

After successful completion of three years degree program in Medical Anatomy a student should be able to

  • PO 1: Describe gross anatomy of entire body including upper limb, lower limb, thorax, abdomen, pelvis, perineum, head and neck, brain and spinal cord.
  • PO 2: Analyze the integrated functions of organ systems and locate the site of gross lesions according to deficits encountered.
  • PO 3: Describe the process of gametogenesis, fertilization, implantation and placenta formation in early human embryonic development along with its variation and applied anatomy.
  • PO 4: Demonstrate knowledge about the sequential development of organs and systems along with its clinical anatomy.
  • PO 5: Recognize critical stages of development and effects of common teratogens, genetic mutations and environmental hazards.
  • PO 6: Explain developmental basis of variations and congenital anomalies.
  • PO 7: Describe knowledge about cell and its components, cell cycle, cellular differentiation and proliferation.
  • PO 8: Describe structure, number, classification, abnormalities and syndromes related to human chromosomes, important procedures in cytogenetics and molecular genetics with its application such as gene therapy.
  • PO 9: Demonstrate applications of knowledge of structure & development of tissue organ system to comprehend deviations from normal.
  • PO 10: Demonstrate knowledge about identification of human bones, determination of sex, age, and height for medico legal application of anatomy.

After successful completion of three years degree program in Medical Physiology a student should be able to

  • PO 1: Understand and deal with all aspects of general, systemic and applied Physiology.
  • PO 2: Teach effectively the basic physiological mechanisms of human body with reference to their implications in the pathogenesis of diseases (pathophysiology) affecting various organ systems and the physiological basis of their management to undergraduate medical, paramedical and all other basic science students.
  • PO 3: Understand general principles of medical education (use of appropriate teaching techniques and resources).
  • PO 4: Interpret and evaluate research publications critically.
  • PO 5: Use the library facilities (Literature database using computer, CD ROM, internet search and any other available newer techniques).
  • PO 6: Conduct relevant research which may have significant bearing on human health and patient care.
  • PO 7: Interpret the research findings in the light of its basic and applied significance. Function as a member of a teaching or research team.
  • PO 8: Acquire administrative skills to set up concerned department / laboratories.
  • PO 9: Acquire skills in conducting collaborative research in the field of physiology with allied sciences, clinical sciences and biomedical engineering.
  • PO 10: Interact with the allied departments and render services in advanced laboratory investigations.

After successful completion of three years degree program in Medical Biochemistry a student should be able to

  • PO 1: Describe the structure and functions of various biomolecules and their metabolic pathways.
  • PO 2: Analyze the integrated functions of biochemical systems and their abnormalities.
  • PO 3: Describe the process of gametogenesis, fertilization, implantation and placenta formation in early human embryonic development along with its variation and role of various gonadotropin hormones.
  • PO 4: Demonstrate the relationship between biochemistry and medicine.
  • PO 5: Recognize critical stages of development and effects of common teratogens, genetic mutations and environmental hazards.
  • PO 6: Explain developmental basis of variations and congenital anomalies.
  • PO 7: Describe knowledge about cell and its components, cell cycle, cellular differentiation and proliferation.
  • PO 8: Describe structure, number, classification, abnormalities and syndromes related to human chromosomes, important procedures in cytogenetics and molecular genetics with its application such as gene therapy.
  • PO 9: Demonstrate applications of knowledge of structure & development of tissue organ system to comprehend deviations from normal.
  • PO 10: Demonstrate knowledge about identification of biomolecules, importance of nutrition and deficiency, and role of various enzymes in digestion, metabolism and disease diagnostics.

After successful completion of three years degree program in Medical Microbiology a student should be able to

  • PO 1: Describe the structures and functions of various pathogenic and non-pathogenic micro-organisms and their nutritional requirement and metabolic pathways.
  • PO 2: Identify and characterize the micro-organisms present in various biological specimens.
  • PO 3: Describe the causes of infections and response of human body against various infectious micro-organisms.
  • PO 4: Demonstrate the relationship between microbiology, immunology and pathology.
  • PO 5: Recognize critical stages of infections, progression, and effects of common and rare micro-organisms that may cause genetic mutations and acute and chronic diseases.
  • PO 6: Explain life-threatening and permanent disability causing diseases such as tuberculosis, hepatitis, HIV and polio.
  • PO 7: Describe knowledge about microbial cell and its components, cell cycle, cellular differentiation and proliferation.
  • PO 8: Describe structure and infectious nature of viruses.
  • PO 9: Demonstrate the antibiotic resistance and multiple drug resistance bacterial species and their pathogenic characteristics.
  • PO 10: Demonstrate knowledge about identification and characterization of micro-organism by culture techniques, staining techniques and enzymatic assay.


(Programme Educational Outcomes)

The overall objective of the Program is to prepare students to actively contribute and take responsibilities of academic and research fields.

  • PEO 1: Students can able to teach medical and paramedical programs.
  • PEO 2: Students can able to go for higher studies and contribute in the research field.
  • PEO 3: Integrate knowledge of basic sciences and clinical exposure in order to understand various diseases and their causes.
  • PEO 4: Explain the principles and applications of different types of microscopes, cellular immunology, histo-compatible techniques, and imaging techniques.
  • PEO 5: Describe the microscopic structure of various tissues & organs and correlate structures with functions as a prerequisite for understanding the altered state in various disease processes.
  • PEO 6: Integrate the use of basic principles of research in critical analysis of concepts and findings generated by self and others.
  • PEO 7: Actively recognize the rights and dignity of individuals in planning and design of study that will help to contribute for the advancement of knowledge and therapeutic approach.
  • PEO 8: Identify with and contribute to the aims and ideals of the profession.
  • PEO 9: Function as competent academicians and researcher in any health care setting and work for society and humanity.
  • PEO 10: Demonstrate command of knowledge which is necessary to function as an independent problem solver and learner in the academic and research environment.

The overall objective of the Program is to prepare students to actively contribute and take responsibilities of academic and research fields.

  • PEO 1: The student should be able to effectively teach the basic physiological mechanisms of human body with reference to their implications in the pathogenesis of diseases (pathophysiology) and their management to undergraduate students in medicine (MBBS) and allied health science courses (Dentistry, Nursing, Physiotherapy, B.Sc. allied sciences).
  • PEO 2: Students can able to go for higher studies and contribute in the research field.
  • PEO 3: Integrate knowledge of basic sciences and clinical exposure in order to understand various diseases and their causes.
  • PEO 4: Plan, execute and evaluate teaching assignments in Medical Physiology.
  • PEO 5: Conduct research. Participate actively in various workshops/seminars/journal clubs/demonstration in the allied departments, to acquire various skills for collaborative research.
  • PEO 6: To carry out various research project (both basic and clinical) from planning to publication and be able to pursue academic interests and continue life-long learning to become more experienced in all the above areas.
  • PEO 7: Actively recognize the rights and dignity of individuals in planning and design of study that will help to contribute for the advancement of knowledge and therapeutic approach.
  • PEO 8: Identify with and contribute to the aims and ideals of the profession. Extend the knowledge of physiology and explain the physiological background of yoga, exercise and food & nutrition.
  • PEO 9: Function as competent academicians and researcher in any health care setting and work for society and humanity.
  • PEO 10: Demonstrate command of knowledge which is necessary to function as an independent problem solver and learner in the academic and research environment.

The overall objective of the Program is to prepare students to actively contribute and take responsibilities of academic and research fields.

  • PEO 1: Students can able to teach medical and paramedical programs.
  • PEO 2: Students can able to go for higher studies and contribute in the research field.
  • PEO 3: Integrate knowledge of basic sciences and clinical exposure in order to understand various diseases and their causes.
  • PEO 4: Explain the principles and applications of different types of chromatography, electrophoresis, PCR, ELISA, enzymology, and analytical techniques.
  • PEO 5: Describe the biochemical, genetics and molecular biology techniques for the prognosis and diagnosis of various diseases and for understanding the altered state of biomolecules in various disease processes.
  • PEO 6: Integrate the use of basic principles of research in critical analysis of concepts and findings generated by self and others.
  • PEO 7: Actively recognize the rights and dignity of individuals in planning and design of study that will help to contribute for the advancement of knowledge and therapeutic approach.
  • PEO 8: Identify with and contribute to the aims and ideals of the profession.
  • PEO 9: Function as competent academicians and researcher in any health care setting and work for society and humanity.
  • PEO 10: Demonstrate command of knowledge which is necessary to function as an independent problem solver and learner in the academic and research environment.

The overall objective of the Program is to prepare students to actively contribute and take responsibilities of academic and research fields.

  • PEO 1: Students can able to teach medical and paramedical programs.
  • PEO 2: Students can able to go for higher studies and contribute in the research field.
  • PEO 3: Integrate knowledge of basic sciences and clinical exposure in order to understand various diseases and their causes.
  • PEO 4: Explain the principles and applications of different types of staining techniques, culture and sub-culture, preservative te4chniques, PCR, RT-PCR, ELISA, enzymology, and serological techniques.
  • PEO 5: Describe the biochemical, microbial, genetics and molecular biology techniques used for the prognosis and diagnosis of various diseases and for understanding the altered state of physiochemical conditions of human body in various disease processes.
  • PEO 6: Integrate the use of basic principles of research in critical analysis of concepts and findings generated by self and others.
  • PEO 7: Actively recognize the rights and dignity of individuals in planning and design of study that will help to contribute for the advancement of knowledge and therapeutic approach.
  • PEO 8: Identify with and contribute to the aims and ideals of the profession.
  • PEO 9: Function as competent academicians and researcher in any health care setting and work for society and humanity.
  • PEO 10: Demonstrate command of knowledge which is necessary to function as an independent problem solver and learner in the academic and research environment.


(Programme Specific Outcomes) PSOs

After successful completion of three years degree program in Medical Anatomy a student should be able to

  • PSO 1: Identify, locate and demonstrate surface marking of clinically important structures in the cadaver and correlate it with living anatomy.
  • PSO 2: Acquire mastery in dissection skills, embalming, tissue preparation, and staining and museum preparation.
  • PSO 3: Locate and identify clinically relevant structures in dissected cadavers.
  • PSO 4: Locate and identify cells & tissues under the microscope.
  • PSO 5: Identify important structures visualized by imaging techniques, specifically radiographs, computerized tomography (CT) scans, MRI and ultrasonography.
  • PSO 6: Demonstrate various movements at the important joints and actions of various groups of muscles in the human body.
  • PSO 7: Demonstrate knowledge about reproduction genetics, assisted reproduction, prenatal diagnosis, genetic counseling and ethics in genetics.
  • PSO 8: Demonstrate anatomical basis of common clinical procedures expected to be performed by a basic medical doctor.
  • PSO 9: Demonstrate knowledge about common techniques employed in cellular immunology and histo-compatibility testing.
  • PSO 10: Demonstrate different methods of teaching-learning and make presentations of the subject topics and research outputs.

After successful completion of three years degree program in Medical Physiology a student should be able to

  • PSO 1: Understand and teach all aspects of general, systemic and applied human body Physiology.
  • PSO 2: Understand the physiology and biochemical mechanism of homeostasis regulation of human body.
  • PSO 3: Acquire mastery in haematology practicals, amphibian & mammalian experiments, human experiments, clinical examination of various systems.
  • PSO 4: To understand the basic physiological concepts of various body organs and systems such as gastrointestinal system, excretory system, endocrine system, reproductive system, Central Nervous and special senses.
  • PSO 5: Handle and interpret the data of spirometry, ECG and microscopy of endocrine photographs.
  • PSO 6: Demonstrate different haematology practicals under aseptic and sterile conditions.
  • PSO 7: Demonstrate knowledge about renal system and able to calculate Effective filtration pressure (EFP), clearance creatinine, urea, inulin, PAH and cystometrogram.
  • PSO 8: Demonstrate physiological basis of common clinical procedures expected to be used by a basic medical doctor.
  • PSO 9: Demonstrate knowledge about common techniques employed in identification of sensory system such as testing of hearing & deafness.
  • PSO 10: Demonstrate different methods of teaching-learning and make presentations of the subject topics and research outputs.

After successful completion of three years degree program in Medical Biochemistry a student should be able to

  • PSO 1: Identify and characterize the structure and functions of various biomolecules.
  • PSO 2: Acquire mastery in immuno histo-chemical techniques and identify clinically significant biomarkers.
  • PSO 3: Identify clinically relevant biomolecules which help to diagnosis of various diseases.
  • PSO 4: Handle semi-auto chemistry analyzer and auto-analyzer chemistry diagnostics, colorimeter, spectrophotometer and flame photometer.
  • PSO 5: Identify important biomolecules and analyzed by chromatography and electrophoresis techniques.
  • PSO 6: Demonstrate various enzymes and biomarkers significantly used in clinical biochemistry for the diagnosis of various diseases.
  • PSO 7: Demonstrate knowledge about reproduction genetics, assisted reproduction, prenatal diagnosis, genetic counseling and ethics in genetics.
  • PSO 8: Demonstrate biochemical basis of common clinical procedures expected to be used by a basic medical doctor.
  • PSO 9: Demonstrate knowledge about common techniques employed in cellular immunology, histo-chemistry, genetics, and molecular biology.
  • PSO 10: Demonstrate different methods of teaching-learning and make presentations of the subject topics and research outputs.

After successful completion of three years degree program in Medical Microbiology a student should be able to

  • PSO 1: Identify and characterize the structure and functions of various micro-organisms.
  • PSO 2: Acquire mastery in sterilization techniques, culture techniques and staining techniques.
  • PSO 3: Identify clinically significant micro-organisms which help to the diagnosis of various diseases.
  • PSO 4: Handle autoclave, laminar air flow, incubator, colorimeter, spectrophotometer and colony counter.
  • PSO 5: Handle pathogenic biological specimens in sterile conditions.
  • PSO 6: Demonstrate different types of media preparation and bio-safety laboratory work cultures.
  • PSO 7: Demonstrate knowledge about chromosomes and nucleic acids (DNA & RNA) to study the molecular biology, reproduction and genetics of micro-organisms.
  • PSO 8: Demonstrate microbial basis of common clinical procedures expected to be used by a basic medical doctor.
  • PSO 9: Demonstrate knowledge about common techniques employed in cellular immunology, staining, genetics, and molecular biology.
  • PSO 10: Demonstrate different methods of teaching-learning and make presentations of the subject topics and research outputs.

Department Information

Principal-IIAHS Dr. Mohd Mustafa Khan
Email headbpt@iul.ac.in
Contact(Ext. No.) 6651
Admissions Email admission@iul.ac.in
Admissions Call +91-9335177775

Contact Information

Department of Basic Medical Sciences,
5th Floor, Medical Block, Phase – II, Integral University,
Dasauli, Bas-ha Kursi Road,
Lucknow(U.P.) – 226026

0522- 2890730, 2890812