Department of bioengineering hosts its very own sophisticated library, supported by Central library in the University Campus to cater the ever growing needs and scientific desire of the students, research scholars and teachers. the library is well equipped with the availability of book periodicals manuscript. thesis electronic journal scientific magazines, research notes and newspaper. It has LAN and wireless internet facility. Currently, a total 1142 Biotechnology related books are available in the library. About half a dozen copies are available for each of the following essential books: Principles of biochemistry by lehninger, immunology by Kuby, molecular biology of the cell by Albert's, Bioinformatics by Rastogi,Food microbiology by frazier, food chemistry by fennema, by S Manay, and many more text and competitive books. The library can easily accommodate 60 students including the library staff. the quality of the book collection of the articles, The supporting staff and specifically the atmosphere for studying are even bearer for making this library a complete library in its own kind.
Microbiological Engineering Lab is highly sophisticated, well equipped and spacious as per required research facility and routine experimental work. The laboratory text & facilities have been designed to guide the students through basic microbiology techniques, procedure & experiment. The microbiological engineering lab is well equipped with essential instruments like automatic autoclave, incubation & separate laminar air flow with aseptic chamber, binocular microscope and electronic balance, compound microscope, hot plate and water bath etc.
Bioengineering Department have very sophisticated Bioinformatics Laboratory, with 60 advance computer systems all are well equipped with the Educational Bioinformatics Softwares, in this laboratory B.Tech, M.Tech, M.Sc and B.Sc. students learn and develop the knowledge and relation between biology and Information Sciences. Basically students learn here the fundamental principles of PROTIOMICS and GENOMICS, which make help the students to understand the advanced Biology in the term of in-silico approaches.
The Molecular Biology laboratory is a well equipped laboratory with all the necessary instruments for Molecular Biology experiments, like Vertical and Horizontal Gel electrophoresis Unit, Colorimeter, Cooling Centrifuge and Autoclave, Vortex Shaker, Magnetic Stirrer, pH Meter, Double Distillation Unit, U.V Transilluminator, Water Bath, -20 Defreeze and all important chemical, reagents and its associated KITs. Hands- on training on experiments like DNA and RNA isolation from plant, animal, bacterial (Genomic and Plasmid) and their estimation, Qualitative Quantitative analysis of DNA, Visualization of DNA from Electrophoresis technique, amplification of DNA through Thermal Cycler and Random amplification of Polymorphic DNA, restriction digestion is given to the students so that they understand the important aspects of the subject.
It is a well equipped lab with all the necessary instruments for genetic engineering practicals, like vertical and horizontal gel electrophoresis unit, UV-Vis spectrophotometer, Cooling Centrifuge and Autoclave. Hands- on training on experiments like DNA and RNA isolation and their estimation, competent cell preparation, transformation, restriction digestion is given to the students so that they understand the important aspects of the subject.
Bioengineering department has well established and sophisticated Computational Biology lab of 30 advanced computer systems for M.Tech (Bioinformatics) students and Research Scholars along with a Workstation for supporting high throughput calculations. The lab jointly supports the Windows and Linux platforms for advance research.
Bioinformatics interface computer science and molecular biology with the goal of storing, organizing and analyzing biological information. Research at Computational biology lab includes developing efficient and scalable algorithms for biomolecular simulation and applying data mining, statistical machine learning, natural language processing, information retrieval to analyze and mine all kind of biological data, including DNA sequences, protein sequences and structures and biological literature for the purpose of facilitating biological discovery. Scholars use mathematical modeling, simulation, and statistical analysis to gain a fundamental understanding of biological processes.
The purpose of Central Instrumentation Facility (CIF) is to provide easy access to all the students/researchers for using sophisticated instruments. All the scholars/trainees enrolled at the university enjoy free access to all the advanced instruments under the supervision of competent instructors and faculty. We believe in unhindered propagation of research. Hence, access to all the instruments of CIF is provided to external students/scholars/researchers as well after obtaining due approval from the competent authorities. The CIF is well equipped with all the basic as well as advanced instruments such as Gel Doc System (Biorad),Vertical Laminar Flow Hood, Incubators, UV-fluorescence analysis cabinet, Double-beam Spectrophotometer, PCR machines, refrigerators, deep freezers, cooling centrifuge, orbital shaking incubator, Autoclaves and Digital oven, to name a few.
Integral University offers experienced professional staff and state-of-art fermentation facility. The fermentation facility in the department of Bioengineering has been set up to promote research and development. It provides researchers a platform to study their work in a fermenter equipped with various control devices, which could add application and meaning to their research work.
The lab. has produced results for modelling and optimization of various parameters of a bioprocess. Various processes ranging from production of antibiotics, enzymes and various other metabolites to cell cultures are being performed regularly in this lab.
The Department of Bioengineering has a well-equipped Immunology lab. We don’t claim to have the most sophisticated instruments of the world, yet we are proud to say that we are in possession of quality instructors and faculty. The enthusiasm of the students flavored with the dedication of instructors and teaching staff coupled with the availability of all necessary instruments and chemicals is working wonders. Dot-blot, Elisa, Immunodiffusion etc. are routinely performed here. Immunology lab is equipped with vertical autoclave, binocular microscope, compound microscope, digital colorimeter, hot air oven, refrigerators, incubator shaker, UV-spectrophotometer, Elisa reader and cooling centrifuge to give a glimpse of advanced research possibilities at this modest lab.
The seeds of Nigella sativa Linn. commonly known as black seed or black cumin, are used in folk medicine all over the world for the treatment and prevention of a number of diseases. Regarding this Plant Tissue Culture Research Laboratory, Department of Bioengineering, Integral University, Lucknow is working on Nigella sativa Linn. germination since 2008. Standardization of seed germination in N. sativa and morphological studies in different phases of germination has been carried out. Estimation of biomolecules, antioxidant enzymes antimicrobial potential in different phases of germination has been reported in this laboratory and the work has been published in reputed journals.
This study was undertaken to explore the germination biochemistry of N. sativa seed. This work helped in a better understanding of the biochemical changes taking place in N. sativa seeds during different phases of germination. It gave an insight into the nutritional and medicinal and antimicrobial profile of this seed at various germination stages. Further, pharmacological activities of different germination phases have been evaluated such as anticancer effect of hepatocarcinoma cell line. Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and hepatoprotective activity of Nigella sativa L. extracts in different germination stages of seed was evaluated. Neurobehavioral activities: such as locomotor activity, antiepileptic activity and antidepressant activity of different extracts also study in Nigella sativa L. extracts in different germination stages of seed.
Plant tissue culture is a sunrise technology that is beneficial in accelerating large scale multiplication of secondary metabolites and conservation of the plant. The ongoing work in the laboratory deals with the study of bioactive metabolites in Nigella sativa Linn. using plant cell culture techniques. Keeping in mind, the pharmaceutical properties of these metabolites, the aim of this research work is to produce or rather enhance these metabolites using callus and suspension cultures of N. sativa further optimizing the suspension media using different statistical approaches with respect to production/enhancement of some of its pharmaceutically sound metabolites like thymoquinone, thymol etc. These cultures will be further examined for their bioactive properties. Basis of this work is our some extremely good and novel results on germination pharmacology of this very seed carried out in this lab which drew our minds towards extending the germination of the seeds so as to derive explants for the plant tissue culture. These studies will give a path to introduce new research in medical field.
The other important research work going on in the laboratory deals with the study of cyanobacteria. Various strains have been characterized for the morphological and biochemical properties in the presence of stress conditions like heavy metals, herbicides, pesticides and BTEX compounds. These strains could find potent applications for bioremediation and biofertilizer purposes. The most interesting research going on includes the study of UV-B tolerant strains of cyanobacteria which could be used to characterize UV-B protecting
The Department of Bioengineering has a well-equipped Food Product Development Laboratory along with experienced professional staff. we guide and support students to produce new food products, products already available in market and also trying to utilize the food industry byproducts to prepare novel value-added products. The major area of focus is utilization of novel food ingredients, developing total quality management system, nutrition labelling, sensory quality and shelf life studies. Shelf life studies of Food Products, Physio-chemical analysis is practiced regularly.
Food Analysis LabDepartmental Food Analysis Laboratory deals in analytical procedures for characterizing constituents and properties of food products. It helps to deduce chemical composition, structure physicochemical properties and sensory attributes. The objective of this Lab is to review the basic principles of the analytical procedures commonly used to analyze foods and to discuss their application to specific food components, e.g. lipids, proteins, water, carbohydrates and minerals.