establishment, legal requirements and effective administration of a community pharmacy.
  • Professionally handle prescriptions and dispense medications.
  • Counsel patients about the disease, prescription and or non- prescription drugs
  • Perform basic health screening on patients and interpret the reports in the community pharmacy settings

Biochemistry and Clinical pathology (ER20-23T)

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
  • Describe the functions of biomolecules.
  • Discuss the various functions of enzymes in the human system.
  • Explain the metabolic pathways of biomolecules in both physiological and pathological conditions.
  • Describe the principles of organ function tests and their clinical significances.
  • Determine the biomolecules / metabolites in the given biological samples, both qualitatively and quantitatively.
  • Describe the clinical pathology of blood and urine.

Pharmacotherapeutics (ER20-24T)

  • Help assessing the subjective and objective parameters of patients in common disease conditions.
  • Assist other healthcare providers to analyse drug related problems and provide therapeutic interventions.
  • Participate in planning the rational medicine therapy for common diseases.
  • Design and deliver discharge counselling for patients.

Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy (ER20-25T)

  • Explain about the basic concepts of hospital pharmacy administration.
  • Manage the supply chain and distribution of medicines within the hospital settings.
  • Assist the other healthcare providers in monitoring drug therapy and address drug related problems.
  • Interpret common lab investigation reports for optimizing drug therapy.

Pharmacy Law and Ethics (ER20-26T)

Upon completion, students will have knowledge to:
  • Describe the history and evolution of pharmacy law in India.
  • Interpret the act and rules regulating the profession and practice of pharmacy in India.
  • Discuss the various codes of ethics related to practice standards in pharmacy.
  • Interpret the fundamentals of patent laws from the perspectives of pharmacy.


Pharmacology (ER20-21P)

  • Study and report the local anaesthetic, mydriatic and mitotic effects of the given drug on the rabbit eye.
  • Choose appropriate animal experiment model to study the effects of the given drugs acting on the central nervous system and submit the report.
  • Perform the effects of given tissues (simulated) on isolated organs / tissues and interpret the results.
  • Interpret the dose dependent responses of drugs in various animal experiment models

Community Pharmacy and Management (ER20-22P)

  • Handle and fill prescriptions in a professional manner.
  • Counsel patients on various diseases and minor ailments.
  • Counsel patients on prescription and or non-prescription drugs.
  • Design and prepare patient information leaflets.
  • Perform basic health screening tests.

Biochemistry and Clinical Pathology (ER20-23P)

  • Qualitatively determine the biomolecules / metabolites in the given biological samples.
  • Determine the normal and abnormal constituents in blood and urine samples and interpret the results of such testing.

Pharmacotherapeutics (ER20-24P)

  • Students will be able to write the SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment and Plan) notes for the given clinical cases of selected common diseases.
  • Counsel the patients about the disease conditions, uses of drugs, methods of handling and administration of drugs, life-style modifications and monitoring parameters.

Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy (ER20-25P)

  • Professionally handle and answer the drug information queries.
  • Interpret the common laboratory reports.
  • Report suspected adverse drug reactions using standard procedures.
  • Understand the uses and methods of handling various medical/surgical aids and devices.
  • Interpret and report the drug-drug interactions in common diseases for optimizing the drug therapy.

Department Information

Principal Dr. Irfan Aziz
Contact(Ext. No.) 7034
Admissions Email
Admissions Call +91-9335177775

Contact Information

School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Integral University,
Dasauli, Bas-ha Kursi Road,
Lucknow(U.P.) – 226026

+91-6390011283, 6390011284, 6390011285