Prospective authors are kindly encouraged to contribute high quality research papers describing original and unpublished results of conceptual, constructive, empirical, experimental, or theoretical work in all areas of Computational and Characterization techniques. The topics covered (but are not limited to) in the conference are as follows:
Track 1: Computational Intelligence, Software Engineering & IoT

Computational Intelligence, Artificial Neural Networks, Human-Computer Interaction, Programming Systems, Scientific Computing, Machine learning, Database management systems, Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, Data Compression Techniques, Software Engineering, Computer Architecture and Embedded Systems, Multimedia Applications, Graph Theory, Digital Image and audio processing, Information theory and coding, Cyber Crime and digital forensic tools, Bioinformatics and Scientific Computing, Biometric security.

Track 2: Data Communication and Signal Processing

Software Defined Networks and Systems, Innovative Networking and Applications, Cognitive, Cellular and Mobile Networks, Multimedia and Real-Time Networking, High-speed Communication and Network, Personal Communication System, Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Network, Vehicular Ad hoc Network, Network Control and Management, Security, Privacy and Trust, Fault-tolerant and Dependable System, Peer-to-Peer (P2P) System,

Track 3: Industry 4.0 and Cloud Computing

The revolution of Industrial 4.0 in sectors like 3D printing for Prosthetic Limbs for the disabled, Healthcare IoT for advanced healthcare 4.0 systems. Cloud Computing, Grid and Cluster computing, Parallel and Distributed computing, soft computing.

Track 4: Electronics Technology, VLSI and Control System

Micro-electronics, VLSI design and CAD Tools, Nano-electronics and Nanotechnology, RF MEMs and micro-actuators design, Application specific processor design, Analog and mixed signal IC design and testing, Analog, Digital and Mixed Signal Circuit, Antennas, RF and Microwave Communication, Microwave Radar imaging, Analog & Digital Signal Processing, Radio over fiber technique, Microcontrollers and Embedded System Design, Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology, Micro/Nano Mechatronics, Soft Computing Techniques in Power Systems, Advance in renewable energy technology, Control system & Application, Advanced control techniques, Process control & instrumentation, Power Electronics Devices & Control, Power Electronics and Energy Efficient Drives.

Track 5: Renewable and Sustainable Energy

Thermal Energy Systems, Bio-energy System, Geothermal, Hydrogen, Hydropower, Ocean, Solar Thermal / PV Systems, Wind Energy technologies, Fuel cell and Energy systems, Energy policy, Energy Audit, Energy conversion, Technologies and modeling.

Track 6: XAI and Pervasive Healthcare

Explainable Artificial Intelligence(XAI) in Biomedical Computations, XAI Systems and approaches in healthcare and bio medics, 2D and 3D Bioprinting Healthcare Informatics, Nano-Medicine and their implementations, High reliability and low latency communications for healthcare, Integrating Wearable Devices into Patient Care, Human-Robot Interfaces, Interactions, and Symbiosis for the Healthcare, Robotic and Automation, Mobile Computing, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Equipment, Sensor Instrumentations, Biomedical Instrumentations.