Quality Academicians Leading Educational Excellence | Integral University Lucknow


14 Sep, 2018 |Facebook |Twitter |Email |

Quality Academicians Lead to Quality Education and fosters academic Leadership.

“If students are the bright future, Teachers are the sparkling present” reinforces the Center for Academic Leadership and Education, Management (CALEM) at the Academic Leadership Program held at Integral University, Lucknow, during 7th- 13th September.

Prof. Syed Aqeel Ahmad, Director, Human Resource Development Center, Integral emphasized the essence of equipping the educators with the latest pedagogies, technologies and social behavior tactics, to not just excel as professionals but also to continue having a keen interest in their subjects.

Various topics like the Role of Green Campus Universities, the art of Science and Motivation and Emotional Intelligence for Academic Administrators, Internationalization of Education and other intriguing topics were elaborated and discussed in the 7 days Training Program for faculty heads and administrators from all around India.

The Academic Leadership Program has been a frequent event at Integral University to provide a boost to the faculty and administration with the required tutelage of the government and the experts in the industry. It is to deal with the many aspects that make the job of academicians for the higher Education challenging and different from that of other professionals.
“EQ plays a greater role than IQ in escalating the ladder of success. Maintaining a balance emotionally at the workplace can be a difficult and stressful task, but those with high emotional intelligence are better equipped to understand differing perspectives, solve problems, and inspire cooperation” claimed Prof. T Usmani, Senior Academician, and Proctor, Integral University in his session on Emotional intelligence for academic administrators.

Dr. Mukul Shrivastava, Head, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Lucknow spoke on “Managing effective public relations and building the instructional brand” and Effective Communication with key external stakeholders. In his sessions, he emphasized on e-learning and e-resources for academic leadership. He encouraged the participants to be serious about the paradigm shift in the modern-day education system and medium. Dr. Shrivastava said that by using proven public relations tools and activities, you can promote positive attitudes and behaviors towards your institutes and that will help students to attract as an excellent place to be educated. He also mentioned the powerful prudent use of social media, can help academicians in their noble profession.

Prof. Nadeem Khalil, Professor of Environmental Engineering in the Department of Civil Engineering, AMU, Aligarh who is holding 4 major collaborative research projects, out of which 3 are internationally funded spoke on & Creating a Green Campus: Experiential Lessons and insights from SWINGS –AMU. AMU is within the bilateral agreement in between the Government of India and Government of European Commission, an international call was announced for project proposals to address water challenges and preparedness in India to face the crisis by 2030.) and reflected on the civil engineering and its green substance preservation in the times of water crisis. He talked about the technology of the rejuvenation of the river Ganges and other Indian rivers and lakes and their preservations. He told that he is also involved in consultancy assignments for Municipal and Industrial necessities and is panel advisor for River and Lakes Conservation Programs including Rejuvenation of Ganges. He added that the SWINGS project aimed to develop deploy optimized schemes for low-cost wastewater management (municipal wastewater) in order to make full use of water resources (irrigation, cleaning, public and /or private demands, aquaculture farm feed) and to maximize energy savings for rural areas and community levels.

Prof. Anoop Kumar Saxena, Dean Management Studies is his riveting sessions on “Distributed leadership and diffusion of authority for effective governance” and “Managing student activism” brought up the real-life incidences and issues and the real role of academic leaders to combat it.

“This was indeed another successful event held by HRDC, Integral University under the aegis of UGC-HRDC Aligarh Muslim University, with the banner of Centre for Academic Leadership and Education Management (CALEM), Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, and the University enriches itself with each such event because “He who takes the initiative is the real Leader” commented Prof. Aqil Ahmad, Vice-Chancellor (Acting) Integral University.