The prime objective of the financial incentive scheme for research and innovation is to motivate the faculty members of Integral University to undertake high-quality research and consultancy.
Teaching staff member who has completed one year of continuous service in Integral university as on 1st June of every academic year shall be considered eligible under the scheme.
- To motivate the faculty members for conducting high-quality research and publish research articles in peer-reviewed indexed journals of international and national repute.
- To write books/monographs/chapters for publication by International and National publishers.
- To evince interest among the faculty members for writing grants/collaborative research projects.
- To undertake consultancy projects sponsored by Government & Non – Government, Industrial, and other organizations.
- To encourage and ignite the young minds for creative and innovative idea translated into novel products/designs/prototypes, etc.
i. Publications
Teachers/Researchers may claim the financial incentives essentially for the research papers (in related area/subject) published in a Scimago ranked Q1/Q2 /Scopus indexed/ Web of Science indexed journal with impact factor calculated by Clarivate Analytics based on the following criteria:
Amount payable shall strictly depend upon the impact factor of the journal as specified in the table below:
* The publishing house is established and reputable, relevance of books to students and society, distribution network and access.
* The book chapter meets high academic standards and contributes to dissemination of knowledge effectively.
ii. Financial Support for Article Processing Charges (APC)
The APC for the research publication in Open access SCI/Scopus (IF > 3 – for non-biological sciences and IF >5 for biological sciences) journals of high repute shall be reimbursed to the extent of 50% of APC with a maximum limit of Rs 5000/- per publication up to ten research papers per year by submitting duly signed claim form along with the self-attested original receipts and publication proof for approval of the Vice-Chancellor through the Subcommittee of Research & Development.
iii. *Presentation of Research Paper in Conferences
a) The faculty may be allowed to avail Duty Leave and the registration fee will be reimbursed with the approval of the Vice Chancellor as per university rules.
b) Each faculty shall be allowed to present research papers in two Conferences in an academic year with duty leave whereas the financial assistance can be availed only once.
c) Travel allowance may be provided for in land journey only by II AC train/ Bus as per university rules subject to availability of funds allocated for the said purpose.
iv. *For attending workshops/Training course/FDPs and Membership of Professional bodies
a) The faculty in all disciplines shall be allowed to attend one FDP cum workshop in an academic year with registration fee reimbursed by the university.
b) Faculty can attend Workshops/Training course once in an academic year with financial assistance.
c) Maximum period of duty leave shall be limited to 5 days, preferably during the period when the academic teaching is not in progress or alternate arrangements are made to the satisfaction of the Head of the Department.
d) Faculty can request financial support for the amount paid towards membership fees for professional bodies.
e) Maximum two claims per faculty, In each claim 100% reimbursement for registration fee/membership fee upto Rs 2000/-, and 50% reimbursement for registration fee/membership fee above Rs 2000/- (minimum of Rs 2000/- and maximum limit upto Rs 5000/-)
f) All request applications for attending Conference/Workshop/Training course/FDP/membership of professional bodies must be routed through HoD to the Subcommittee of Research & Development and forwarded for approval by the Honorable Vice Chancellor for processing the release of payment.
vi. Consultancy
An amount equivalent to 90% of the amount generated from consultancy projects shall go to consultants as per university policy.
For all publication in the form of research articles, books, book chapters, patents & consultancy, etc., the essential requirement, for claiming any financial incentive/reimbursement is the affiliation of the author with the Integral University.