The said MOU, in two original copies,was printed on a 100 Rupees stamp paper, by
Integral University, in the presence of Prof. S.W Akhtar, Chancellor, Integral
University, Lucknow, Prof. Tapas K. Kundu, Director, CSIR-CDRI, Lucknow, Prof. Aqil
Ahmad, Vice Chancellor (Acting), Dr. I.U Khan, Registrar, Integral University,
Lucknow, Prof. Abdur Rahman Khan, Controller of Examinations, Integral University,
Lucknow, Dr. Mohd Haris Siddiqui, Director, Admissions and Academics, Integral
University, Lucknow and other CDRI delegates.
The MOU will pave ways of opportunities for both the organizations, a partnership
which will enrich and enhance the scholars for the betterment of everyone.
Winners of various activities, conducted on the occasion of National Science Day,
were awarded. Students of all the departments of the University actively
participated in various competitions of essay writing, quiz, oral and poster
presentations. The enthusiasm and interest shown by the students really boosts
their confidence to build a carrier in the field of Science. The National Science day is
therefore observed by Integral University as an annual feature to accelerate the pace
of the development in Science and its related fields.
The vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. Rolee Sharma, HOD, Department of
Biosciences which was followed by the National Anthem.