Integral University Lucknow | Empowering Communities Through Welfare Initiatives


The simple act of caring is heroic and our University Social work heroes were on a role, visiting an old age home in Lucknow.

It was a role reversal of sorts, when young Integralities headed towards an old age home to take care, lend support and most importantly lend their ears to the senior citizens.

Lifestyles have changed, some for the better and a few with negative consequences. The population in general has been reaping the benefits, and mostly those from the younger generation have been able to realize many of their dreams and develop their careers in a better fashion than was possible earlier. The young brigade @ Integral opted to give back the love and support of elderly by visiting, comforting and listening to their experiences by spending quality time with them.

Hygiene and personal care should be the top most subject in our mind –Social Service Team Integral.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), "Hygiene refers to the conditions and practices that help to maintain health and prevent the spread of diseases." With the kind of health risks that are posed to the human race today, it has become vital to stay as hygienic as possible. In fact, most of the new-world diseases like bird flu and swine flu have been attributed to lack of hygiene. And if we fight lack of hygiene today, it will have good effects on the generation after us too. Maintaining hygiene around us ensures that our neighborhood does not turn into breeding ground for bacteria and viruses.

Integral University campus boasts about its cleanliness & Environment friendly ambience.

The Swachhta drive effective all over India, the university is always keen to be a part of events contributing to a pristine India.

The Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India has assigned the Indian Institute of Tourism and Travel Management Noida , to implement the Swachhta Action Plan all over India. SAP opted for the Integral University's campus auditorium to create an awareness and sensitization regarding cleanliness and sanitation among school children.