
The Vision of the Department is :

  • To lead the teeming millions of the world through the wilderness of ignorance and illiteracy, as "Kindly Light" (Exodus 13:21) with the resounding divine proclamation "Read: Thy Lord is the most bounteous (Quran 30:96:3)." and to educate them in the most constructive and Innovative way.
  • To inculcate a spirit of confidence, self-respect and firm commitment in students along with farsighted wisdom and understanding.
  • To integrate the ebullience, intellect and dynamism of youth with decency, decorum, discipline and dedication through value-based quality education.


The Mission of the Department is :

  • To make every student a role model of intellectuals and torch bearers for others all over the world through his / her inspiring existence.
  • To make India a self-reliant and dominant G-1 country, recognized for quality education, higher economic growth and valuable moral practices.

Department Information

Principal Dr. Intezar Mahdi
Contact(Ext. No.) 7011
Admissions Email
Admissions Call +91-9335177775

Contact Information

Polytechnic Block – IV, Integral University,
Dasauli, Bas-ha Kursi Road,
Lucknow(U.P.) – 226026

0522- 2890730, 2890812