
5 – 7 November, 2020 |Facebook |Twitter |Email |

International Symposium (Virtual Mode)
“Recent Advancements in Information and Communication Technology”

We have entered an era where everyone's concerns are contributions to the well-being of others. These concerns are the premises on which the Department of Computer Application has put their domain centric step towards Digital India initiative where all innovative extra-curricular activities like organizing symposium, quizzes, workshops, FDPs & SDPs executes on ground pitch through electronic platforms. It's a matter of great pride that the has successfully organized a three-day long International E-Symposium on "Recent Advancements in Information and Communication Technology" , RAICT-2020 in association with the Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE), Institute of Engineers India (IEI), and technically co-sponsored by Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Uttar Pradesh Section. Through this symposia the department has introduced an online public forum where notable speakers, passionate faculty members, afresh researchers and interested participants virtually linked altogether for sharing their opinions and philosophies in their respective fields. The theme of this symposium is rightly anchored with the current scenario, as ICT is being used in all the areas of education, and entwined with educational practices. The eminent speakers from International and National institutions of repute graced this E-Symposium and 117 abstracts were received for publication in E-Souvenir ( https://bit.ly/RAICT_2020_E-Souvenir ). The presenters have given Oral Presentations through Google Meet platform in various tracks.

The Inaugural Session (https://bit.ly/RAICT_2020_InauguralSession) commenced with fresh spirit by Ms. Nashra Javed, Organizing Secretary RAICT. Dr. Mohammad Faisal, Organizing Chair RAICT & Head Computer Application delivered the welcome address. The event was graced with the presence of Honourable Pro-Chancellor Integral University & Chief Guest, Dr. Syed Nadeem Akhtar, addressed the virtual gathering and welcomed Guest of Honour, Dr. Leslie Ramos Salazar from the USA. In presence of all dignitaries the event progressed by the virtual launch of RAICT 2020 E-Souvenir and session concluded with the vote of thanks by Dr. Sandeep Kumar Nayak, Convener RAICT.

Day 1 ( 5th November, 2020)
  Plenary Session
   Dr. Leslie Ramos Salazar    West Texas A&M University, USA    The Rise of Cyberbullying in the Technology Age    Click Here
She has given unmatched informative content regarding cyberbullying through presenting real-world facts and figures of social networking giants like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. And mentioned about the dark side of these social networking facilitations and offered high-class suggestive measures to get rid of enormous challenges and issues.
  Invited Talk 1
   Prof. Balasubramanian Raman    Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee    Application of Machine/Deep Learning in Vision and Imaging    Click Here
He discussed Brain Computer Interface, Human Action Recognition based on Deep Learning Applications and explained about Smart houses equipped with digital items. He also highlighted the notion of Electroencephalography (EEG) which is a monitoring method to record the electrical activity of the brain and which is a wearable headset positioning noninvasive electrodes along the scalp.
  Invited Talk 2
  Dr. Vishal Krishna Singh    Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Lucknow    Machine Learning, Bias and Fairness    Click Here
He conveyed his knowledge about Machine Learning and its various challenges and issues. And discussed fairness in ML, how it is considered when its result is independent of given variables, especially sensitive one such as the trait of individuals which should not correlate with the outcome.
Day 2 (6th November, 2020)
  Invited Talk 3
  Dr. Abhishek Vaish    Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Allahabad    Cyber security: The changing Landscape and Research Opportunities    Click Here
He talked about different types of cybercrime with suitable examples and cyber security with its allied challenges and issues. With comparison of all kinds of conventional and recent cyber security measures he elaborated social engineering and its different types.
  Invited Talk 4
  Dr. Saurabh Shukla    Data Science Institute, National University of Ireland (NUIG)    Application of Fog Computing in Healthcare Internet of Things    Click Here
He presented his analysis regarding the quality of e-health services and explained Simulator Tools that have been proposed to minimize computational latency accessing time sensitive health data
Day 3 (7th November, 2020)
  Invited Talk 5
  Dr. Alam Nawaz    Yeungnam University, Republic of South Korea    Smart Human Interface for Water Treatment Plant    Click Here
He discussed his experiences during the experiments and developed the proper solution as software named ANAMMOX. And explained how the SCADA system controls the WWT plant and reduced uncertain problems.
  Invited Talk 6
  Dr. Haider Raza    University of Essex, United Kingdom    Brain-Computer Interfacing    Click Here
He explained how through EEG cap human brain signals are read, converted and passed to computer systems and any kind of neurological disorder or brain related task can be accomplished.

Valedictory Session (https://bit.ly/RAICT_2020_ValedictorySession) started with the invited talk on "IoT and Sensor Based System for Agriculture Evaluation" by an eminent scientist Prof. Dharmendra Singh, from Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee. Honorable Vice Chancellor Integral University, Prof. Aqil Ahmad, addressed the guest, encouraged the participants to get benefited from these kinds of events and also appreciated the efforts taken by the Organizing Committee for the smooth conduct of symposia. Guest of Honor, Prof. Dharmendra Singh motivated our faculty members, students and participants with his words of wisdom and Dean, Faculty of Doctoral Studies & Research & Dean, Faculty of Computer Application, Prof. T. Usmani, thanked the guest for his valuable presence. The symposium concluded through Vote of Thanks by Dr. Tasneem Ahmed, Convener RAICT and closing remarks by Ms. Nashra Javed, Organizing Secretary RAICT.

Best Presenter Award in Oral Presentation

Abstract Title
Jaya Bhimrao Dabarase Women’s College of Home Science & BCA, Maharashtra Role of ICT in Covid-19 Pandemic
Sandhya Satyarthi Department of Information Technology, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow IoT Risk Assessment: Risk identification and Elimination For Security of IoT Devices
Gausiya Yasmeen Department of Computer Application, Integral University, Lucknow Succour in Health Industry: IoMT
Yusra Khalil Department of Computer Application, Integral University, Lucknow Road-Map To Full Stack Web Development
Atika Fatma Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Integral University, Lucknow An Accurate Study of the Quality of Health Coinciding with the Process of Handwriting

The invited talks delivered by the distinguished speakers will certainly convey probable awareness and constructive support of ICT over teaching and research and will positively empower us to align with current technologies.