(Programme Educational Objectives)

  • PEO1: Provide a comprehensive pharmaceutical education leading to a D.Pharm degree
  • PEO2: To produce pharmacy graduates with strong fundamental concepts, good communication skill and high technical competency in pharmaceutical sciences and technology to effectively manage resources and pharmacy functions.
  • PEO3: Foster systematic approaches in the management of hospital and community pharmacy practices thus preparing students to tackle obstacles in this field.
  • PEO4: Promote continuous professional development and lifelong learning for a successful and evolving career in pharmacy.


(Programme Outcomes)

Students will be able to

  • PO1-Pharmacy Knowledge: Possess knowledge and comprehension of the core and basic knowledge associated with the profession of pharmacy.
  • PO2-Modern tool usage: Learn, select, and apply appropriate methods and procedures, resources, and modern pharmacy-related computing tools with an understanding of the limitations.
  • PO3-Leadership skills: Understand and consider the human reaction to change, motivation issues, leadership and team-building when planning changes required for fulfilment of practice, professional and societal responsibilities. Assume participatory roles as responsible citizens or leadership roles when appropriate to facilitate improvement in health and wellbeing.
  • PO4-Professional Identity: Understand, analyse and communicate the value of their professional roles in society (e.g. health care professionals, promoters of health, educators, managers, employers, employees).
  • PO5-Pharmaceutical Ethics: Honour personal values and apply ethical principles in professional and social contexts. Demonstrate behaviour that recognizes cultural and personal variability in values, communication and lifestyles. Use ethical frameworks; apply ethical principles while making decisions and take responsibility for the outcomes associated with the decisions.
  • PO6-Communication: Communicate effectively with the pharmacy community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports, make effective presentations and documentation, and give and receive clear instructions.
  • PO7-The Pharmacist and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety and legal issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional pharmacy practice.
  • PO8-Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional pharmacy solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  • PO9-Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change. Self-assess and use feedback effectively from others to identify learning needs and to satisfy these needs on an on-going basis.



  • PSO1: Work with pharmaceutical industry related to sales and distribution of pharmaceutical products.
  • PSO2: Explore opportunities as pharmacists in community and hospital pharmacy settings in government and non-government organizations.
  • PSO3: Dispense medication and assist in patient counselling.


(Course Outcomes)

Year: 1st


Pharmaceutics (ER20-11T)

  • CO1: Acquire the knowledge of the profession of Pharmacy in India in relation to pharmacy education, industry, pharmacy practice, and various professional associations.
  • CO2: Students able to know about pharmaceutical packaging.
  • CO3: Students able to know about pharmaceutical aids & Preservatives.
  • CO4: Understand the Unit operations, objectives/applications, principles, construction, and workings.
  • CO5: Students able to know about the Types of Tablets, Capsule formulation development and manufacturing technique. and also understand about liquid oral preparations, topical preparations, powders and granules, sterile formulations, immunological products.
  • CO6: Able to understand Novel drug delivery systems and basic structure, layout, sections, and activities of pharmaceutical manufacturing plants.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry (ER20-12T)

  • CO1: Learn the introduction to pharmaceutical chemistry, sources and types of error, impurity testing in pharmaceuticals, volumetric and gravimetric analysis of the chemical substances given in the official monographs.
  • CO2: Understand the pharmaceutical formulations, market preparations, storage conditions and uses of inorganic pharmaceuticals. Introduction to nomenclature of organic chemical systems (heterocyclic compounds).
  • CO3: Discuss the study of the medicinal compounds with respect to drugs acting on central nervous system, autonomic nervous system and cholinergic drugs and related agents.
  • CO4: Discuss the study of the medicinal compounds with respect to drugs acting on cardiovascular system, and diuretics.
  • CO5: Describe the study of the medicinal compounds with respect to hypoglycemic agents, analgesic, Antiinflammatory, and non-steroidal antiinflammatory agents (NSAIDs).
  • CO6: Discuss the study of the medicinal compounds with respect to anti-infective agents, antibiotics and antineoplastic agents.

Pharmacognosy (ER20-13T)

  • CO1: Identify the important/common crude drugs of natural origin.
  • CO1: Describe the uses of herbs in nutraceuticals and cosmaceuticals.
  • CO1: Discuss the principles of alternative system of medicines.
  • CO1: Describe the importance of quality control of drugs of natural origin.
  • CO1: To know the modern extraction techniques, characterization and identification of the herbal drugs and phytoconstituents
  • CO1: To understand the preparation and development of herbal formulation.

Human Anatomy and Physiology (ER20-14T)

  • CO1: Learn about the scope of anatomy and physiology, the structure, parts and function of cell and various tissues of the human body.
  • CO2: To acquire knowledge about anatomical types of bones, movements and disorders, components of blood, homeostatic regulation.
  • CO3: To learn about physiology and mechanism of the lymphatic system, anatomy of heart with its physiology including cardiac cycle with heart sounds, ECG, blood pressure and their regulation in human body.
  • CO4: To understood the significance of various anatomy and physiology of respiratory, skeletal and digestive system including mechanism of muscle contraction.
  • CO5: To gain knowledge about the anatomy and vital physiology of sensory organs, nervous system and urinary system and related disorders.
  • CO6: To learn about the anatomy and physiology of male and female reproductive system including spermatogenesis and oogenesis along with the functioning of hormones, significance of menstruation, pregnancy and parturition including pancreas and gonads.

Social Pharmacy (ER20-15T)

  • CO1: Discuss about the Social Pharmacy, its scope and role of Pharmacist in Public and private health systems.
  • CO2: Describe various sources of health hazards and disease preventive measures and effect of environment on Health.
  • CO3: Discuss the healthcare issues associated with food and nutritional substances.
  • CO4: Gain knowledge about Epidemiology and its application and learned about terms like pandemic, endemic. Learn about Respiratory infections, Intestinal infections, Arthropod-borne infection, and STDs.
  • CO5: Learn about the Healthcare system in India and all ongoing national programs.
  • CO6: Discuss about the Pharmacoeconomics and its application.

Year: 2nd



  • CO1: Describe the basic concepts of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.
  • CO2: Students able to know about definition, classification, pharmacological actions, dose, indications, and contraindications of PNS & eye related diseases & their drugs.
  • CO3: Students able to know about definition, classification, pharmacological actions, dose, indications, and contraindications of CNS & CVS related diseases & their drugs.
  • CO4: Students able to know about definition, classification, pharmacological actions, dose, indications, and contraindications of blood & blood forming organ & respiratory system related diseases & their drugs
  • CO5: Students able to know about definition, classification, pharmacological actions, dose, indications, and contraindications of G.I.T., Kidney & hormones related diseases & their drugs
  • CO6: Students able to know about definition, classification, pharmacological actions, dose, indications, and contraindications of Autocoids, Chemotherapeutic agents & also know about biological agents.


  • CO1: The student will gain the knowledge of community pharmacy history and its development along with his responsibilities as community pharmacist.
  • CO2: Acquire knowledge of prescription and its handling along with the medication adherence benefits.
  • CO3: Enhance the communication skills and personality development.
  • CO4: Understand various aspects of patient counselling
  • CO5: Acquire the knowledge of Over-the-counter medication and general diseases conditions
  • CO6: Learn the management procedures relating to legal, financial, customer and audit attributes.


  • CO1: Describe the functions of biomolecules.
  • CO2: Discuss the various functions of enzymes in the human system.
  • CO3: Understand the metabolic pathways of biomolecules in both physiological and pathological conditions.
  • CO4: Describe the principles of organ function tests and their clinical significances.
  • CO5: Describe the biomolecules / metabolites in the given biological samples, both qualitatively and quantitatively.
  • CO6: Discuss the study of clinical pathology of blood and urine.


  • CO1: Discuss about the Pharmacotherapeutics, its scope and objectives, Evidence based medicine and about Standard treatment guidelines (STGs) and Cardiovascular system.
  • CO2: Help assessing the subjective and objective parameters and planning the rational medicine therapy in common disease conditions like Respiratory system, endocrine system and CNS.
  • CO3: Gain knowledge about disorders related to GI tract, Blood and musculoskeletal Disorders & planning the rational medicine therapy.
  • CO4: Help assessing the subjective and objective parameters and planning the rational medicine therapy in certain Infectious diseases.
  • CO5: Learn about the subjective and objective parameters, planning the rational medicine therapy in common diseases in Dermatology, ophthalmology and psychiatry.
  • CO6: Gain knowledge about Anti-microbial Resistance and Women’s health.


  • CO1: Hospital Pharmacy. Different Committees in the Hospital.
  • CO2: Supply Chain and Inventory control and Drug distribution
  • CO3: Compounding in Hospital and Radio Pharmaceuticals
  • CO4: Application of Computers in hospital Pharmacy practices electronic health record Software used in Hospital Pharmacy & Clinical Pharmacy.
  • CO5: Clinical laboratory tests used in the evaluation of disease states-significance and interpretation of testresults and Poisoning.
  • CO6: Pharmacovigilance, Medication errors and Drug interactions.


  • CO1: Understand and remember the General Principles of Law, History and various Acts related to Drugs and Pharmacy profession. Learn Pharmacy Act-1948 and Rules. Remember Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act 1985.
  • CO2: Know and understand the Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940 and Rules 1945 and New Amendments. Know about Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act 1954. Understand the Disaster Management Act.
  • CO3: Remember the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act-1960. Learn about the Poisons Act-1919. Understand the Blood bank. Learn about Consumer Protection Act.
  • CO4: Know and remember the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority. Learn about Central Drugs Standards Control Organization (CDSCO), Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC). Know about Good Regulatory practices. Understand the Clinical Establishment Act and Rules.
  • CO5: Remember and understand the FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) Act and Rules. Understand the Code of Pharmaceutical Ethics. Learn about Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act and Rules. Biomedical Waste Management Rules 2016.
  • CO6: Understand the Introduction to BCS system of classification. Knowledge about Bioethics. Know and understand the Medical Devices.

Department Information

Principal Dr. Irfan Aziz
Contact(Ext. No.) 7034
Admissions Email
Admissions Call +91-9335177775

Contact Information

School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Integral University,
Dasauli, Bas-ha Kursi Road,
Lucknow(U.P.) – 226026

+91-6390011283, 6390011284, 6390011285