Distinguished Alumni

S.No. Name Designation
1 Mr. Prateek Singhal Founder and Directorat BIM House Global Pvt. Ltd., Delhi Adjunct Asst. Profesor at RICS
2 Mr. Abhinav Prasoon Architect and Associate with Broadway, Malyan United Kingdom
3 Ms. Saher Abdi Architect at (Associate Cunsultant/ Project Designer ) Aspect Studio, Austrelia
4 Mr.Nawaz Ahmad Siddiqui Architect at Saudi bin Laden, Saudi Arabia.
5 Mr. PrateekSinghal M.Tech (Const. Mgmt), IIT, New Delhi Project Manager, ARCOP, New Delhi.
6 Mr. Moinuddin Khan Masters from Bahaus University, Currently posted in Bahrain
7 Mr. S.A. Rizvi Oger, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
8 Mr. S.S. Hussain Gulf Consultants, Quwait. .
9 Ms. RenukaTripathi IAS Officer, Govt. Of India.