ICCCTES 2018 - International Conference on Computer Science, Technology, and Engineering | Integral University Lucknow


15 Sep, 2018 |Facebook |Twitter |Email |

Researchers from UK, Malaysia and India together at Integral University’s ICCCTES-2018

Three prominent departments of Integral University together hosted an International Conference to facilitate and ruminate on the Research work going on through the world.

Integral’s Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Physics, jointly organized the International Conference on Computational and Characterization Techniques in Engineering and Sciences".
The Conference participants across the world from Germany, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Saudi Arab and from different states of India shared their reputed work in the fields of Advanced Computing Software Engineering , Data Communication and Signal Processing, Electronics and Communication, Renewable and Sustainable Energy and Cyber security and many other contemporary subjects of interest.

Dr. Khalid Khan, Lead Functional Architect from Derby, United Kingdom interacted with the faculties and students to discuss System Engineering’s approach to develop, integrate, inter-operate and together accomplish the outcomes of an operating System. “Practical World Problems can only be solved when different streams of a University come together and ponder over it through Researches” he said.
Another International guest and resource person to the Conference, Prof. Ing Sian Lun, Associate Dean, Academics from Malaysia shared exciting idea on rise of technology such as Clouds, analytics and Internet of things. He said “The new way of looking at the development of smart cities is to incorporate sustainability into everything surrounding it.”

Dr. Syed Nadeem Akhtar, Dean, Engineering and Director of Planning and Research expressed his immense contentment with the various department of the University coming together and providing such vast exposure to Integralites from the outside world. He further reiterated that these multi Dynamic congregate of best research work in the field of Science will fuel more innovative ideas and help the students enjoy their craft.

Developing the academic strengths and keeping the University, top of the game, Integral concluded the 2 day ICCCTES-2018 on Saturday, 16th-Sept.