Farmers Day Event - Celebrating Agricultural Appreciation and Rural Development | Integral University Lucknow


23 Dec, 2017 |Facebook |Twitter |Email |

23rd Dec - A Day to acknowledge the Farmers of India. Popularly known as Kisan Diwas, the National Farmers’ Day is a national occasion in the honor of the former Prime Minister of India Chaudhary Charan Singh was celebrated at the Integral Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology (IIAST ) with enthusiasm and with great participation from various stratum of our society.

The history of India’s development has been inexorably linked to that of its farmers, and the nation’s growth with that of its agriculture. This Kissan Divas on the 23rd, IIAST complimented tradition and innovation in the field.The day was dedicated to all the progressive farmers wherein they met a galaxy of renowned agricultural scientists from across the country. This Interaction between farmers and scientists and exchange of ideas helped to make strides and enhanced the positive outlook and vision of agricultural growth in the country.

National Farmer Day celebrations at Integral university was joined by Padam Shri Prof. Palpu Pushpangadan, Hon’ble Director General , AIHBPD & Senior Vice President ,RBEF, Kerala , Prof Narendra Mohan, Director, National Sugar Institute Kanpur, Dr A.D Pathak, Director IISR luck now , Dr M.J Khan , Chairman ,ICFA New Delhi , Prof M.K.J Siddiqui , Director UPCST ,Lucknow , Prof Rajendra Kumar Director General ,UPCAR, Lucknow , Prof Sushil Solomon Hon’ble Vice Chancellor ,CSAUA&T, Kanpur and Prof. S.W. Akhtar, Hon’ble Chancellor ,Integral University, Lucknow.

The event was held at the Central Auditorium with the full participation of its faculty and students along with all the invited guests.

The highlight of the day was the launch of the much awaited organic initiative INTAG LOGO.

The function began with the documentary showcasing the journey of IIAST , reflecting the vision of hon’ble Vice chancellor S.W. Akhtar to make it the most demographically diverse agricultural institute with the focus on academic excellence , research, extension and spiritual life development of students and faculty.

The welcome address by Dr Mohammed Haris Siddiqui, Director IIAST , instilled the confidence that education and scientific approach is bringing positivity in farmers .

The granaries in Harappa are testament to our expertise in agriculture from ancient times. Sophisticated irrigation and water storage systems developed in the Indus Valley civilization around 4500 B.C contributed to a prosperous society. Later Vedic texts also have multiple references to agricultural technology and practices. This development continued through the centuries and today with innovations in agro-processing and bio-technology, Agriculture plays a critical role in the country’s economy.A large proportion of Indian population still today thrives on the income generated through cultivation. Sadly the farmer’s conditions, their produce and most importantly their reliance in their source of income is deteriorating.

Integral University signed the MoUs with ICFA, Delhi and NSI ,Kanpur

Dr Saba Siddiqui Head of Department of the Agriculture Science and Technology at the Integral University talked about the success of the department striving to prepare its student to take places as agricultural scientists, farm managers, agricultural officers, educationalists etc and reinforced that there is an immense scope in agriculture, that education and scientific approach towards it, can explore.

Integral Institute of Agricultural Science & Technology, generates appropriate, efficient & effective technology for sustainable growth in agriculture and allied fields ensuing enhanced food & nutrition security, income generation and environment.

The humble farmers of our country form a community whose work is a matter of pride to us. Their harvest not just feeds the people of our country, but brings a lot of Revenue as it is exported to many other countries of the globe.

Last year too, a successful conference was held at the Integral University campus on the Post harvest Technologies of agricultural produce for Sustainable food and national security. The guidance and approach of the specialists present at the event helped the small holder agriculturist minimize their losses .The students from IIAST-BSc [Hons] Agriculture have had many firsthand experiences of living a Farmer’s Life. Under the RAWE program [Rural Agricultural Work Experience], these students spent a month in the villages with the countrymen, learning from their crafts ,also introducing them to the advancing modern technologies.

A country where Agriculture is the backbone of our economy , studies on proper Land utilization, timely dealing with the crisis , and fruitful government policies will inject positivity in agriculturists.The Research and development projects in horticulture crops have yielded encouraging results, thereby, the production of horticulture crops have been more than food grains irrespective of adverse climatic conditions. After China, India is the second largest producer of horticultural crops and fruits.We aim to make India , the leader in agriculture with the vast spread of land available with the students taking keen interest to learn the art to merge traditional ways with technology

Students of IIAST were Live on Radio Mirchi’s Morning show talking about the tips and tricks in farming & spreading the awareness on Farmer’s day.