The granaries in Harappa are testament to our expertise in agriculture from ancient times. Sophisticated irrigation and water storage systems developed in the Indus Valley civilization around 4500 B.C contributed to a prosperous society. Later Vedic texts also have multiple references to agricultural technology and practices. This development continued through the centuries and today with innovations in agro-processing and bio-technology, Agriculture plays a critical role in the country’s economy.A large proportion of Indian population still today thrives on the income generated through cultivation. Sadly the farmer’s conditions, their produce and most importantly their reliance in their source of income is deteriorating.
Integral University signed the MoUs with ICFA, Delhi and NSI ,Kanpur
Dr Saba Siddiqui Head of Department of the Agriculture Science and Technology at the Integral University talked about the success of the department striving to prepare its student to take places as agricultural scientists, farm managers, agricultural officers, educationalists etc and reinforced that there is an immense scope in agriculture, that education and scientific approach towards it, can explore.
Integral Institute of Agricultural Science & Technology, generates appropriate, efficient & effective technology for sustainable growth in agriculture and allied fields ensuing enhanced food & nutrition security, income generation and environment.
The humble farmers of our country form a community whose work is a matter of pride to us. Their harvest not just feeds the people of our country, but brings a lot of Revenue as it is exported to many other countries of the globe.