Faculty Members

(A great team of professional teachers and speakers)

Mr. Mohammad Zakaullah Zaka (HOD, Mechanical (Production) Engg.)
(Assistant Professor-HOD)
Email : zaka@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Industrial & Production Engineering, Arc Welding
Subject Taught : Machine Tool Technology & Maintenance, Elementary Workshop Technology, Thermal Engineering, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning

Dr Khwaja Moeed
(Associate Professor)
Email : moeed@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Production Engineering
Subject Taught : Production Engineering, Manufacturing Science &Welding Technology

Mr. Abdul Sajid (HOD, Electronics Engineering)
(Assistant Professor)
Email : msajid@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Microcontroller & Embedded System
Subject Taught : Advanced Microprocessor & Microcontroller, Digital Electronics

Mr. Mohd. Majid Khan (HOD, Mechanical (Automobile) Engg.)
Email : majid@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Abrasive wear characteristics and Tribology
Subject Taught : Dynamics of Machines, Refrigeration and air conditioning, Thermal Engineering, Applied Mechanics, Manufacturing Processes, Elementary electrical & mechanical engineering

Mr. Abid Shakeel (HOD, Civil Engg./ Civil (CMS) Engg./ Arch.)
Email : abidsh@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Environmental Engineering
Subject Taught : Surveying-II, Concrete Technology-I, Public Health Engineering, Irrigation Engineering, Estimating Costing &Valuation, Building Materials

Dr. Md. Ibrahim (HOD, Electrical Engg.)
Email : ibrahime@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Power Electronics & Renewable Energy Grid Integration
Subject Taught : Electrical Machines, Power Electronics, Power Plant Engineering, Power System

Mr. Irfan Ahmad Khan (Incharge, Applied Physics)
(Senior Lecturer)
Email : irfank@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Condensed Matter Physics, Vibrational Dynamics and Polymeric System
Subject Taught : Applied Physics, Solid State Physics, Electronics, Laser, Applied Physics (A), Applied Physics (B), Engineering Physics, Classical mechanics, Quantum Physics, Nuclear Physics

Dr. Rida Sagheer (Incharge, Applied Chemistry)
Email : ridas@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Isolation of Natural compound, analytical techniques: UV vis , IR , NMR
Subject Taught : Applied Chemistry A: Chemical Bonding, Electrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Co-ordination compounds, Solid State chemistry, Applied Chemistry B: Organic compounds and their reaction mechanism, Polymers, Fuels and refining of petroleum.

Dr. Preeti Shukla (Incharge, Applied Mathematics)
Email : spreeti@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Functional Analysis, Variational Inequalities, Equillibrium problems, Wiener Hopf Equations.
Subject Taught : Applied Mathematics-I, Applied Mathematics-II, Business Mathematics, Business Statistics, Elementary Mathematics-I, Elementary Mathematics-II, Numerical Methods, Engineering Mathematics-I.

Ms. Shibli Meraj (Incharge, Architecture)
Email : shibli@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Architecture, Basic Design, Visual Communication, Construction Technology, Building Services, Landscape design
Subject Taught : Architecture Design-III, Technical Drawing, Architectural Graphics, Building Services- Water Supply, Sanitation, Building Services- Mechanical, Electrical & Lighting, Arch. Software – CADD, Landscape Design, Modern History, Town Planning

Ms. Zeenat Fatima
(Assistant Professor)
Email : zeenatf@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Production & Industrial Engineering, Manufacturing
Subject Taught : Material Science, Manufacturing Process, Production Technology, Thermal Engineering, Workshop Technology, Element of Mechanical Engineering

Mr. Amir Javed
(Assistant Professor)
Email : amirja@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Structural Engineering
Subject Taught : Earthquake Engineering, Concrete Technology, Building Material

MD. Shakibul Haque
(Senior Lecturer)
Email : mshaque@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Production Technology, Welding of plastics
Subject Taught : Applied Mechanics, Theory of Machine, Mechanical Engineering Drawing

Mohd Saad Saleem
(Senior Lecturer)
Email : saad@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Tribology and Production Engineering
Subject Taught : Applied mechanics, Hydraulics, CAD/CAM, Automobile Engine, Material Science

Mr. Mohammad Shahabuddin
Email : mshahab@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Instrumentation & Control, Renewable Energy
Subject Taught : Electrical Instruments and Measurements, Installation, Maintenance & Repair of Electrical Machines, Basic Electrical, Basic Electronics Engineering

Virendra Kumar Maurya
Email : virendra@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Analysis of Sprue Design with help of CFD
Subject Taught : Applied mechanics, mechanics of solid, hydraulic and hydraulic machine, Elementary Mechanical and Civil Engineering

Mr. Mohd Zafaruddin Khan
Email : mdzafar@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : CAD, CAM, Production & Industrial Engineering
Subject Taught : Computer Aided Design & Manufacturing, Metrology & Quality Control, Engineering Drawing, Elements of Mechanical Engineering, Applied Mechanics, Thermal Engineering

Dr. Shamim Ahmad Khan
Email : shamimak@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Synthesis and study on optical properties of transition metal oxide nanoparticles and alkalititanate ceramics
Subject Taught : Applied Chemistry A: Chemical Bonding, Electrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Co-ordination compounds, Solid State chemistry, Applied Chemistry B: Organic compounds and their reaction mechanism, Polymers, Fuels and refining of petroleum. Nanofabrication, Optical biosensors, Nanomedicine and Molecular machines

Mr. Mohd. Zubair
Email : zubair@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Power System, Electrical Machines
Subject Taught : Power System, Electrical Machines, Electrical Instruments and Measurements

Mr. Mohd. Sibghatullah
Email : msibgat@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Production Engineering
Subject Taught : Engineering Drawing, Material Science, Metrology and Quality Control, Industrial Engineering, Elementary Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

Mr. Abdul Khaliq
Email : khaliq@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : : Industrial Engineering, Friction Stir Welding
Subject Taught : Industrial Engineering and Safety, Mechanics of solids, Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machines, Automobile Engine, Thermal Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Drawing.

Mr. Mohammad Usama Kidwai
Email : usama@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Instrumentation & Control, Renewable Energy
Subject Taught : Power Plant Engineering, Basic Electrical Engineering, Basic Electronics Engineering, Electrical Instruments and Measurements

Mr. Abdussalam
Email : salam@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Electrical Machines, Control System, Power Electronics
Subject Taught : Electrical Machines, Control System, Basic Electrical Engineering

Mr. Mohd Afzal
Email : afzal@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Production & Industrial Engineering, Composite Material.
Subject Taught : Machine Tools Technology & Maintenance, Material Science, Elementary Workshop Technology, Engineering Drawin

Priyanchal Khare
Email : pkhare@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Wireless & Mobile Communication
Subject Taught : Wireless & Mobile Communication, Principle of Communication, Electronic Device & Circuits

Mr. Mohammad Haris Bin Anwar
Email : mhbanwar@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Basic Electronics Engineering, Instrumentation & Control
Subject Taught : Basic Electrical Engineering, Basic Electronics Engineering, Digital Electronics, Principle of Communication

Mr. Shariq Masood Khan
Email : shariqmk@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Structural Engineering
Subject Taught : Building Material, Concrete Technology, Hydraulics, Public Health Engineering, Transportation Engineering-I, Environmental Pollution and Control

Dr. Hiba Haroon
Email : hharoon@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Special functions, Matrix polynomials, Combinatorics, Analysis, p-adic integrals
Subject Taught : Applied Mathematics I, Applied Mathematics II, Laplace Transforms, Matrix Theory, Differential Calculus, Co-ordinate Geometry

Mr. Adarsh Mishra
Email : adarshm@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Structural Engineering
Subject Taught : Building Material, Concrete Technology, Hydraulics, Transportation Engineering, Environmental Pollution and Control, Environmental Education & Disaster Management, Construction Management & Accounts

Mr. Tushar Verma
Email : tusharv@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : : Instrumentation & Control, Measurement, Basic Electronics, Embedded System
Subject Taught : Basic Electronics, Electronics Instrument Measurement, Linear Integrated Circuit

Mr. Fazlur Rahman
Email : fazlurr@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Structural Engineering
Subject Taught : Building Material, Environment Pollution and Control, Environmental Education & Disaster Management, Construction Management & Accounts.

Mr. Mohammad Farhan
Email : mohdfarhan@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Structural Engineering
Subject Taught : Public Health Engineering-I, Environmental Education & Disaster Management , Hydraulics, Strength of Materials, Design of Steel & Masonary Structure

Ms. Nazneen Fatima
Email : nfatima@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Linear Algebra, Numerical Analysis, Differential Equation, Calculus of Variation, Differential Geometry.
Subject Taught : Applied Mathematics-I, Applied Mathematics-II

Mr. Anas Mirza Baig
Email : anasbaig@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Production and Industrial engineering
Subject Taught : Manufacturing Processes, Applied Mechanics, Workshop Technology, Mechanics of solids, Elementary Mechanical Engineering, Material science

Ms. Amreen
Email : amreen@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Architecture Design, Interior Design, History of Architecture and Climatic Studies
Subject Taught : Architectural design, Fundamentals of architecture, Design with climate, Building contract, Interior design, Estimation and costing, History of architecture, Structure design

Mr. Faheemuz Zafar
Email : faheemuz@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Structural Engineering
Subject Taught : Transportation Engineering-I, Design of Reinforced concrete Structure-I & II, Irrigation Engineering, Building Materials

Dr. Nazia Iqbal
Email : naziai@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Ion exchange chromatography, Synthesis of surfactant based hybric ion exchange chromatography.
Subject Taught : Applied Chemistry A: Chemical Bonding, Electrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Co-ordination compounds, Solid State chemistry, Applied Chemistry B: Organic compounds and their reaction mechanism, Polymers, Fuels and refining of petroleum.

Dr. Mohammad Rashid
Email : rashidm@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : English Language and Communication, Contemporary Literary Theories and Criticism, Comparative and World Literature, Indian Literature in English
Subject Taught : Professional Communication, English Language and Skills, History of English Literature and Functional Skills in English

Shahzeb Khan
Email : shahzeb@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Architecture and Planning
Subject Taught : Architecture Design, Building Construction, Estimation, Graphics, Interior Design

Mohd Faiz
Email : mohdfaiz@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Java, Python, Android, Web development
Subject Taught : C, Java, >Net, Computer Graphics & Animation, PPL

Samra Siddiqui
Email : samras@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Web development, IT, Python, Cyber Security
Subject Taught : FIT, MIS, Computer Architecture & Microprocessor, E-Commerce, Cyber Law

Salman Ali
Email : asalman@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Web Designing, Python, Java
Subject Taught : Data Structure, DBMS, Computer Networks, Web Technology, Cyber Security

Vanshika Chauhan
Email : vanshika@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Web page designing, DBMS, OS
Subject Taught : Computer hardware & maintenance, PPL, Computer Graphics & Animation, OOPS, Software Engg.

Sayba Bi
Email : sayba@iul.ac.in
Area of Expertise : Data Structure, Cyber Security
Subject Taught : Cyber Law, Programming in C & C++, Internet & Web Page Designing