
(Programme Outcomes)

Upon completion of the M.Sc. Nursing programme, postgraduates will attain, including specialized nursing practice, evidence-based decision-making, interdisciplinary collaboration, and healthcare management. The program ensures professional growth in research, ethics, and lifelong learning, enabling graduates to enhance patient care and nursing education.

  • PO 1: Advanced Nursing Concepts and Patient Care
    Apply advanced concepts, theories, and principles of nursing science to deliver high-level patient care.
  • PO 2:Professional Excellence in Nursing Practice
    Demonstrate advanced competence in the practice of nursing, reflecting professional excellence.
  • PO 3:Expertise as Nurse Specialists
    Function as nurse specialists, providing expert care and consultation within healthcare settings.
  • PO 4:Leadership in Nursing Education and Management
    Exhibit leadership skills, effectively serving as nurse educators and managers.
  • PO 5:Research Integration for Improved Healthcare Outcomes
    Conduct nursing research, interpret results, and integrate research findings into practice to enhance healthcare outcomes.
  • PO 6:Change Management in Nursing Practice
    Plan and implement changes in nursing practice and within healthcare systems to improve service delivery.
  • PO 7:Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Healthcare
    Establish and maintain collaborative relationships with professionals from other disciplines, fostering interdisciplinary teamwork.
  • PO 8:Commitment to Lifelong Learning and Professional Growth
    Show commitment to continuous learning and professional development for personal and career advancement.

    Apply knowledge from physical, biological and behavioural sciences, medicine including alternative systems and nursing in providing care to individuals, families and communities.
  • PO 2: Nursing and the community
    Demonstrate understanding of lifestyle and other factors, which affects health of individuals and groups.
  • PO 3: Nurse and the profession
    Practice within the frame work of code of ethics and professional conduct, and acceptable standards of practice within the legal boundaries.
  • PO 4: Nurse and health care system
    Provide promotive, preventive, and restorative health services in line with the national health policies and programmes.
  • PO 5: Problem analysis/decision making
    Demonstrate critical thinking skills in making decisions in all situations in order to provide quality care.
  • PO 6: Information education and counselling / communication /technology update
    Demonstrate skills in teaching and communicate effectively with individual and group and members of health team in order to promote effective inter personal relationship and teamwork, as well as utilize the latest trends and technology in providing health care.
  • PO 7: Nursing administration and management
    Demonstrate leadership and managerial skills in clinical and community health settings. Demonstrate.
  • PO 8: Care give/ nurse as a collaborative care giver
    Provide nursing care based on steps of nursing process in collaboration with the individuals and groups. Participate effectively as members of the health team in health care delivery system.
  • PO 9: Nursing research
    Conduct need based research studies in various settings and utilize the research findings to improve the quality of care.
  • PO 10: Lifelong learning:
    Demonstrate awareness, interest and contribute towards advancement of self and of the profession.

Programme outcome are narrower statement that describe what students are expected to know and b able to do upon the gradation. These relate to the skills, knowledge and behavior that students acquire in their study through the programme.

  • PO 1: Nursing Knowledge
    Students will utilize critical thinking to synthesize knowledge derived from physical, biological, behavioral sciences, and humanities, in the practice of professional nursing and midwifery.
  • PO 2:Nursing and the profession
    Prepare graduate nurses with a sound educational program in nursing to enable them to function as efficient members of the health team
  • PO 3:Nurse and the community:
    Students will practice professional nursing and midwifery competently and safely in diverse settings, utilizing caring, and therapeutic nursing interventions with individuals, families, communities and populations at any developmental stage and with various health experiences, different lifestyles and health affecting factors.
  • PO 4:Nurse and health care system
    Students will integrate professional caring into practice decisions that encompass values, ethical, and moral and legal aspects of nursing.
  • PO 5:Problem analysis/decision making
    Students will utilize the requisite knowledge, skills and technologies to practice independently and collaboratively with all health professionals applying the principles of safety to ensure acceptable standards of Nursing practice.
  • PO 6:Information education and counselling / communication /technology update
    Students will demonstrate skills in teaching and communicate effectively with individual and group and members of health team in order to promote effective inter personal relationship and teamwork, as well as utilize the latest trends and technology in providing health care.
  • PO 7:Nursing administration and management
    Students will apply concepts of leadership, autonomy and management to the practice of nursing and midwifery to enhance quality and safety in health care. Respect the dignity, worth, and uniqueness of self and others and demonstrate critical thinking skills in order to provide quality care.
  • PO 8:Nursing research
    Students will Integrate research findings and nursing theory in decision making in evidence-based practice
  • PO 9:Nurse as A Collaborative Care Giver
    Collaborate with the other members of the health care team in reaching realistic health goals
  • PO 10:Lifelong learning
    Students will accept responsibility and accountability for the effectiveness of ones own nursing and midwifery practice and professional growth as a learner, clinician and leader.

Programme Outcomes are narrower statements that describe what students are expected to know and be able to do upon the graduation. These relate to the skills, knowledge and behaviour that students acquire in their study through the programmes.

  • PO1: Holistic Understanding of Health Deviations
    Students will apply comprehensive knowledge gained in anatomy, physiology, microbiology, psychology, sociology, and various nursing domains to recognize health deviations, understand disease processes, and deliver effective nursing services across diverse settings.
  • PO2: Critical Thinking and Clinical Reasoning
    Students will demonstrate critical thinking skills by analyzing diverse health issues, applying evidence-based practices, and integrating theoretical knowledge with clinical reasoning to solve intricate health challenges across nursing specialties.
  • PO3: Research Literacy for Enhanced Nursing Practice
    Students will participate in fundamental research activities to understand health-related concerns and effectively utilize research outcomes to enhance nursing practice.
  • PO4: Communication Proficiency and Technological Competence
    Students will demonstrate skills in communication and interpersonal relationship and also gaining basic proficiency in computer usage essential for modern nursing practices.
  • PO5: Leadership in Patient Care and Health Promotion
    Students will demonstrate leadership in patient care and health promotion initiatives, working collaboratively within healthcare teams and recognizing diverse cultural perspectives in healthcare settings.
  • PO6: Multicultural Competence and Ethical Awareness
    Students will conduct oneself with multicultural competence, ethical awareness, and a sense of moral responsibility. Frame a compassionate and culturally sensitive approach towards patient care and healthcare initiatives.
  • PO7: Commitment to Lifelong Learning and Professional Development
    Students will assess self-directed learning abilities and foster a commitment to lifelong learning. Recognize the need for continual professional development, adapt to evolving trends, and enhance nursing practice through ongoing education and research-oriented growth.

    Apply the knowledge of primary health care, community, midwifery and heath center management to address complex situations.
  • PO 2: TEAM WORK:
    Coordinate & Function effectively with members of the health team and community.
    Demonstrate critical thinking skills in making decision in all situations in order to provide safe quality patient care.
    Participate in continuing education program such as workshops, conferences for self and professional advancement
    Utilize advanced technologies used in patient care and diagnostic procedures in the hospital &community to ensure safe practices.
    Demonstrate leadership and managerial skills in nursing education,& practice to improve health care quality, safety and better patient outcome.
    communicate effectively with individuals and groups, and members of the health care team in order to promote effective interpersonal relationship.
    Apply the use of ethical values in their personal and professional organization
    Provide nursing care based on steps of nursing process in collaboration with individual and group.
    Recognize the need for lifelong learning for professional &personal growth which allow them to contribute in the advancement of their knowledge.


(Programme Educational Outcomes)

The postgraduate nursing program is meticulously designed to equip graduates with the expertise and leadership required to excel as nurse specialists, consultants, educators, and administrators across diverse professional environments. This comprehensive curriculum emphasizes advanced clinical practice, critical thinking, and evidence-based decision-making, ensuring that graduates are well-prepared to address the evolving challenges in healthcare.

  • PEO 1:Application of Advanced Clinical Knowledge
    Post Graduates will adeptly utilize advanced clinical principles and evidence-based practices to conduct thorough patient assessments and implement effective care management strategies.
  • PEO 2:Holistic Personal and Professional Development
    Post Graduates will foster personal autonomy and accountability, engaging in self-reflection while prioritizing their physical, emotional, and mental well-being to enhance their capacity to meet patient needs.
  • PEO 3:Contribution to Nursing Knowledge and Research
    Through rigorous research and evaluation, graduates will generate and disseminate new knowledge within the nursing discipline, articulating their findings clearly to varied audiences and fostering informed discussions.
  • PEO 4:Adaption to Digital Innovations in Healthcare
    Post Graduates will effectively incorporate insights from digital advancements in healthcare into their practice, ensuring evidence-based care delivery while promoting digital literacy among patients and the community.
  • PEO 5:Leadership and Lifelong Learning in Nursing
    Post Graduates will embrace leadership roles across nursing and healthcare settings, demonstrating their expertise as specialists, educators, and administrators, while remaining committed to continuous professional development and enhancing care quality.

PEOs are broad statement that describe the career and professional achievements that the programme is preparing the graduates to achieve within the first few years after graduation. PEOs should be consistent with the mission of the institution. PEO s can be measured by a PO – PEO matrix. The PEOs should evolve through constant feedback from alumnae, students, industry, management etc. it is mandatory that each PEO should be mapped at least one of the Pos.

  • PEO 1: Develop responsibilities as professional, competent nurses and midwives in providing promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative services.
  • PEO 2: Develop critical thinking skills and make independent decisions in nursing situations, protect the rights of and facilitate the individuals and group in pursuit of health, function in the hospital, community nursing services.
  • PEO 3:make use of evidence based practice in the area of nursing practice.
  • PEO 4: use technology and synthesize information and collaborate to make critical decisions that optimizes patient’s outcomes.
  • PEO 5: Practice within the framework of code of ethics and acceptable standards of practice within the legal boundaries.

PEOs are broad statement that describe the career and professional achievements that the programme is preparing the graduates to achieve within the first few years after graduation. PEOs should be consistent with the mission of the institution. PEO s can be measured by a PO – PEO matrix. The PEOs should evolve through constant feedback from alumnae, students, industry, management etc. it is mandatory that each PEO should be mapped at least one of the Pos.

  • PEO 1: Preparing graduate nurses with a sound educational program in nursing to enable them to function as efficient members of the health team.
  • PEO 2: Preparing nurses to make maximum contribution to the society as useful and productive individuals, citizens as well as efficient nurses.
  • PEO 3: Prepare graduate to assume the role of teacher, supervisor, and researcher in clinical or community setting both in Government and Private.

PEOs are broad statements that describe the career and professional achievements that the programme is preparing the graduates to achieve within the first few years after graduation. PEOs should be consistent with the mission of the Institution. PEO’s can be measured by a PO- PEO matrix. The PEO’s should evolve through constant feedback from alumnae, students, industry, management etc,. It is mandatory that each PEO should be mapped to atleast one of the POs.

  • PEO 1: Utilize comprehensive knowledge acquired in anatomy, physiology, microbiology, psychology, sociology, and nursing domains to be readily employable in diverse healthcare settings. Demonstrate critical thinking by integrating theoretical knowledge with clinical reasoning, preparing for further academic pursuits in nursing specialties or related fields.
  • PEO 2: Apply fundamental research skills in addressing real-world health concerns, fostering innovation, and contributing to evidence-based practices in nursing and healthcare. Engage in lifelong learning to continuously enhance nursing practice and patient care through research- oriented growth.
  • PEO 3: Develop leadership skills in patient care and health promotion, collaborating within healthcare teams, and appreciating diverse cultural perspectives in healthcare settings. Cultivate a sense of moral responsibility and multicultural competence, fostering a compassionate and culturally sensitive approach towards patient care and healthcare initiatives.
  • PEO 4: Demonstrate proficiency in communication, interpersonal relationships, and basic computer usage, essential for modern nursing practices. Assess self-directed learning abilities and commit to lifelong learning, adapting to evolving trends and enhancing nursing practice through continuous professional development.
  • PEO1: To produce graduates having strong background of basic midwifery, health promotion , health center management,& ability to use this knowledge in the field of nursing.
  • PEO2: To produce Capacity to collaborate with health team members in order to promote effective interpersonal relationship &Demonstrate leadership and managerial skills in better patient outcome.
  • PEO3: To produce critical thinking skills and make independent decisions in nursing situations, protect the rights and facilitate the individuals and group in pursuit of health& community nursing services.


(Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs))

The program equips postgraduates with advanced clinical proficiency, nursing education methodologies, and healthcare leadership. Graduates will apply innovative teaching strategies, conduct impactful research, and contribute to healthcare policies. This ensures their active role in transforming nursing practice and improving health outcomes.

  • PSO 1: Prepare Post graduates to assume responsibilities as nurse specialists, consultants, educators, and administrators in a wide variety of professional settings.
  • PSO 2: Identify and execute various leadership roles and function efficiently in the field of nursing.
  • PSO 3: Conduct independent research to generate evidence and contribute to nursing knowledge.

Programme specific outcomes denote what the students should be able to do at the time of graduation. They are program specific.it is mandatory that each PO should be mapped to the respective PSO specified in the programme.

    Students will be able to demonstrate the theoretical knowledge and competency skills in providing nursing care to individual, families and communities.
  • PSO 2: Nurse and the community/ clinical, care giver, problem analysis/ decision making
    Students will be able to communicate courteously and effectively with other health care professionals, patients and the public.
  • PSO 3: Technology update, information education and counselling and healthcare system, nurse and the profession, communication
    Students will be able to make maximum contribution to the society as use and productive individuals, citizens as well as efficient professional nurses.

Programme specific outcomes denote what the students should be able to do at the time of graduation. They are program specific.it is mandatory that each PO should be mapped to the respective PSO specified in the programme.

  • PSO1:Assess health status, identify nursing needs, plan, implement and evaluate nursing carefor patients / clients that contribute to health of individuals, families and communities.
  • PSO2: Demonstrate competency in techniques of nursing based on concepts and principles fromselected areas of nursing, physical, biological and behavioral sciences.
  • PSO3: Participate as members of health team in the promotive, preventive, curative and restorative health care delivery system of the country.

Programme Specific Outcomes denote what the students should be able to do at the time of graduation. They are programme specific. It is mandatory that each PO should be mapped to the respective PSO specified in the programme in order.

  • PSO 1: Apply diverse disciplinary knowledge to identify health deviations, understand disease processes, and deliver effective nursing services across varied settings, demonstrating adaptability and expertise in clinical practice.
  • PSO 2: Utilize critical thinking skills to analyze health issues, integrating theoretical knowledge with clinical reasoning, and employing evidence-based practices to resolve complex health challenges in nursing specialties.
  • PSO 3: Demonstrate proficiency in research engagement, communication, teamwork, leadership, ethical awareness, and lifelong learning to enhance nursing practice, patient care, and healthcare initiatives.

At The End Of The Program The Student:

  • PSO1: Engage in nursing practice based on the integration of knowledge from primary health care, community, midwifery and heath center management to address complex situations.
  • PSO2: Should Collaborate with multidisciplinary health team and communicate effectively with individuals and groups, and members of the health care team in order to promote effective interpersonal relationship.
  • PSO3: Demonstrate use of ethical values in their personal and professional organization& demonstrate critical thinking skills in making decision in all situations in order to provide safe quality patient care.


(Course Objective (CO))

Department Information

Principal Dr. Farzand Ali
Email headnursing@iul.ac.in
Contact(Ext. No.) 6994,6992
Admissions Email admission@iul.ac.in
Admissions Call +91-9335177775

Contact Information

Dasauli, Bas-ha Kursi Road,
Lucknow(U.P.) – 226026

Dasauli, Bas-ha Kursi Road,
Lucknow(U.P.) – 226026

+91 6390011283, 6390011284, 6390011285