Academic Leadership - Shaping Educational Excellence | Integral University Lucknow


29 Jan, 2018 |Facebook |Twitter |Email |

Academic Leadership ( )

Today we live in an academic world which is driven by many factors. The demands on academics and academicians are much more complex. There are expectations from academic institutions to produce more and to have better research outputs; the industry demands better employable graduates; parents expect all-round development of the student; society expects furtherance of social causes and equity; the faculty expect a fulfilling career and remunerations that is at par with the industry; the management expects growth, efficient operations, brand building and proliferation of courses.

Thus the burden of expectations on academic institution in such a situation is immense. While meeting all these expectations requires many stakeholders of the institution to work together, it most certainly needs a leader who can provide the leadership necessary to visualize, articulate, coordinate and implement strategies to achieve goals and satisfy all stakeholders. Without the appropriate leadership, like a Ship, the institution will become directionless and end up sinking. Thus Good leadership in higher education has never mattered more than now.

Traits of an Academic Leader

Irrespective of whether the leadership role is in research, education, administration or all put together, there are responsibilities related to strategic planning, team building, fundraising and budgeting.

An academic leader has to be a visionary-A key aspect of leadership is vision- The leader should have the capability to imagine the goal, perceive it and then make plans to achieve it.

An academic leader has to be articulate: In order to make the whole institute work towards achieving the vision, it is imperative that the vision has to be articulated in a way that makes every stakeholder work towards achieving the vision. He should have the capability to persuade, convince and paint a picture of the future that is considered as desirable to everyone.

An academic leader has to be a team player: Faculty and staff are the vital part of the success of an organization, and hence good leaders must be team builders, both within their organization and with other groups both inside and outside the university. Leaders need to seek recognition for their team, motivate individuals, and get members to take pride in the team. In team building, leaders must also address issues of diversity. A leader identifies and puts in place the foundation needed for success.

“The single biggest way to impact an organization is to focus on leadership development. There is almost no limit to the potential of an organization that recruits good people, raises them up as leaders and continually develops them.”-John Maxwell

The Human Resource Development Centre, Integral University had a four days Training Programme on “Academic Leadership” from 29th January to 1st February 2018 to provide faculty leaders with the tools and skills to navigate.

The Training Programme was organized under the aegis of Ministry of Human Resource Development’s Centre for Academic Leadership and Education Management (CALEM) at UGC Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC) AMU, Aligarh. The Training Programme was held in the Conference Hall No.1, adjacent to Central Auditorium, Integral University.