- Each student must carry their identity card to school every day.
- Students who come to school on their own should reach the school before timings.
- Students are not allowed to bring mobile phone to school. If they do so, it will be confiscated.
- Students should be habitually clean and always neatly dressed. The school uniform should be worn on all working days and for all schools functions. Students who are slovently dressed or not in uniform will be sent home. Use of hair gel is not allowed. Wearing low waist trousers is forbidden.
- Lending or borrowing of money or other articles is not allowed.
- Parents and guardians may meet the teachers during the specified time.
- Office Bearers will wear their respective badges daily.
- Do not spoil or pluck flowers.
- No students shall indulge in any of the following practices,namely:
- Writing on the shirts or uniform.
- Spitting in or near the school building.
- Smoking
- Any form of gambling.
- Use of drugs or intoxicants, except or prescription by a registered medical practitioner.
- Rowdyism and rude behaviour.
- Use of violence in any form.
- Casteism,communalism or untouchability in any form.
- Bursting crackers or throwing colour on one another or painting faces withing the school premises.
- If a child has to be withdrawn from school, parents are requested to give one calender month's notice in writing, failing which one month's fee will charged in lieu thereof. Exception may be made in case of sudden transfer of Government or military personnel.
- Those who leave the school in May must pay the fee for the month of June.
- Transfer certificates for children withdrawn are not issued until all dues are settled.
- Students can be asked to leave the school on the following grounds:
- Disciplinary.
- Unsatisfactory progress in work.
- Detention or repeat detention in an class. As a rule only those students will be retained on the roll of the school who can take the school leaving examination under 18 years of age.
- A students who fails twice in the same class will not be permitted to continue his/her studies in the school.
- It is compulsory for all students to complete 75% attendance before every exam to make them eligible to sit for the examination. In case attendance is short, students, students will not be eligible for promotion /any acdemic award.
- Repeated absence without leave or unexplained absence for more than ten consecutive days renders the students liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls; readmission may be granted only on.
- All children are expected to attend school on the opening day after every vacation and must be present before closing for the vacation. Those absent because of sickness must present a medical certificate within 3 days of absence through Fax, a representative of School website. Boarders will not be given permission to leave the school before vacation. Students returning late will be charged a fine of Rs. 100/- for every day of absence from the Barding House
- child returning to school after suffering from an infectious or contagious disease should produce a fitness certificate from a doctor.
- Student suffering from any one of the following diseases must observe the prescribed period of quarantine before returning to class.
1. chicken pox- Till complete falling of scabs.
2. Cholera – Till the child is completely well.
3. Measles – Two weeks after the rash disappears.
4. Mumps – Until the swelling has gone.
5. Whooping cough – Six Weeks.
6. Jaundice – Six weeks.
Only those student will be put on duty who represent hte school while playing a tournament, a sport or participate in any other event. Any student, not representing the school, will have no such claim.