The signing of this MOU will provide new opportunities for
Integral University, Lucknow students and Sher-e-Kashmir
University of Agriculture Sciences and Technology of
Kashmir (SKUAST-K) sponsored candidates, as well as
regular in-service scientists and technical staff of the
SKUAST-K, to pursue Ph.D. degrees in the subjects of
Agriculture/ Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry/
Horticulture/ Fisheries/ Forestry/ Agricultural Engineering
& Technolog In accordance with the guidelines
established by statutory funding agencies, Integral
University, Lucknow, and SKUAST-K, Kashmir, will apply
for collaborative projects to national and international
funding agencies. In addition to the regular degree
programme, the SKUAST-K will offer Integral University,
Lucknow students and faculty short-term training in their
areas of specialisation.