General Physics Lab
Students assigned the general laboratory work in first mid semester, will perform at least eight (08) experiments of the following:
- Determination of band gap of semiconductor from temperature dependence of resistivity using Four Probe Method.
- Determination of Brewster Angle and estimation of refractive index of the given transparent material.
- Estimate the diameter of the given wires using He-Ne laser.
- Estimate the wavelength of the He-Ne laser using the diffraction pattern formed due to the grooves of a scale.
- To determine specific rotation of a given solution at different wavelengths (or different solution at a given wavelength).
- Transfer characteristics of UJT & FET.
- Design of CE Amplifier.
- Design of Regulated Power Supply.
- Design of simple logic gates using transistors.
Programming and General Physics lab
Seminar and Project
Students assigned the programming and Condensed Matter Physics laboratory work for 2nd semester, will perform at least eight (08) experiments of the following: (04 from each unit).
Unit - A
- Solution of transcendental or polynomial equations by the Newton Raphson method.
- Linear curve fitting and calculation of linear correlation coefficient.
- Numerical integration using the Simpson’s method.
- Numerical first order differentiation of a given function.
- Matrix inversion and solution of simultaneous equation
Unit - B
- To determine resolving/dead time of a GM counter by double source method.
- Study of Hall Voltage as a function of probe current and magnetic field and determination of Hall Coefficient and carrier concentration in given sample.
- Preparation of nanocrystalline powder specimen by ball milling: analysis of their x-ray spectra and particle size estimation by Scherrer formula.
- Magnetic parameters of a magnetic material by hysteresis loop tracer.
- Dielectric constant of insulating and ferroelectric materials at room and elevated temperatures
Microprocessor & Electronics Lab
Students assigned the Microprocessor and Electronics laboratory work for 3rd semester, will perform at least eight (08) experiments of the following: (04 from each unit)
Unit - A
- Temperature to frequency conversion using a thermister and astable multivibrator circuit.
- Operational Amplifier characteristics using IC 741.
- Capacitance measurement using IC 555.
- Experiments on MUX, DEMUX, Decoder and shift register.
- JK Flip-Flop and up-down counter.
- Fiber optic communication.
Unit - B
- A/D converter interfacing and AC/DC voltage / current measurement using microprocessor 8085/8086.
- PPI 8251 interfacing with microprocessor for serial communication.
- D/A converter interfacing and frequency / temperature measurement with microprocessor 8085 / 8086
- Program of 8085/ 8086 to solve a Boolean Equation which rep. Combinational logic.
- Arithmetic operations using microprocessors 8085 / 8086
Seminar and Project