Sr No | Enrollment | Names | Mode | Research Toic | Supervisor | Year Of Joinning | Status | Co-Supervisor |
1 | 2001038 | Piyush Kumar | Full Time | Study of Molecular Epidemiology of Clinical and Carrier Strains of MRSA in Health Care Workers of IIMS&R, Lucknow | Prof. (Dr.) Manzoor Ahmad Thokar | 2021 | Pursuing | |
2 | 2001297 | Nadeem Ahmad | Part Time | Molecular Characterization of Metallo-Beta-Lactamase Producers Among Carbapenem Resistant Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Isolated from Tertiary Care Hospital, Lucknow | Prof. (Dr.) Manzoor Ahmad Thokar | 2021 | Pursuing | |
3 | 2001294 | Mohd Shahid Khan | Part Time | Characterization and Genotyping of Aerobic Bacterial Isolates from Diabetic Foot Ulcer | Prof. (Dr.) Noor Jahan | 2021 | Pursuing | |
4 | 2001307 | Priya Chauhan | Part Time | Characterization of Virulence Factors and Antifungal Susceptibility Testing of Candida species in Strains isolated from Clinical Samples | Prof. (Dr.) Shilpi Srivastava | 2021 | Pursuing | |
5 | 2100020 | Rakesh Mishra | Part Time | Prof. (Dr.) Mahboobul Haque | 2021 | Pursuing | ||
6 | 2100115 | Nushrat Jahan | Part Time | Prof. (Dr.) Mahboobul Haque | 2021 | Pursuing | ||
7 | 2100045 | Huma Parween Khan | Full Time | Association of Fetuin-A and Adiponectin gene variants with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus | Dr. Mohammad Mustufa Khan | 2021 | Pursuing | Dr. Vishal Parmar |
8 | 2001165 | Karuna Katiyar | Full Time | Prevalence and Molecular Typing of Human Papilloma Virus among female patients attending IIMS&R, Lucknow | Prof. (Dr.) Noor Jahan | 2020 | Pursuing | |
9 | 2001166 | Sultan Ahmad | Part Time | Molecular Characterization of Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase in E.coli Isolates from Urinary Tract Infection at Lucknow | Prof. (Dr.) Manzoor Ahmad Thokar | 2020 | Pursuing | |
10 | 2001174 | Tahseen Mazhar | Part Time | Molecular Detection & Serotyping of Dengue Virus Infection & Prevalence of Common Serotype in North India: A Teaching Hospital Based Study | Prof. (Dr.) Manzoor Ahmad Thokar | 2020 | Pursuing | |
11 | 2001224 | Neha Tiwari | Full Time | Characterization of blaNDM gene in Carbapenemase Producing Enterobacteriaceae & Determine MIC of Carbapenems in Carbapenem Resistance Enterobacteriaceae Isolates from Patients attending IIMS&R, Lucknow | Prof. (Dr.) Shilpi Srivastava | 2020 | Pursuing | |
12 | 2001295 | Nidhi Singh | Full Time | Genotypic Characterization of biofilm producing bacterial isolates from clinical samples of patients attending a major hospital northern area and their antibiotic susceptibility pattern | Prof. (Dr.) Noor Jahan | 2020 | Pursuing | |
13 | 2001114 | Nikita Mishra | Full Time | Prevalence of Hepatitis C Virus Infection and Their Genotypes Among Patients Attending IIMS&R, Lucknow | Prof. (Dr.) Noor Jahan | 2020 | Pursuing | |
14 | 2001193 | Snehil Singh | Full Time | Characterization of Mutation in SARS-CoV2 Variants in Patients Attending Integral Institute of Medical Science & Research Hospital of Integral University, Lucknow-A Prospective Study | Prof. (Dr.) Shilpi Srivastava | 2020 | Pursuing | |
15 | 2001008 | Richa Awasthi | Full Time | Role of Vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms in susceptibility to essential hypertension | Dr. Priyanka Thapa Manger | 2020 | Pursuing | Dr. R. K. Khare |
16 | 2001013 | Adiba Aasif | Full Time | Genetic Polymorphisms of KISS1 gene in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome | Dr. Saba Khan | 2020 | Pursuing | Dr. Arshiya Khan |
17 | 2001070 | Sadaf Parveen | Full Time | Genetic Polymorphism of Fat Mass and Obesity (FTO gene) variants rs9939609 and rs8050136 in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome | Prof. (Dr.) Roshan Alam | 2020 | Pursuing | Dr. Bhavna Gupta |
18 | 2001081 | Nazia Parween | Full Time | Dr. Priyanka Thapa Manger | 2020 | Pursuing | ||
19 | 2001100 | Arati Gupta | Full Time | Association of KCNJI1 gene polymorphism rs5219 and rs5210 with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus | Dr. Priyanka Thapa Manger | 2020 | Pursuing | Dr. Katiyar |
20 | 2001159 | Neha Mishra | Part Time | The effect of smoking on hematological parameters (blood pressure & heart rate) & Visual field: a comparative study of smokers and non smokers | Prof. (Dr.) Nivriti Singh | 2020 | Pursuing | |
21 | 2001076 | Sana Siddiqui | Part Time | A study of effect of fasting blood glucose levels on risk of preeclampsia and the role of dietary intervention amongst pregnant women of North Indian Population | Prof. (Dr.) Nivriti Singh | 2020 | Pursuing | |
22 | 2001156 | Sumaiya Waheed | Part Time | Prof. (Dr.) Nivriti Singh | 2020 | Pursuing | ||
23 | 2001133 | Sharad Kumar | Part Time | Prof. (Dr.) Nivriti Singh | 2020 | Pursuing | ||
24 | 2001109 | Mah Paiker | Part Time | Prof. (Dr.) Mahboobul Haque | 2020 | Pursuing | ||
25 | 2001192 | Srishti Pal | Part Time | Prof. (Dr.) Mahboobul Haque | 2020 | Pursuing | ||
26 | 2001103 | Mohd Javed Ali Khan | Part Time | Prof. (Dr.) Mahboobul Haque | 2020 | Pursuing | ||
27 | 2001118 | Mohd Maqbool | Part Time | Prof. (Dr.) Mahboobul Haque | 2020 | Pursuing | ||
28 | 1901018 | Saif Ali | Full Time | Genetic Study of Omentin-1, Visfatin and Correlation with their Circulatory Levels in Coronary Levels in Coronary Artery Disease Patients of North Indian Population | Dr. Saba Khan | 2019 | Pursuing | Dr. Mohd. Kaleem Ahmad |
29 | 1901022 | Mohd. Danish Khan | Full Time | Genetic Association of T-Cadherin with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Cardiovascular Disease | Dr. Mohd. Mustufa Khan | 2019 | Thesis Submit | Dr. M. Kaleem Ahmad |
30 | 1901054 | Divya | Full Time | Rage and Serum Copeptin Act as a Potential Biomarker for Chronic Kidney Disease with & without Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus | Prof. (Dr.) Roshan Alam | 2019 | Pursuing | Prof. (Dr.) M. K. Ahmed |
31 | 1801021 | Subhra Chowdhry | Part Time | Genetic Polymorphism of TCF7L2 in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus | Dr. Saba Khan | 2018 | Thesis Submit | Dr. Sudhir Mehrotra, Dr. G. K. Sonkar |
32 | 1701082 | Preeti Sharma | Full Time | Study on polymorphism of Vasfatin & Irisin and its correlation with Circulatory Level and Oxidative Stress in Diabetic Patients | Dr. Roshan Alam | 2017 | Pursuing | Dr. Mohd. Kaleem Ahmad, Dr. Sudhir Mehrotra |
33 | 1601034 | Keerti Rastogi | Part Time | Clinico-Genomic study of metal transporter Genes and its correlation with oxidative insult and profile of Micronutrient in Diabetic Nephropathy | Dr. Roshan Alam | 2016 | Thesis Submit | Dr. M. Kaleem Ahmad, Dr. Sandhaya Gautam |
Sr No | Enrollment | Registration | Year Of Joinning | Research Toic | Supervisor | Co-Supervisor | Year of Awarded | File Url |
1 | 1901022 | Mohd. Danish Khan | 2019 | Genetic Association of T-Cadherin with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Cardiovascular Disease | Dr. Mohammad Mustufa Khan | Dr. M. K. Ahmed, Dr. Geeta Jaiswal | 2024 | View |
2 | 1601034 | Keerti Rastogi | 2016 | Clinico-Genomic study of metal Transporter Genes and its correlation with oxidative insult and profile of Micronutrient in Diabetic Nephropathy | Dr. Roshan Alam | Dr. M. Kaleem Ahmad, Dr. Sandhaya Gautam | 2024 | View |
3 | 1401049 | Archana Mishra | 2014 | Status on Level of Oxidative Stress, Anti- Oxidant status and role of genetic polymorphism of Aldos reductase and Glutathione-S-Transfarace among type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients with and without microvascular complications | Dr. Roshan Alam | Dr. Sudhir Mehrotra/Dr. M Kaleem Ahmad | 2023 | View |
4 | 1801021 | Shubhra Chowdhry | 2018 | Genetic Polymorphism of TCF7L2 in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus | Dr. Saba Khan | Dr. Mukhtar Ahamd, Dr. G. K. Sonkar | 2023 | View |
5 | 12066 | Priyanka Thapa Manger | 2012 | Genetic Polymorphism of Myeloperoxidase in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus | Jitendra K Saxena | Dr. Sudhir Mehrotra, Dr. Mohammad Haris Siddiqui | 2020 | View |
6 | 13140 | Nazmin Fatima | 2014 | Study of Children Suspected for Inborn Errors of Metabolism | Dr. G. K. Sonkar | Dr. Roshan Alam, Dr. Shalini Tripathi, Dr. Mohamma | 2019 | View |
7 | 13131 | Sanchit Tiwari | 2014 | Study on Gene Expression Polymorphism and their Association with Selected Biomarker in Diabetes and Diabetic Nephropathy Patients | Mohammad Kaleem Ahmad | Dr. Roshan Alam | 2019 | View |
8 | 12067 | Mohammad Mustufa Khan | 2012 | Genetic Polymorphism of Adiponectin in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus | Dr. G. K. Sonkar | Dr. Roshan Alam, Dr. Sudhir Mehrotra, Dr. M. Salma | 2018 | View |
9 | 12079 | Rajendra Kumar Shukla | 2012 | Influence of Stress on Neurobehavioral Toxicity of Lambda Cyhalothrin in Rats | Vinay Kumar Khanna | Dr. Mohammad Haris Siddiqui | 2016 | View |
Sr No | Author Name | Title | Conference Name | Held At | To Date | From Date | Organizer Name | Publication Link |
1 | Roshan Alam, Saba Khan, Mohammad Mustufa Khan | Association Of Fructosamine And Hba1c In Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients | Abstract of 44th National Conference of Association of Clinical Biochemists of India (ACBICON 2017) | Lucknow | 31/12/2017 | 30/12/2017 | Association of Clinical Biochemists of India-2017 | View |
Sr No | Author Name | Title | Journal Name | Volume No | Issue No | Page No | Year Of Publication | Indexing | Impact Factor Name | Url |
1 | Saif Ali, Roshan Alam, Mohammad Kaleem Ahmad, Mukhtar Ahmad, Haseeb Ahsan, Mohammad Mustafa Khan and Saba Khan | Evaluation of serum adipokines (omentin-1 and visfatin) in coronary artery disease at a North Indian | Endocrine Regulations | 57 | 1 | 262-268 | 2023 | Scopus | 0.5 | View |
2 | Mohd Danish Khan, Mohammad Kaleem Ahmad, Roshan Alam, Geeta Jaiswal & Mohammad Mustufa Khan | Utility of Indian diabetes risk score for the screening of type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascul | International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries | 43 | 2 | | 2023 | Scopus | 1 | View |
3 | Shubhra Chowdhry1, Gyanendra Kumar Sonkar2, Priyanka Thapa Manger1, Mohammad Mustufa Khan3, Roshan Alam1, Saba Khan1 | To unravel the role of TCF7L2 (Transcription Factor 7 like 2) variants in type 2 diabetes mellitus | Biomedicine | 43 | 2 | 535-540 | 2023 | Scopus | 0.5 | View |
4 | Ahmad Merajul Hasan Inam, Mohd. Javed Iqbal, Ashfaque Khan, Abdur Raheem Khan, Mohammad Mustufa Khan1,2 | Effect of Exercise on Regulation of Adipokine and Sedentary Lifestyle Diseases: A Narrative Review | Indian Journal of Physical Therapy and Research | 5 | 1 | 24-31 | 2023 | Ugc Care List | 1 | View |
5 | Mohd Danish Khan , Mohammad Kaleem Ahmad , Roshan Alam , Saba Khan , Geeta Jaiswal , 4 5* Arjumand Jahan , Mohammad Mustufa Khan | Association of central obesity with risk factors for cardiovascular disease in North Indian populati | Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University | 12 | 2 | 81-93 | 2023 | Scopus | 0.21 | View |
6 | Keerti Rastogi1, 2, Saba Khan1 , Ausaf Ahmad3 , M. K. Ahmad4 , Sandhya Gautam2 , Durgesh Kumar4 , Mohammad Mustufa Khan5 , Roshan Alam | Role of oxidative stress and enzymatic antioxidants status in diabetic nephropathy (DN) patients- in | International Journal of Chemical and Biochemical Sciences (ISSN 2226-9614) | 23 | 1 | 275-280 | 2023 | Scopus | 0.5 | View |
7 | Keerti Rastogi1,2,3, Saba Khan1 , Mohammad Mustufa Khan4 , Ausaf Ahmad5 , M.K. Ahmad6 , Sandhya Gautam7 , Roshan Alam1 | Heavy Metal Induced Toxicity and Glutathione Enzyme Antioxidants Status in Diabetic Nephropathy: A C | International Journal of Chemical and Biochemical Sciences (ISSN 2226-9614) | 23 | 3 | 348-355 | 2023 | Scopus | SJR 0.12 | View |
8 | Amrendra Mani Patel, Saba Khan, Ahmad Merajul Hasan Inam, Roshan Alam & Mohammad Mustufa Khan | Determination of Serum Zinc and Phosphorus Levels in Patients with Hypothyroidism | Biological Trace Element Research | 201 | 10 | | 2023 | Scopus | 3.9 | View |
9 | Shubhra Chowdhry1 , Gyanendra Kumar Sonkar2 , Roshan Alam1 , Satyendra Kumar Sonkar3 , Mohd. Mustufa Khan4 , Saba Khan1* | TCF7L2 rs12255372 (G/T) Emergence as a Prospective Gene for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Predisposition | International Journal of Chemical and Biochemical Sciences (ISSN 2226-9614) | 23 | 1 | 61-68 | 2023 | Scopus | 0.5 | View |
10 | Mohd Danish Khan1 , Mohammad Kaleem Ahmad2 , Saba Khan1 , Roshan Alam1 , Geeta Jaiswal3 , Mohammad Mustufa Khan 4 | Association of Circulatory T-cadherin with the Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease in Patients w | International Journal of Chemical and Biochemical Sciences (ISSN 2226-9614) | 23 | 3 | 226-233 | 2023 | Scopus | 0.12 | View |
11 | Adiba Aasif, Roshan Alam, Haseeb Ahsan, Mohammad Mustufa Khan, Arshiya Khan and Saba Khan | 292This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Li | Endocrine Regulations | 57 | 1 | 292-303 | 2023 | Scopus | 0.5 | View |
12 | Deepanjali Verma1 , Rohit Kumar Srivastava2 , Ahmad Merajul Hasan Inam3 , Saba Khan1 , Roshan Alam1 and Mohammad Mustufa Khan4* | ESTIMATION OF SERUM TRANSAMINASE ENZYMES IN PATIENTS WITH HYPOTHYROIDISM | Biochemical and Cellular Archives | 23 | 2 | 817-821 | 2023 | Web of Science | 1 | View |
13 | Anmol Gupta, Priya Dubey, Manoj Kumar, Aditi Roy, Deeksha Sharma, Mohammad Mustufa Khan, Atal Bihari Bajpai, Ravi Prakash Shukla, Neelam Pathak and Mirza Hasanuzzaman | Consequences of Arsenic Contamination on Plants and Mycoremediation-Mediated Arsenic Stress Toleranc | Plants | 11 | 23 | 3220 | 2022 | Scopus | 4.66 | View |
14 | Mohd D Khan1, Mohammad K Ahmad2, Roshan Alam3, Saba Khan3, Geeta Jaiswal4, Mohammad M Khan5 | Association of circulatory adiponectin with the parameters of Madras Diabetes Research Foundation-In | Journal of Diabetology | 13 | 4 | 331-339 | 2022 | Web of Science | 1 | View |
15 | Mohd Danish Khan, Mohammad Kaleem Ahmad, Roshan Alam, Fahad Khan, Mohammad Mustufa Khan | Circulatory T-cadherin is a potential biomarker for atherosclerosis | Biomedicine | 42 | 3 | 417-421 | 2022 | Scopus | Scopus | View |
16 | Bhawana Singhal, Pratibha Pandey, Fahad Khan, Sujeet Kumar Singh, Tarun Kumar Upadhyay, Vijay Jagdish Upadhye, Mohammad Mustufa Khan | In vitro Elucidation of Antiproliferative and Apoptotic Effects of Thymol against Prostate Cancer LN | Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry | 12 | 1 | 1279 - 1289 | 2022 | Web of Science | Scopus | View |
17 | Divya Mishra, Roshan Alam, Mohammad Kaleem Ahmed, Pulak Raj, Saba Khan, Mustafa Khan | RAGE and Serum Copeptin Act as a Potential Biomarker for Chronic Kidney Disease with and without Typ | Indian Journal of Medical Biochemistry | 25 | 3 | 131-134 | 2021 | Not Index In Scopus / UGC Care | Index Copernicus | View |
18 | Mohd Danish Khan, Mohammad Kaleem Ahmad, Pulak Raj, Mohammad Mustufa Khan | ASSOCIATION OF ADIPONECTIN & T- CADHERIN WITH CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE – A REVIEW ARTICLE | Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research | 12 | 3 | 1862-68 | 2021 | Scopus | Scopus | View |
19 | Ahmad S, Jahan N, Ahmad SS, Singh N, Khatoon R | A retrospective study of antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of aerobic microbial isolates from uri | Journal of Medical and Scientific Research | 9 | 1 | 5-10 | 2021 | Not Index In Scopus / UGC Care | Index Copernicus Values | View |
20 | Piyush Kumar, Manzoor Ahmed Thoker, Mohammad Asad Haroon, Sharique Ali | Study of Dermatophytosis in Tinea Cruris Patients Attending OPD of Dermatology & V.D. Department at | International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) | 9 | 10 | 1631-36 | 2020 | Not Index In Scopus / UGC Care | 0 | View |
21 | Mishra M, Tiwari D, Khan MM | A study on serum total bilirubin and uric acid in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus. | Int J Pharm Sci & Res | 11 | 11 | 5884-89 | 2020 | Web of Science | Scopus | View |
22 | Md. Faisal Iqubal, Saba Khan, Mushir Ahmad, Roshan Alam, Mohammad Mustufa Khan, V. K. Srivastava and Gauhar Hussain | CORRELATION OF MALONDIALDEHYDE AND SUPEROXIDE DISMUTASE IN SMOKERS OF NORTH INDIAN POPULATION | Biochemical and Cellular Archives | 20 | 1 | 47-54 | 2020 | Scopus | Scopus | View |
23 | Mohammad Mustufa Khan, Gyanendra Kumar Sonkar, Roshan Alam, Sudhir Mehrotra, M. Salman Khan, Ajay Kumar, Satyendra Kumar Sonkar | Validity of Indian Diabetes Risk Score and its association with body mass index and glycosylated hem | Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care | 6 | 2 | 366-73 | 2017 | Scopus | Scopus | View |
24 | Mohammad Mustufa Khan, Gyanendra Kumar Sonkar, Roshan Alam, Sangeeta Singh, Sudhir Mehrotra and Satyendra Kumar Sonkar | Association of ADIPOQ Gene Variant Rs266729 with Circulatory Adiponectin levels in Patients with typ | Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal | 10 | 1 | 407-17 | 2017 | Scopus | Scopus | View |
Book Chapter