Day 1 ( 5th November, 2020)
Plenary Session |
Dr. Leslie Ramos Salazar |
West Texas A&M University, USA |
The Rise of Cyberbullying in the Technology Age |
Click Here |
She has given unmatched informative content regarding cyberbullying through presenting real-world facts and
figures of social networking giants like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. And mentioned about the
dark side of these social networking facilitations and offered high-class suggestive measures to get rid of
enormous challenges and issues.
Invited Talk 1 |
Prof. Balasubramanian Raman |
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee |
Application of Machine/Deep Learning in Vision and Imaging |
Click Here |
He discussed Brain Computer Interface, Human Action Recognition based on Deep Learning
Applications and explained about Smart houses equipped with digital items. He also highlighted the notion of Electroencephalography
(EEG) which is a monitoring method to record the electrical activity of the brain and which is a wearable headset positioning
noninvasive electrodes along the scalp.
Invited Talk 2 |
Dr. Vishal Krishna Singh |
Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Lucknow |
Machine Learning, Bias and Fairness |
Click Here |
He conveyed his knowledge about Machine Learning and its various challenges and issues.
And discussed fairness in ML, how it is considered when its result is independent of given variables, especially sensitive one such
as the trait of individuals which should not correlate with the outcome.
Day 2 (6th November, 2020)
Invited Talk 3 |
Dr. Abhishek Vaish |
Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Allahabad |
Cyber security: The changing Landscape and Research Opportunities |
Click Here |
He talked about different types of cybercrime with suitable examples and cyber
security with its allied challenges and issues. With comparison of all kinds of conventional and recent cyber security measures
he elaborated social engineering and its different types.
Invited Talk 4 |
Dr. Saurabh Shukla |
Data Science Institute, National University of Ireland (NUIG) |
Application of Fog Computing in Healthcare Internet of Things |
Click Here |
He presented his analysis regarding the quality of e-health services and
explained Simulator Tools that have been proposed to minimize computational latency accessing time sensitive health data
Day 3 (7th November, 2020)
Invited Talk 5 |
Dr. Alam Nawaz |
Yeungnam University, Republic of South Korea |
Smart Human Interface for Water Treatment Plant |
Click Here |
He discussed his experiences during the experiments and developed the proper
solution as software named ANAMMOX. And explained how the SCADA system controls the WWT plant and reduced uncertain problems.
Invited Talk 6 |
Dr. Haider Raza |
University of Essex, United Kingdom |
Brain-Computer Interfacing |
Click Here |
He explained how through EEG cap human brain signals are read, converted
and passed to computer systems and any kind of neurological disorder or brain related task can be accomplished.