
APRIL,2019 Commencement of New Session
MAY,2019 Ist Unit Test
AUGUST,2019 IInd Unit Test
SEPTEMBER,2019 Half-Yearly Examination
NOVEMBER,2019 IIIrd Unit Test
DECEMBER,2019 Ist Pre-Board Examination (Class X / XII )
JANUARY,2020 IInd Pre-Board Examination (Class X / XII )
FEBRUARY,2020 IVth Unit Test
MARCH,2020 Final Examination

Important Guidelines for Board Examinees (X/XII)
  • Prepare a time table for study. Keep in mind the subjects in which you are weak.
  • Revise each problem and question as given in the NCERT books.
  • Do not indulge in mindless cramming, stress on understanding the concept.
  • Reach the examination centre at least an hour before the commencement of the paper especially on the  first day, keeping time for unexpected delay.
  • Visit the wash room before entering the hall to avoid a break in concentration during the exam
During the Exam
  • Enter the exam hall equipped with the essentials-a geometry box, a pencil box with the required pencils,pens and eraser.
  • Remember no written material is allowed in the exam hall. Check your pockets to avoid unnecessary checks by the invigilator.
  • Make good use of 15 minute reading time.
  • Read the question paper thoroughly.
  • Keep 15 minutes for revision.
  • Attempt the paper in chronological order. Attempt those question you know the answer of first, leaving suitable gaps for those you will attempt later.
  • Presentation of the written matter is important.
  • Underline the headings and main points
  • Leave a line or two after each answer.
  • Use a pencil for the diagrams and label appropriately.
  • Concentrate and keep your eyes on your work. Avoid eye contact with other students.

Our Philosophy

Techno Academic Higher Secondary School is a humble endeavour to touch the heights of excellence in the field of education under the aegis of Integral University that has evolved over last seven decades with a spirit and a vision to excel.

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