
(Programme Outcomes)

  • PO-1: Critical thinking: In-depth knowledge of the basic and applied areas of sciences. Capability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of major physics concepts, theoretical principles and experimental findings.
  • PO-2: Communication: Effective Communicate effectively on complex scientific activities with the concerned community in particular and with society in general, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations and give and receive clear instructions.
  • PO-3: Social Interaction: Comprehend to apply contextual multi-disciplinary knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, and cultural issues relevant to the science practices.
  • PO-4: Effective Citizenship: Imbibed moral and social values in personal and social life leading to highly cultured and civilized personality.
  • PO-5: Ethics: Students will be able to recognize the ethical component of complex situations acquired with an awareness of work ethics and ethical issues in scientific research as well as plagiarism policies.
  • PO-6: Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of science and need for sustainable development.
  • PO-7: Self-directed and Lifelong learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of scientific changes.

  • PO-1: Critical Thinking – Students will demonstrate an understanding of major concepts in all disciplines of sciences. Understand the basic concepts, fundamental principles and the scientific theories related to various scientific phenomena and their relevance in day-to-day life.
  • PO-2: Effective Communication – Development of various communication skills such as reading, listening, speaking etc., which will help in expressing ideas and views clearly and effectively.
  • PO-3: Social Interaction – Development of scientific outlook not only with respect to science subjects but also in all aspects related to life.
  • PO-4: Effective Citizenship – Imbibed moral and social values in personal and social life leading to highly cultured and civilized personality.
  • PO-5: Ethics – Follow the ethical principles and responsibilities to serve the society.
  • PO-6: Environment and Sustainability – Understand the issues of environmental contexts and sustainable development.
  • PO-7: Self-directed and Life Long Learning – Students will be capable of self - paced and self-directed learning aimed at personal development and improving knowledge/skill development.

  • PO-1: Discipline Specific Knowledge: Research and At the end of their PhD course, scholars should have a thorough knowledge of the literature and a comprehensive understanding of scientific methods and techniques applicable to their own research.
  • PO-2: Problem Analysis: Identifying the overriding problem and establishing the causes and effects related to that problem.
  • PO-3: Ethics: Practice and adhere to ethical principles in professional and personal aspects and strive to spread these virtues in the society.
  • PO-4: Critical Thinking: Scholar should be able to identify and assess problems and find appropriate long term solutions to them.
  • PO-5: Design, Development of Solutions: On completion of the programme, research students should be able to demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the literature and a comprehensive understanding of methods and techniques applicable to their own research.
  • PO-6: Self Directed and Life-long Learning: Scholar should be open to adapt to new rules, techniques, procedure as and when required and should be keen to learning.
  • PO-7: Social Interaction: Social interaction is important because it enables scholars to enhance their communication skills which in turn help them to deal with various parties during his /her research. The social interaction helps to improve the communication skills of students by enabling them to become good listeners.
  • PO-8: Effective Communication: Should be able to speak, write, read and listen clearly in person and through electronic media.
  • PO-9: Environment and Sustainability: Understand the outcomes of materials and techniques used in research and minimize its negative impact on environment.
  • PO-10: Effective Citizenship: Contribute to the society and human kind through his /her innovative research.


(Program Educational Objectives (PEOs))

  • PEO-1: To demonstrate broad knowledge of science.
  • PEO-2: To develop skills in quantitative modeling of scientific systems.
  • PEO-3: To provide the basic analytical and technical skills to work effectively in the various fields of sciences.
  • PEO-4: To promote analytical skills to solve complex scientific problems.

  • PEO-1: To provide value-based and ethical leadership in the professional and social life.
  • PEO-2: To provide the professional consultancy and research support for the relevant organization in the domain of super-specialization.
  • PEO-3: To provide skills of observations and drawing logical inferences from the scientific experiments.
  • PEO-4: To gain knowledge of Physics, Mathematics and Electronics through theory and practicals.

  • PEO-1: The main goal of the PhD program is to develop researchers who are well-equipped to undertake research challenges of the future for the benefit of the society. As it is almost impossible to claim that someone has become a researcher without a properly documented record of actual research, an important objective of the PhD program is to extend knowledge about some topic – this knowledge is generated by the Ph.D scholar with guidance of his/her supervisor.
  • PEO-2: Overall educational objective is to train future scientists who have the capacity to integrate information from multiple domains and competencies and conduct research that can be applied for the improvement of human kind.
  • PEO-3: To create an environment that encourages the student’s originality and creativity in their research.
  • PEO-4: To inculcate the skills amongst the research scholars to enable the student to critically examine the background literature relevant to their specific research area.
  • PEO-5: Giving an opportunity to develop skills in making and testing hypotheses, in developing new theories, and in planning and conducting experiments.
  • PEO-6: To give an opportunity to expand the student’s knowledge of their research area, including its theoretical foundations and the specific techniques used to study it.
  • PEO-7: Creating an environment where the research scholar learns to develop skills in written work, oral presentation and publishing the results of their research in high-profile refereed journals, through constructive feedback of written work and oral presentations.


(Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs))

  • PSO-1: To provide an opportunity for the students to explore the contemporary science and its applications in modern technology.
  • PSO-2: The students will realize and develop an understanding of the impact of physics and science on society as well as real-life applications.
  • PSO-3: To introduce advanced techniques and ideas required in developing areas of Physics.
  • PSO-4: To enhance student’s ability to develop advance mathematical models for physical systems.
  • PSO-5: To prepare the students to take-up career in different industries or to pursue higher studies and multidisciplinary research.
  • PSO-6: The students will attain successful professional careers in industry and academia to become entrepreneurs.

  • PSO-1: Students will be able to explain fundamental knowledge of Physics, Mathematics and Electronics.
  • PSO-2: To opt for higher education, disciplinary and multi-disciplinary research and to be a life-long learner.
  • PSO-3: To provide the professional services to industries, research organizations and institutes.
  • PSO-4: Students will be able to understand good laboratory practices and safety.

  • PSO-1: To gain an in-depth understanding of Physics via coursework.
  • PSO-2: Apply the knowledge gained in the coursework, and learn to identify the scientific merit in a given research problem.
  • PSO-3: Plan and execute research strategies, analyze and interpret scientific data, propose theoretical models, and obtain results that contributes to the specific field internationally, in the form of a Synopsis and Research Thesis.
  • PSO-4: Communicate scientific results in a lucid, logical manner, present in-house seminars, posters, and talks at national and international conferences, write scientific papers that are peer-reviewed for publications and ultimately write and defend the PhD thesis.

Department Information

H.O.D. Dr. Shamoon Ahmad Siddiqui
Email headphy@iul.ac.in
Contact(Ext. No.) 2187
Admissions Email admission@iul.ac.in
Admissions Call +91-9335177775

Contact Information

Department of Physics,
IInd Floor, Academic Block-II, Integral University,
Dasauli, Bas-ha Kursi Road,
Lucknow(U.P.) – 226026

0522- 2890730, 2890812